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Critical Thinking and Language

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Critical Thinking and Language

Barth (2005) states, "metaphor is, in fact, how we deal with complex concepts, situations, actions, and interactions" ( 4). Many aspects of life can be metaphorical, the individuals in person's life, their job, or what they do, or somewhere one has traveled. According to Kirby and Goodpaster (1999), "metaphors are the way we think about ourselves and the world" (p.18). In critical thinking, we examine things beyond the surface, reaching deeper for explanation into the world and into our lives. With that in mind, I can remember certain aspects of my life, past and present, where metaphors are been used to make a comparison between two things. My mother would always say, "Boy, your head is as hard as a rock, you are so hard-headed" (G. Finch, personal communication, January 2006). She did not necessarily meaning that my head was actually hard like stone, but meant that I was very stubborn or that I was not listening to what she may have been telling me to do. My fiancÐ"© said when she hugs me that I am "cuddly as a teddy bear "(D. Sherman, personal communication, February 14, 2006). She was not necessarily meaning that I was plush like a child's toy but that my demeanor and characteristics reminded her of the softness of a stuffed animal. Describing my mother, "she ran our household with an iron fist". Her fist was not made of iron, but she was very strict in how she dealt with things. When I describe my fiancÐ"©, she has the "heart of a lion". Simply meaning that she is boldly generous, not that her anatomical heart is the same size as a lion's. In addition, I can describe myself as having an "ice cold glare". Simply meaning that when I glare at someone my look is stern, not that has anything to do with being physically cold or relating to temperature. Metaphors and the words they use have a strong role in language and language diversity. They empower the expression of our thoughts in critical thinking. Language and language diversity play a major role in the critical thinking process. In addition, critical thinking provides better understanding of persuasion.

"More than 250 languages are spoken in the United States today. Although this linguistic diversity can make life interesting, there are times when we need help to communicate across accent and language barriers"(Theiderman, 2005, Language Diversity, 1). With as many languages spoken, language is important and necessary to communication, understanding, and critical thinking. We must learn as much as possible within the language we speak in order to be able to function coherently. In addition, language influences our thought. The words we use create comprehension and they evoke thoughts in whoever listens. Kirby et al. state, "We have shown that language gives universalizing power to the mind, that language structures our perceptions, and that the metaphor plays a crucial role in the way language works and the way we think" (p.49).

Language empowers the expression of our thoughts through the words we use. The more words you have knowledge of open your mind to many different areas of language. The more that one learns about language the more we open ourselves up to the world and give us power as speakers. The power is not limited to speaking, but the power is immeasurable in thought. As we grow from children to adults, our language has also grows. In addition, our expressions, thoughts, and critical thinking skills grow. When a person was two years old, he or she was limited in the language they knew. Their language was basic; their language met their needs for that time. As an adult, say 22 years old, language has grown to be diverse and communication can take for on a number of levels, not just based on basic needs. Thoughts are expressed with a high intellectual content as opposed to babbling as a toddler. Whereas, there may have not been any critical thought as of age two, at age 22, critical thought involves detail and allows for the use in persuasion. Critical thinking and the words we use directly influence the empowerment of thought through language. Persuasion offers insight into that aspect of language



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