Comprehensive Assignment on the Organizational Behavior
Essay by anil21ajay • April 24, 2017 • Research Paper • 3,534 Words (15 Pages) • 1,039 Views
Comprehensive Learning Assessment
Findings and Recommendation of Concepts Learned
Anil Kumar Sah
Bus 540 Organizational Behavior
Professor: Shirley Chuo
Westcliff University
October 24, 2016
This document reveals the concepts of Stereotype, positive and negative stereotypes, Individual decision making, Reward, Perception, Job satisfaction, Organization culture, Ethical values and beliefs, Communication and the concepts we learned from this course. This document also deals about the application of these concepts to the organization. This document uses the case study 3.1, Hy Diaries, INC. as a base and described the related concepts of our course.
This Case Study 3.1 reveals about Stereotyping. It also reveals the impacts of the stereotyping in an organization. In this case study, The Syd Gilman, the vice president of marketing at Hy Diaries, a large Midwestern Milk Products read the sales figures of the Hy’s Gourmet Ice cream brand and impressed with the sales figures. He credited this improvement in sales figures to the Rochelle Beauport, assistant brand manager at the Gourmet Ice Cream brand of Hy Diaries. He decided to reward her in annual performance reviews for such a big achievement in sales. He decided to promote her to the market research coordinator for her better promising career with Hy Diaries as he boosted his career with the same position. Here, the vice president thought that as she showed best performance in the assistant brand manager, a non-technical post directly related to the company’s profitability continued the same in the market research coordinator, a technical support position, a backroom job. The decision was made on the basis of her performance without knowing her interest and the reason of leaving the previous job. She thought that, as she was woman and the woman of color, she had been sidelined from the opportunity to reach the company’s top management as same happened in her previous job.
The relevant topics from this case study 3.1 to our course organizational behavior are:
1. Stereotype: It is defined as same vision about the physical appearance, personality, or behavior of an individual or particular group of people, without a logical basis. (Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. Vol. 2. 3rd ed. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2016). For examples, Nepalese people drink too much; all employees like to work in various departments.
Stereotypes can be positive and negative.
a. Positive Stereotypes: It is defined as the positive belief about the individual or particular group of people without logical reason. This causes people to unreasonable expectation on the individual which leads to the undue pressure. For example, all people of Asia are geniuses and are most intelligent in math and science.
Positive stereotype makes someone take a wrong judgment about any individual or group.
If a manager of an organization does positive stereotype with his employees, this may lead to the bad working relationship, low morale and the legal tension etc. that really affects the organization’s productivity.
b. Negative Stereotype: It is based on negative implications to an individual’s ethnicity and race, age, gender, politics or sexual orientation. For example, your new assistant has a different political affiliation from yours. Based on this negative stereotypes associated with assistant political party, if you make thoughts about your assistant, you might not develop a good relationship with your assistant. This could block your capacity to work together. If you behave your assistant as an individual and ignore the political differences then you can work together smoothly and get the better productivity.
In this case study 3.1, the vice president decided to promote the Rochelle Beauport, assistant brand manager for her exceptional performance in the sales. He decided to promote her as the market research coordinator, higher vacant post in the organization. The Rochelle Beauport was not convinced to this promotion because she was interested to work in the sales department, a route to the top management and directly associated with the company’s profitability. But she was not able to deny to the vice president because of his higher position in hierarchy. We can avoid this kind of stereotypes in organizations by providing the better communication between the employees and executive. For example, if the vice president could have asked the Rochelle Beauport about job of her interest, this could not happen.
2. Individual Decision Making: It is decision make by the managers alone without taking the groups input or opinions of others. This is the traditional way of decision making. [K.A. Francis (2016)]. So, decision making is step by step procedure that can be applicable for the variety of problems in the organization.
There are two methods to take individual decisions.
a. Programmed decisions: This is based on the established hypotheses. For example, reward the employee on the basis of his performance.
b. Non-programmed decisions: This is new and complex type of decisions. Creativity is required for this kind of solution. For example, trust on the new technology innovation in the organization. Chief Executive Officer of Blackberry failed to trust on the touch screen technology in multimedia phones leads company to very big loss in the market.
The manager takes the decision using his own ideas, creative thinking and experience. As the individual decision is taken by a single person, it may sometimes influenced by the Intuition or recognition of possibilities. In some cases, it gives the right result but in some cases it may lead to bad decision making that affects the organization very badly.