Crystal Case
Essay by csteadman83 • February 9, 2015 • Essay • 1,438 Words (6 Pages) • 1,161 Views
Crystal Steadman
February 2, 2015
Summary Response
In this summary response I will speak about two article that we were assigned to read. The first on is titled The Economic Price of College Failure. The author that wrote this name is Kevin Carey he wrote this in September 2, 2014 and it was published in The New York times. Mr. Carey was questioning is college student really getting the education that they pay for and deserve. He is a part of the groundbreaking book call Academically Adrift that is based on limited or no learning in college. The group Academically Adrift did a studied on some students at a four year college campus. The study was first done on incoming freshmen about critical thinking, analytic reasoning and communication skills. The study is called Collegiate Learning Assessment (C.L.A). They compare their score from the beginning of college which is freshman year and they take another test in the middle of their senior year.
Some of the scores from the participated student decreased from freshmen year and some increased in the senior years. The group later check on the student after they graduate and notice that the ones who had bad scored in the C.L.A assessment test was likely to be laid off. Student and their parent pay all of this money for school and they don't get the best education that they need. Students know it's very easy to get degree in college now. When Mr. Arum and Ms. Roksas did their research and study they found that student was paying for a poorly education. The group of Academically Adrift is trying to let the United Stated government know what is going on in the colleges. Instructor are teaching but the student are not grasping the information from the course. Some colleges don't require the critical thinking in some courses. I truly believe that some college do lack certain skills in college that is require for the cooperate world. I took a class this past semester and studying was not the issue it was understanding the material. It was not a challenge at all to read it. The instructor given use all the material that we need to know and just study it and you will pass. I passed the course but I did not understand it everything was giving to me there was no need of critical thinking. As a student all I wanted do is pass the course. I believed if I was not giving the all the information and had to do the research on my on it would have stick in my brain more. This is an example of Economic Price of Colleges Failures. Truly the financial Aid Department definitely need to know this. The corporate world is made up with so many skill that is not taught in the classroom. So when the student graduate and begin their life in the world they are loss. This also include some nursing that goes to a two college and expected to be ready for the hospital environment.
When I enrolled in college I really thought it was going to be hard. The reason why I thought that was due to the fact of my learning technique. Since I have been enrolled it have be really easy, but the question I that I have to ask myself is did I learn something. I truly believe that colleges is based on money meaning it's all about the money not the student. Money seem to be everything now a days and at the end the student suffer. The more students that are enrolled the more money the school receives.
For me being a student I can say that I don't use my critical thinking skill a lot. I know it is important to use the skill because you learn so much more about the topic when you research it on your own. There should be more demands on important skills that is need for this world.
In the second article that was require for use to read was College the Easy Way. The author name is Bob Herbert which this was also published in The New York Times. This article actually states the same thing in the second one what is American student learning in college? In Mr. Herbert article he states how college is now more expensive and less learning. He states how many college student come to college not prepared at all and their prior school did not demand academic tasks. So student that were asked question stated they study for less than five hours a week, but still have a G.P.A between B or B plus. The lack of academic rigor within two year college and university is no good for student. It's like college only put in in debt without the education. Students can cheat their way through college that is how easy it is to get a degree. Like I mention in the first part of