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Compare Women in Christianity and Islam

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Concept of God:

Christians believe the image of God to be three Gods merged into one. The Trinity’s components are the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and they are all equal. Each form of God has the same attributes of all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, unchanging, and everlasting. (Dew)

Concept of Prayer:

For Christians, prayer is the foundation of their religion, but is less strict than Islam. Christian believers create and sustain a relationship with God through direct two-way communication in prayer.

The Book of Prayer and its Origins:

The Bible is composed of both the book of Judaism and the story of Jesus’ life. Various authors wrote the 66 separate books containing the word of God. These circulated independently until the Council of Hippo compiled chosen books into the one volume Bible that is used by Christians.

Date of the Book:

The dates of the books of the Bible are only approximated. The Old Testament was written from around 1250B.C. to 100B.C. and the New Testament from 40A.D. to 70A.D. The 66 books were compiled together in 390 A.D. at the Council of Hippo.

Adam and Eve:

In the creation story, Eve was created from the rib of Adam, the first man. This notion has created controversy over gender equality. God commands Adam not to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but Eve persuades him to and the act of disobeying God is the original sin.

Status of Women/ Gender Equality:

The Bible is controversial on the matter of gender equality. There are numerous contradictions about the status of women in Christian society. Historically, the most prominent interpretation has been rather negative toward women. The Christian Church, with principally male authority, emphasizes the idea that women are inferior to man. They focus on Eve’s sin leading to a punishment that “her husband will have authority over her.” (Drury, 34)

Until recently, women were not allowed to preach or even speak in the Christian Church, but in modern times women are beginning to play a more significant. While sects of Christianity still hold the traditional teachings about women, others have given them equal status within the church, an increasingly accepted interpretation.

Responsibilities of Man and Woman:

The woman in Christianity is responsible to keep and practice her faith in God and to bear children, especially males. Her traditional role includes household chores and obeying her husband.

The man’s responsibility is also to keep faith and foster his relationship with God, but the man has been considered the protector and supporter of his wife and family. Traditionally, he also makes decisions for the entire family.

Responsibilities Toward Children:

The Bible states that raising children in the knowledge of God is the parents’ most important duty. Women are responsible for the bearing of children and for being their first teachers.

Concept of Sin and Repentance:

Christians believe in the original sin. All of humanity has inherited the sin and only faith in the death of Jesus can save man from eternal death. For forgiveness of sins, an individual only has to repent, confess, and ask for God’s mercy.

The Priests/ Jurists and their Roles:

In Christianity, there is an established hierarchy of authority in the Church; women are rarely allowed to be in these positions. These religious leaders often settle community issues as well as religious issues


Concept of God:

The Islamic concept of God is very similar to the Christian God, but Muslims see their God different in that their God is monotheistic. Allah is the sole source and sustainer of life. He has attributes of perfection, omnipotence, and essential oneness. Allah is not in the same form as man, but has no form at all.

Concept of Prayer

For Muslims, prayer is the first of the required Five Pillars of Islam. Believers pray five times a day, facing the holy city of Mecca, at specific hours of the day. Prayer is characterized by respect and praise of Allah. Muslims rarely make requests of God as Christians often do and they do not expect God to speak to them in prayer or keep covenants.

The Book of Prayer and its Origins:




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