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Essay by   •  February 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  396 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,049 Views

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The Middle Ages found the mounted herdsman a frequent fixture of the semi-arid lands of Spain, but rare in countries like England and France. Strong intrepid horsemen were required to deal with the rugged geography of the Iberian Peninsula, and the wild ganado prieto, predecessor to the savage bull ring black cattle. So integral a part of the Spanish culture was horsemanship, that the world caballero (horseman) became, and still is, the equivalent of the English word "gentleman." The word for horse in French is cheval and knight is chevalier. The English term cavalry is derived from Italian. In Spanish the word "horse" is caballo and knight or noble horseman is Caballero. In the Middle Ages knighthood was a very high station in society. By his vows, the knight was required to swear to advocate justice and the protection of women, elderly and the weak. The noble knight was a protector of the common people guided by a code of conduct and etiquette; an interesting parallel to the modern day social worker, only without all the glory and romance. As a contemporary social worker and sheep rancher myself, it is clear now that these penchants are built into the DNA, but, I much prefer the old-fashioned version. As part of the knighthood ceremony, the knight was required to adopt an identifying coat of arms insignia, (in ranching culture later evolving into the "brand"), ride to all the villages in the kingdom, and publicly recite his vows of knighthood so that all would witness his devotion to the King and his people. This part of the ceremony was to enable all in the Kingdom to recognize the knight, and if the knight faltered in his duties, he endured public shame and dishonor. A knight's honor was a virtue for which many knights defended to the death. Keeping in mind that the first Spanish vaqueros were well heeled aristocratic Caballero (gentlemen), land holders and noblemen, and certainly inextricably integrated in Spanish society with the culture of Spanish knights, it should come as no surprise that the horseman's techniques used by knights flowed into the work practices back at the estancia / ranch. Getting down and dirty with the livestock was work relegated to servants. The Caballero / Vaquero rarely ever got off his horse for any menial purpose. He did virtually everything from the back of his steed.



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