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Core 101

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Alexis Beard

CORE 101

Draft #1

        One of my favorite sayings is, “When a door closes, a window opens”. Now, while is not always true, I would like to think it true for my reason for coming to Radford University. Radford was a lot of things to everyone around me: a great school, good experience, a chance to get out of my hometown; but the most important thing Radford had was: a new start. To my family, friends, and cowrokers, this was vauled higher than anything else.

        But to me Radford was equialient to a big, fat NO. I had no interest in actually going to Radford, it was just a safety school in case I didn’t get into my other top priority schools. Radford was just the party school that was just another school on my list of options. Most importantly, Radford, and the other schools I applied to, didn’t have one thing that I felt at the time that I would die without: my (now ex) boyfriend.

        My boyfriend and I had been dating for about nine months and I truly believed he was my entire world. We would spend every waking moment together. We were always talking on the phone, texting each other, talking about each other. He was my life, or so I thought. But one gigantic flaw that I didn’t see, and unfortantuely didn’t realize until the night before I came to Radford was that our relationship was beyond the level of toxic and unsafe.

        The night before I left for Radford I had gotten a phone call from my boyfriend, who from now on I will refer to as X. He had called in frantic yet furious state complaining about me leaving for college the next day and how I wasn’t texting him and how this is exactly how it would be in school. He continued to ramble on and on about how I was going to be a “cheating slut” and how I didn’t deserve his love and affection. Great guy right?

        As my day continued, my phone was completely blowing up with hurtful and spiteful text messages and voicemails. I had to turn off my phone at one point because I just couldn’t take the abuse.

        Finally the moment I had always dreamed of came: packing for college. Yes, I did it last minute but that’s how I tend to do my packing. Happily packing with my mother and sisters  Iget a phone call. It was my boyfriend. HE told me he was driving to my house and that if I didn’t come outside he would come to my house and cause a scene. I couldn’t have this happen not to my sisters, nor my mother.



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