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Critical Thinking Simulation

Essay by   •  December 3, 2010  •  Term Paper  •  1,204 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,113 Views

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At Abank Mfg., the focus is on the five major areas of the organizational problem at workplace. 1) To know and understand each individual and their needs;

2) To approach and supervise each individual as an individual; 3) To provide what support/help to each individual to achieve the measure of satisfaction the employee needs to achieve increased productivity and individual growth-achievement, recognition advancement, etc; 4) To foster the spirit of cooperation, positive attitude, and proper work ethic in each individual; and 5) To know and understand functions of educator, coach, judge, and spokesperson position success as a supervisor is directly related to and dependent upon the performance of subordinates. Each supervisor must recognize and be personally committed to the success of their subordinates.

Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with attached meanings. Communication is the basic of all understanding between people. This techniques and skills used in giving and getting information through feedback. By understanding feedback Ð'- it's types and barriers. This refers to my workplace by communicating with supervisor and subordinates. Through effective communication, problem can be identified, analyzed, and corrected. In the organization that I work, many supervisors try to build a relationship with their employees and associates. There is couple of rules that each supervisor can use in order to achieve. One is that seek to clarify supervisors ideas before communicating. The more systematically you rethink out your ideas to be communicated, the clearer they become. Before you communicate, ask yourself what you really want to accomplish with your message. Identify your most important goal and then adapt your language, tone, and total approach to serve that specific objective. Following this rules, supervisors can achieve their understanding with their employees. It is a good proactive to talk with others, especially if it is a technical matter, when developing facts on which to base a communication. This should be considered for important communications but should not be done as a regular part of communications in a work place. A supervisor should be as proficient in as many types of communication skills as possible in order to achieve the understanding between an employee and associate.

Planning is setting goals and deciding on courses of action, developing rules and procedures, developing plans, and forecasting. This relates to my organization by, putting a plan together that both customers and employees for improvement in products, services and quality of decision making. This makes problem solving integral part of any improvement effort. The challenge is to successfully apply problem solving methods within a total improvement framework. The way we plan to set goals in the organization is by settling methods that can help to solve the problems. When identifying problems, the supervisor should be extremely careful to identify the most likely cause or causes. Focus on exploring, clarifying, and defining the problem. When it comes to my own position. I analyze the position, by collecting the facts, opinions and feelings necessary to acquire enough information on which to make a judgment. Then I verify the accuracy of the gathered information and determine the most problem cause. After reviewing the final results, I make a decision as to what action will be taken to solve any productivity related problem. Consequently, the supervisor's must start the problem solving problem in order to focus it on the business matters. This will help participation and acceptance of the supervisor as the leader. It will also show that the lesser priority problem does not have as much importance.

Organizational culture is the system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops an organization and guides the behaviors of its members. Case in point is the recent merger between Allied Signal and Honeywell. Both corporations have adopted each other's core values, which exemplifies their leadership vision for a successful future's the merger took edict, many of the current employees were abhorred to hear that more changes were soon to take place,. Most significantly was the current change that took effect in two key departments.

The departments currently affected by these changes are Quality Assurance & The Warehouse. Both heads of departments were advised that "cuts" was eminent throughout the organization; therefore they should address the issue of downsizing with their subordinates.



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