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Cupid and Psyche: Myth or Folktale?

Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  1,018 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,864 Views

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When looking at the definitions of folktales and myths, we can conclude that there is a very fine line between the two. Myth can be defined as "Ð'... to do with the gods and their actions, with creation, and with the general nature of the universe and of the earth." (Thompson, 106) On the other hand, some might say that folktale is defined as an anonymous story, that originates and circulates orally among a people (Harris and Platzner, 1054), or even that folktales involve a fairy god mother and dancing mice. However, there seems to be many similarities between the two concepts, and the story of Eros and Psyche is no exception. This story entails many mythic characteristics as well as many features of a folktale. Though the story comprises of Greek gods and other myth like elements, the features of a folktale seem to be much more abundant then that of a myth. I believe that the story of Eros and Psyche is a folktale because of the many folktale elements this story encompasses, as well as the fact that, unlike other myths, there is no real underlying purpose to this particular story.

A major component of myth is that it serves some underlying purpose in describing how certain events occurred or why certain events happen. For instance, the myth of Demeter and Persephone, explains why seasons change the way they do. Another example is that of the myth of Pandora, which describes how and why, women are present today. However, the story of Eros and Psyche does not have this underlying purpose which most myths do possess. This tale seems to be one of pure enjoyment and fantasy more than a specific purpose. The fact that this story does not contain this important characteristic categorizes this tale as more of a folktale background, than a myth.

Many classical myths have some folktale elements incorporated into the story. However, the tale of Eros and Psyche has an abundance of these characteristics. The entire story itself is much like the common fairytale of "Beauty and the Beast." A distinct parallel between the two folktales is when Psyche arrives to a beautiful, enchanted castle, being waited on by invisible servants. This is also present in Beauty and the Beast, when Belle arrives to the Beast's palace, surrounded by luxury and kindness. (Voegelin, 129) Common to the story of "Cinderella", Psyche is forbidden to see her husband by her evil mother-in-law (Aphrodite) and must overcome obstacles in order to achieve internal happiness. A common characteristic of folktales are that the major character of the story must overcome obstacles and challenges to get what they desire. The story of Eros and Psyche is no exception. Psyche is given four tasks from Aphrodite to complete before she can be considered a suitable wife for her son, Eros. One of the most common folktale stories is that of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". In the tale of Snow White, the Queen is displeased in learning that Snow White, white as snow, red as blood and black as ebony, is the "Ð'...fairest one of all". (Grimm, 83) In the story of Psyche, Aphrodite is upset with the fact that Psyche, a measly mortal, is said to be more beautiful than her. Both Aphrodite and the Queen, full of anger and jealousy plan out their revenge on their competition. Another major parallel with these two stories is the fact that both Psyche and Snow White are put into a deep sleep in which they are only awaken by their "princes" (Grimm, 89). These many characteristics that show up through out many different tales is pure evidence that this story is much more like a folktale, than a myth.

One of the major concepts of folktales is that they are stories that are passed down by word of mouth. In this story of Eros and Psyche, Apuleius writes the story as



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