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Current Events-Who Cares?

Essay by   •  January 22, 2014  •  Essay  •  764 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,079 Views

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Now, let me guess... you're here on this website because your 500 year old history teacher was appalled at the number or shall I say lack of students that raised their hand today during class when asked if they watch the news. From there, your teacher (who you frequently mistook to be John Adams at the fault of his hair and enflaming passion for this "current events") then assigned an essay on "current events" and why it is vital to American life. Then again, they must have implied that American life is extinct since you might just be as oblivious as Hugh Hefner. I might add though, you probably know where Justin Bieber was 537,338 seconds ago because you're just so enthusiastic about the welfare of our country. Sorry, I must have gotten distracted. The daily news has just been updated on Perez Hilton's blog... Simon Cowell just revealed to the world that he is a democratic!

I apologize for that interruption. Now back on task. In addition to the lovely waste of paper your teacher had assigned, they probably made you go on my website and answer questions testing how ignorant you are, only to prove their theory correct when they say that today's teenagers seem to spend most of their day in a gated building that teaches them about everything BUT what is happening outside the brick building.

Well, let us continue, scroll to the questions at the bottom and enlighten me as to how patriotic you are.

1. How many years young are you?

-You see, this is important because events don't matter if you weren't alive? I mean, why you would need to know about the Civil Rights Movement beats me... as if it is that significant to your daily life, especially if you heritage is anything that did not originate from Great Britain. So who cares about history and anything that could be "history" 50 years from now? Even then, I don't understand why some people become so passionate about the government and latest advancements in medicine and technology. Found the cure to cancer? Well, no need to announce that to the world. Please, it's all about the current events. For example, what we should REALLY be worried about is who the winner of "The X-Factor" will be.

2. On a scale of 1-10 rate how aware you are of what is occurring at the moment.

- Well, just to help you out here are some mega important events you should know to assist you in rating your ignorance. You can even say if you answered about 8 correctly then you can rate yourself to be 80% aware!

* Did you see Miley Cyrus' outfit at the IHeartRadio festival?

* What color was it?

* What song did she sing?

* Most importantly, what kind of earrings was she wearing?

* Who



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