Create a Profile of All of the Three Yogas. for Each of the Three Yogas You Must Include A-C
Essay by review • December 6, 2010 • Essay • 1,430 Words (6 Pages) • 1,512 Views
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Create a profile of all of the three yogas. For each of the three yogas you must include A-C.
Have you ever wondered what yoga actually stands for? Where it can from? Why people are interested in it? Or, how yoga is apart of life? People such as philosophers, and psychologists, have over time been attempting to answer, these questions for centuries. According to yoga is defined as, "a holistic system of refining the body, mind, and the spirit in unison, ultimately, it is well being at peace and bliss." Yoga is by far one of the most relaxing methods of exercise used till this day, by more then one religion. There are three main types of yoga, action (karma yoga), devotion (bhakti yoga), and knowledge (jhana yoga). Having three types of yoga helps for people to then focus on one thing at a time and can accommodate everyone when a person is attempting to become involved in yoga.
As Smith states, "The word yoga derives from the same root as does the English word yoke, and yoke carries double connotation: to unite "yoke together", and to place under disciplined training (to bring under the yoke). Both connotations are present in the Sanskrit word. Defined generally, then, yoga is a method or training designed to lead to integration or union." (Smith 27) I used this quotation because it basically states the exact meaning of what the word yoga means. For one to understand the concept of yoga, they must first learn what each individual meaning is to continue to learn on this subject.
Let us begin this journey of yoga with one of the most comely known and practiced yoga's, the karma yoga; the yoga of action. According to the Hindu, and any other religions there are three basic steps to life, "being born, living life with full speed, and the dying." That is were the phrase, "live life to its fullest," comes from. That phrase is pretty self explanatory and basically means that you should live each day like its you last, because you never know when something is going to happen or when you're going to die.
People use the karma yoga as a way of self help and training. This type of yoga is used in the training of ones body, and physical self. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna states that, "the main point in karma yoga is that a person must detach themselves from any positive or negative determinations and may be used when making decisions and taking action on something."
"Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme." (Krishna, 3.19) I believe this passage means, that if a person wants to be involved with something spiritual, and for them, there should be no expectations or needs, and once a person has realized that, they will in turn be happier in the end.
The type of person that is most appropriate for this type of yoga is someone that is very active, and enjoys always being on the move. According to Smith, this person is usually, "the compulsive housekeepers as well as the great scientists." (Smith 37) This type of person is very loud and outgoing, and can in some places be considered a, "driver." Meaning they are driven for what they want and they usually go after it without worry of what the outcome may be.
To demonstrate a person using this type of yoga in action, one may attend a hearing between two very powerful attorneys. Here one will see two different head- strong drivers trying to fight for their point of view. In this type of situation, one may witness an attorney as being forceful, knowledgeable, and to thinking one way. They may also see that this type of person has done all the research needed and go into battle with another person, having no idea of what the outcome may be. This shows that a person does not necessarily have to be mean and unpleasant to get what they want, but that with enough evidence, drive, and determination, they will be the one that comes out on top.
The second type of widely known used yoga is the yoga of devotion, or also known as Bhakti yoga. This yoga is said to be directed at ones love of god. The Bhakti yoga "sees all things as being equal, and that all this are equally important as they are to god." Meaning that no matter how much a person loves something, they will love God the same way, because he was the creator and everything is equally important in relation to him.
A passage from the Bhagavad-Gita states, "dwelling apart upon a peak, with senses subjugate where to the clod, the rock, the glistering gold show all as one. By this sign is of