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Data Analysis and Methodology

Essay by   •  August 21, 2019  •  Thesis  •  1,793 Words (8 Pages)  •  953 Views

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Data Analysis and Methodology

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The study is based on the performance of the USA construction firms during the financial crisis of 2006 – 2008. The construction and engineering company data has been identified from Cass website based on the stock repurchase during the financial crisis.

The companies’ data that I will use during the study will be from 2000 to 2008. The database provides performance of several industries across United States but main focus will be on the construction and engineering industry during the given period of financial recession. Incomplete data will be eliminated to avoid biasness and errors within the data analysis. Stephens and Weisbach (1998) have proposed numerous buyback policies. One being the shift in the amount of excellent stocks recorded on the records of the "Security Price Research Center (CRSP)" or Compustat. The buyback policy understates the real quantity of buybacks when a company repurchases stocks and sells them concurrently. The second step, as indicated in the company's financial statement, seems to be the total dollar figure incurred on buybacks. The measure's limitation is that it could include all inventory forms such as favourite stocks. The shift in Marketable securities is also another metric. the method  is a partial indicator since many companies are withdrawing the securities they buy back instead of placing them in Marketable securities. We will be using the real buybacks. Whether on the secondary market or contracted individually) and non-tender operations to prevent these issues. Data products involve approved, stated and real value as well as inventory, purchase intent, item definition, full business profile, capital raises, funding data, after-market marketing data, following-market performance data, official approval and closing dates, associated purchases and public offering changes.

    [pic 1]

The table shows the sample of companies and their share repurchases during the recession period. The data indicates the company’s real trading data during the periods of 2000 to 2016.

Prior research finds that the public response to both the buyback of free-market share differs with the destination proportion launched for buyback. Instinctively, the magnitude of an real buyback as well as the extent to which a buyback is a'' mystery'' may have an effect on the response of the sector.

 Empirical setup

The fundamental configuration of the analyses will indeed be given throughout this chapter with either the sample and the primary indices. First will be provided the fundamental system used in the primary analysis of the hypotheses, accompanied by the building of the buyback operation as well as the fundamental presumed undervaluation criteria. Finally, the building of undervalued indices is described using various fundamental apparent undervalued indices.

Evaluation of real share buybacks Two significant accounts can be used for stock buy backs. The inputs that are built from Compustat repository data lead in company estimators of real stock buyback activity. . The fundamental system for analyzing enhanced share buyback exercise is outlined in this section. After those references are integrated in the same module data sets, this fundamental model is implemented to evaluate both real share buyback rises and share buyback press releases.

 First, the information is described as a data sets panel to I and t sizes.  The time element t is described as a component comprising the corresponding findings year and section and is planned to have periodic measures. Businesses may have omitted findings within the raw data section, leading in an imbalanced data sets board. Specific regression configurations or variables may involve that firms be used for with a minimal amount of remarks.

  Repurchase (K)i,t = Bo + B1 cashflow + B2 revenue + B3ebti  + B4 book value + B5financialcrisis + B6 risk + E


The cash flow of a company which dictates the amount of working capital of the company. According to previous studies cash low has been a major drive for companies to repurchase shares. According to signalling theory and undervaluation theory which bases its assumption on the asymmetry of information between the shareholders and the management of the company.  

According to capital allocation theory, Almeida, Fos & Kronlund (2016) observes that companies may repurchase stock to distribute excess cash flow within the company. The rationale for capital allocation is that stakeholders might distribute more resources efficiently than corporate managers. If the money market distribution is right, then corporations promoting repurchases initiatives might face a reduction in the business opportunities.

According to Voss 2012, a company corporate decision to allocate surplus cash streams in either the combination of stock buybacks or divided payments is premised on permanence of both the surplus cash balances.


The company revenue may be as a factor of share repurchases within a firm. The company may decide to repurchase its extra to increase its revenues. According to vamalaen (2005) a company may repurchase its share to reduce the agency costs associated with dividend payments of the company. By repurchasing its shares the company will reduce the operating costs of the company and also increase the revenues of the company.


The Earnings Before Interest and Taxes of a company determines the stock repurchases of a company. The company may repurchase its stock to boost its income per share. Dedman, Hua & Kungwal 2019 noted that investment bankers and stock analysts often mention Earnings Per Share increase as an important factor that determine stock repurchases. They also noted that as soon as income decreases by about the same proportion of excellent stock, the earnings per share will actually increase. The markets dictate that at different sizes and rates across the sector by particularly focusing on published EPS, inventory rates would also increase which implies the company has unused resources.

Book value of the company.

The book value of the company determines the assets at disposal of the firm to determine the amount shares it is going to repurchase. According to signalling theory and undervaluation theory a company’s stock might be used to determine the value of the company. The firm may repurchase stock to deal with solvency problems.

 The enhanced repurchase model.

Repurchase (K)i,t = Bo + B1 cashflow + B2 MV1+ B3ebti  + B4  CAR + B5financialcrisis + B6 risk + B7leverage + B btm + E

CRISIS. Its the indicator value during the crisis period which equals to 1 for purposes of observation from 2006, and 0 in other cases.



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