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Controversial Issues

Essay by   •  October 28, 2010  •  Essay  •  922 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,853 Views

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Controversy is everywhere; people can take the least controversial things and make them controversial just for the sake of arguing about them. There are a lot of issues that are a big concern to people these days; issues that cause debates and become major issues in presidential elections. People take all kinds of views of these very issues and a lot of the time the bible is a big influence on people's final decisions on how they feel. People believe things are wrong because the bible tells them that it is wrong. No matter what religion you are the bible in a very important piece of history in this society. Things like abortion and homosexuality are frowned upon because of the way the bible is interpreted. People feel that the sixth commandment "thou shall not kill" also goes for a fetus; or they take that a union is between a man and a woman means that people of the same sex can't have the same sacred union. People take this out dated piece of history and try to apply it to our society today without taking into account that the human race has changed since the bible has been written.

When the topic of abortion comes up people refer to the bible's sixth commandment "thou shall not kill" and they feel that having an abortion is killing a baby no matter what stage of the pregnancy it is in. People feel that abortion should not be legal. Professor of law at the University of Colorado, Paul Campos said, "Whether or not abortion should be legal turns on the answer to the question of whether and at what point a fetus is a person. This is a question that cannot be answered logically or empirically. The concept of parenthood is neither logical nor empirical. It is essentially, or quasi-religious idea, based on one's fundamental (and therefore unverifiable) assumptions about the nature of the world." People have different views on abortion, when it's acceptable, when its not and some just think that no matter what the circumstances it is never okay. There are people that believe that abortion is only acceptable under certain conditions such as the woman was raped or she got pregnant due to incest. Some people feel that an abortion acceptable when the woman is in danger. People who are more about the choice of the woman feel that abortion is okay when it is done in the first trimester. Others feel that the woman should be able to choose up until the time the fetus is born. The question for most people still is at what point does a human person come into existence? The answer to this question goes back to the bible. It depends on how each person feels about when the fetus is a considered a human. The controversy of abortion will always be there. The truth of the matter is whether or not abortion is legal solely relies on the government. The Supreme Court justices ruled that anywhere in the United States "During the first three months of pregnancy, a woman and her physician may jointly decide to terminate a pregnancy.



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