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Cwv 101 - Benchmark - Gospel Essentials

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Name: john

Course: CWV 101

Date: Oct 18,2015

Instructor: Andre Mooney

Benchmark - Gospel Essentials

There is vast meaning of God, as per Christianity world view.  God is much more “Big” than any human being in all sense. So it is virtually impossible to describe God or define God. It is like slug is trying to prove Einstein’s complex theory.  All of us know something related to God, but each of us is depended on God himself to revel existence of God. God is doing that through his son, Jesus and Bible. God is a living personal Spirit. He is not an impersonal force, but a living being who acts (Psalm 115:3-7). God invites everyone to have talk with him and attach himself in what concerns us. One do not need to get act together first nor he need to be polite, correct or religious. It is in God’s nature to love and accept everyone who come to him regard less of his past or his present. “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalms 145:18).  

People fall in sin very easily, in today’s world.  People do things by their own ways instead of following God’s way which he has given in Bible. God sees everything and knows everything.  God is not too merely overlooking big sins, but he is ready to condemn, and judge people according to their deeds. However, he is well known for forgiving everyone if the culprit decides to go to God and follow his path. The son of God, Jesus gave away his life our sins on a cross ( Chapter 6).  He offered us forgiveness by rising from dead.  “We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us” (Romans 3:22, 25). Like a good friend, who shares his thought and feeling with you. God always share himself with everyone. Everything he shares about him or us human, it is true and reliable information, very much truth than our thoughts, feelings and our perception. He is entirely accurate and honest in what he says. Every promise he makes to anyone, it is fully trusted and he means it.  “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalms 119:130,105).

Everything what we human being create is just putting together, already existing materials or build on the bases of pervious thoughts but God has ability and capacity of putting thing to existence. Not only life forms and galaxy or universe, but also creates solutions of the problem we face in today’s world. This is what God super creativity. All human beings should be aware of God’s power of creativity.  “Great is our Lord and mighty in power, his understanding has no limit “ (Psalms 147:5). “Where does my help come from?  My helps comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth “(Psalms 121:1,2).

The nature which makes us purely human is called human nature. Our nature is where different from that of the animals and any other creations, in that we feel and think.  One of the main differences between human and any other creation is our ability to reason. No other animal has this ability, and this is unique gift to the mankind from the God. We can reflect our own nature, the nature of God, and to determine knowledge of his will for his creation, using the ability of reasoning.  In Christianity, it is believed that the universe was created thru love by intelligent power that we call the God of the Bible. Creation of universe was with a purpose, not random, and so the universe is not neutral morally. God’s idea for creation shows God intention that all the creatures enjoys justice and love perfectly. God has worked in human history to complete that purpose.  When someone is sick, symptoms of sickness is starts showing before root exposed. Just like that before we get the root exposed, we might start noticing symptoms of human problem in today’s world.  

Heavens and earth are God’s creation in the beginning, and the creator was existing even before his creations of Heavens and earth. So, he is super ruler, having absolute power and supreme authority. On everything exist in this universe. True meaning of Jesus is ultimately reality for Christian. As Jesus spoke the world by his will and all thing were created.  Jesus was not ordinary man and indeed history shows that Jesus was all together unique personality. As bible said, Jesus was a son of God and he encouraged other to believe in his belief on the foundation of supernatural miracles which he did. The old testament prophecy he completely and his resurrection from the dead which he predicted( Lecture 2).

There is comprehensive solution for human problems in today’s world. There are five main points which can bring ultimate solutions to human’s problems according to Christian worldview. Rescue, God has rescue people from hell and separation from God by sacrifice his son for bad human deeds. Redemption is what God grants salvation to the people who decide to follow his path and accept Christ as his savior. Salvation includes repentance of follower repentant of your sins by simply confessing to God. Renewal is task of Holy Spirit who steps in your life when you decide to follow God’s path, and starts changing you from inside and you leave bad thing in past, start with good things. Restoration, Reconciliation and Relationship are mirror of Christian Faith.  God plans to restore all the people to himself, they may be reconciled to a right relationship.  God brings redemption to entire human history specially in life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This countions redemption of humanity is essential the building of Christ’s church and will be sometime completed at the second coming of Christ ( Matt, 24). The finally restoration will begin after the judgment with new earth and new heaven. Justification  defines what happens after you turn yourself to God and believe that Christ is the Justification. This is God’s payment for sins credited to your account ( Lecture week 5)



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