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Essay by   •  December 24, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,229 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,385 Views

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The purpose of this paper is to take a look at the different jobs and careers I would be fit to be. While deciding this, I completed three different assessments to help me discover my options: the Self Directed Search, the Skills and Abilities Test, and the MBTI. These three assessments were very useful in helping me broaden my outlooks on possible career fields. Along with completing these three assessments, I have chosen a career field, and proceeded to do some research of my own on this career field. I found out many useful things about this career, and hope it will really broaden my outlook on my career.

When looking at one's career, there is a career development cycle that we all as humans go through, or should go through. It really is very helpful to people that aren't sure about themselves, or that maybe need some help in getting headed in the right direction. In this career development cycle, there are four different phases: phase one - increasing one's self awareness, phase two - exploring career options, phase three - making decisions about careers, and phase four - moving from decisions to actions. I would have to say that I am already at phase four of the career development cycle in that I have already declared my major, and am already starting to take classes towards my major. I have basically already decided that I'm going to be both a teacher and a coach for either high school or middle school; I am not limiting myself to this career choice alone, and am always open to new ideas and possibilities. After completing these three assessments, different job ideas were presented to me, and I chose to do a little research on the Real Estate career.

Regarding this job, I felt that a career in Real Estate would fit me well if a career in teaching fell through. I chose this job because it requires someone to be sociable, self-driven, have good leadership skills, organized, have good speaking abilities, and that works and interacts well with other people. I feel like I am all of these things. While conducting research about this career field, I have discovered many different interesting facts that I did not know before. I've learned that Real Estate Agents are pretty self-driven, and don't let the job make them, they make the job. Some educational requirements are that you must have a minimum of 30 college hours, as well as four Real Estate courses. I learned that your workday is pretty much what you make out of it. You would talk on the phone and work on leads throughout the day, as well as research the surrounding properties currently on the market. You have to be well organized and have good people skills to be a good Real Estate Agent.

I'd say that the demands and job responsibilities of this career field fit with me perfectly. The job is a good match for me because I am self-driven. I'm organized, I have good people skills, I'm a fast learner, and can do anything I set my mind to, when I want to. I would be able to fulfill the educational requirements for this job if I really wanted to, and would have no problem with doing so. When something in my life comes along that I really want, within reason, I do everything I can to get it. I haven't been known to give on something I enjoy, or something that I start for that matter, when I really put my mind to it. When I want, I really have a drive that pushes me to accomplish every goal I set for myself, and when I don't accomplish a goal fully, I still come into a greater person in the process.

As of right now, I'm not really doing anything towards a major in Real Estate. My concentration is on Kinesiology because I have already decided what I want to do when I graduate from college. I am taking 15 hours this semester and 12 next semester, so I suppose I'm on my way to the 30 hours needed for real Estate. Right now, I'm pretty much taking core classes only, this way if I do happen to change my mind about my future, I won't



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