Essay by review • October 9, 2010 • Essay • 1,150 Words (5 Pages) • 1,534 Views
Corruption: The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity; depravity; wickedness; impurity; bribery. In the film Blue Chips corruption overshadows true meaning of sports tournament. There are two challenging issues in the film dealing with money and morals. Bribery is used to save the athletic reputation of the university. A college basketball coach finds himself battling between his morals, integrity of the team and institution he works for.
Pete Bell a basketball coach at Western University. Coach Bell has an impeccable reputation at WU, coaching the number one basketball team in the nation. During his coaching career, WU has won two national championships; eight conference titles and has never had a losing season. His life passion is basketball and his greatest fear is losing a tournament. Making a six-figure salary and being responsible for a team that 15,000 people came to watch,
one could say he was completely pleased. His work was honored especially the way he always played by the rules. He knew of many coaches that would bribe their recruits or players for fixed games. Bell despised coaches who played parts in such corruption.
During one season his greatest fear came reality. His team lost, this was a major failure to WU
Corruption: The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted or debased; loss of purity or integrity; depravity; wickedness; impurity; bribery. In the film Blue Chips corruption overshadows true meaning of sports tournament. There are two challenging issues in the film dealing with money and morals. Bribery is used to save the athletic reputation of the university. A college basketball coach finds himself battling between his morals, integrity of the team and institution he works for.
Pete Bell a basketball coach at Western University. Coach Bell has an impeccable reputation at WU, coaching the number one basketball team in the nation. During his coaching career, WU has won two national championships; eight conference titles and has never had a losing season. His life passion is basketball and his greatest fear is losing a tournament. Making a six-figure salary and being responsible for a team that 15,000 people came to watch,
one could say he was completely pleased. His work was honored especially the way he always played by the rules. He knew of many coaches that would bribe their recruits or players for fixed games. Bell despised coaches who played parts in such corruption.
During one season his greatest fear came reality. His team lost, this was a major failure to WU's reputation, contributing Alumni's and the fans. The media criticized him because of his team's performance. Coach Bell could not face another embarrassment he took it upon himself to recruit three new players for the next season.
The potential recruits were portrayed in stereotypical manner. Butch a very smart black student and excellent ball player but had a tough life growing up with a single mom in the projects. Ricki white young man grew up on a farm, in the south came from racist home had no interest in going to college. Neon a black young man also from the south excellent ball player but lacks the intelligence to even get into college. Butch and Ricki have one thing in common they know how many universities want them on their teams. When coach Bell flew out to meet the recruits and their families, they want more than just an athletic scholarship for their sons. Butch's mother tells coach she would like a home with a lawn. Ricki's father wants a new tractor and some cash.
Bell's never been faced with these demands in his career. Material goods and money have never influenced the decisions of potential recruits. Coach Bell was faced with the pressure of living up to WU winning reputation and his moral belief in playing by the rules. There were no losers at Western University and these recruits were the best around. These players meant winning, saving the reputation of his career and