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Content Is No More King?

Essay by   •  March 27, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  951 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,106 Views

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Content is no more king?

(In today’s times is content the only mantra to success? Express your views)

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Content Is King

Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.

  • Bill Gates

Needless to say, Gates was precise in his estimates.

This was the initial landmark when the rise and importance of contents was seen and needed in order to have a reasonable business just through client attention, attraction and absorption.

Content is the sole key to today’s marketing strategies as Firms use creative, innovative, excellent, resourceful and enjoyable contents for key marketing strategies which includes Social and Mobile Marketing, Market Penetration and also for analysis in Product Development Strategies.

Content Marketing is a cyclic process that involves constant reinvention.

It consists of

  1. Creation & Management of Content

Understanding needs of customers and potential customers and creating contents to provide solutions to these needs. Strong precise and relevant content with effective objective should be managed well so as to attract the audience.

  1. Optimisation & Aggregation of Content

This includes analysis and effective implementation of strategies that would help to strike balance with creativity, innovative, engagement, technology, expressiveness and SEO.

  1. Conversation & Listening of Audience

Valuable feedback should be analysed for future content marketing strategies and key relationships must be developed with the audience to improvise marketing strategies.

  1. Measuring & Learning

This helps in improvising the strategies, the contents, the effectiveness, the appealing factor, the expressiveness and other factors that help to connect to audience.

Let us understand Social and Mobile Marketing, which is one of the key strategies that uses Contents heavily.

Social and Mobile Marketing

Social plug-ins allows the user to share contents from other websites to his near and dear friends, colleagues and peers with a single click. It allows the users to like the content, be the content on an article, a movie or a band, this preference gets shared automatically on their Facebook newsfeed. Friends in turn can link simply to the liked site, such that the system profits both the external company and Facebook—and users. Companies thus place “Like” buttons on their web pages to drive more traffic to Facebook, and then enjoy more return traffic from Facebook to their own web pages.

The term social media refers to content circulated through online and mobile technologies to enable interpersonal communications. These media exploit various firms that offer services or tools to assist consumers and firms build connections. Through these connections, marketers and customers share information of all forms—from their thoughts about products or images, to uploaded pictures, music, and videos.

Companies can broadcast from their own channel, that is, a YouTube site that contains content relevant only to the company’s own products.

Corporate blogs, which are produced by the companies themselves, have the maximum level of control, because to a large notch, they can control the content posted on them. Of course, blogs also permits customers to reply to posts, so the content can never be wholly controlled, but marketing managers have a good chance to shower their blogs with the messages they wish their customers to see. The best corporate blogs demonstrate the importance of pleasing customers around the core brand tenets without being overly worried with a hard sell.

Marketers can study the content found on sites like Facebook, Twitter, online blogs, and reviews to evaluate the favourableness or unfavourableness of the sentiments, using a technique known as sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis allows marketers to examine data from these sources to collect consumer remarks about companies and their products.

Content marketing is the only marketing left.

  • Seth Godin.

Following features must be implemented to make effective and accurate content marketing strategies

  1. More Targeted and Personal.
  2. More Marketing Automated Tools.
  3. More Professional Writers.
  4. Co-Ordinate With Social And Mobile Marketing
  5. Focus More On Distribution
  6. More Visual and Digital.

However, with the ever growing, rapid and unstable competitive marketing environment, there is a need to improvise on factors even more than the contents. Some experts give these factors a higher priority than contents and hence they do feel content is no king any more.



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