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Criminal Justice System

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                                     Criminal Justice System

                                        Angelita Butler

                CJS/200 Foundation of the Criminal Justice System

                                               July 5, 2015

                                               Juan Munoz

The criminal justice system is made up of three components. They are the police, the courts and corrections. Each component plays a major role in the criminal justice system. They all work together in trying to uphold the laws of the country. Each component has a different job. The police are supposed to protect and serve. Their job is to protect the citizens to make sure they are safe and secure. To seek out criminals and put them in jail. Lately they have not been doing their job they have been part of the problem and most citizens are scared of the police. They are begin a negative instead of a positive.

The next components are the courts which are supposed to be fair and just. They are supposed to take criminals and make sure that they are off the streets so they are unable to repeat the crime. The judges are supposed to sentence the criminal to a time that is fit for the crime. Even though we have attorney’s that try to help the criminal from being put in jail and money can buy you freedom.

 The corrections department is another component which is there to make sure that the criminals are doing their time and not trying to commit more crimes while they are in prison or a correctional institute. Some criminals don’t learn from their mistakes and continue to commit crimes even while in prison. Even though the jails where created to rehabilitate the inmates they are not doing that and most prisoners become repeat offenders over and over again. In the last couple of years they have taken out all methods that where in place for prisoners to be able to learn something so when they get out they would be to get some type of work.

 The government is the final component of the criminal justice system and its purpose is to oversee all the other components making sure that they are abiding by the laws of the land.  The judicial system does not make the law or enforce it instead it interprets the law and applies it to the fact of each case.

In all the criminal justice system was design to honor and protect citizens good and bad. They have not done a good job and there is still a lot of work to be done in order for the components to work as they should.



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