Date Rape
Essay by review • February 4, 2011 • Research Paper • 1,850 Words (8 Pages) • 1,478 Views
Traumatized people suffer damage to the basic structures of the self. They lose trust in themselves, in other people, in God...The identity they have formed prior to the trauma is irrevocably destroyed. (Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery, 1992) 2
What type of crime can have that type of effect on a person, a crime that is often the most under reported. A crime that does not affect just one person, but a whole family. That crime is rape. Rape is generally defined as forced or non-consensual sexual intercourse. Rape may be accomplished by fear, threats of harm, and or actual physical force. There is more then one type of rape from marital, to jail rape, stranger, to drug affiliated that is when penetration is accomplished when the victim is unable to give consent, or is prevented from resisting, due to being intoxicated, drugged, unconscious, or asleep and date or acquaintance rape, which will e discussed in this paper, all of those types of rape have the same result of being devastating. Date rape is not new but has recently been brought to the media's attention, because of the new methods of rape, who is being targeted, the effects date rape has on people and the programs that have been created for those victims. 2
"I returned to my college campus after spending the summer at home with my family. It was the week before classes began. I decided to go with my girlfriends to a party. We wanted to see our friends after the long vacation away from school. I'm used to drinking being part of the social scene. I know my tolerance for alcohol. I know how much I can drink and still take care of myself. I was with friends so I felt safe. I had a few beers. Then a guy offered me a shot. The last thing I remember is taking the shot and getting about halfway through it. I must have passed out. I woke up the following morning on a couch in the living room of a house shared by some of the guys who were at the party. My pants were unzipped and stained. I had bruises on my thighs. I could not remember what had happened during the night and early morning hours. I knew that I had been raped but I did not know who assaulted me." ---CATHERINE 2
That was an actual account of what happened to one young woman, however she has the same story as many young women. One of the biggest problems about date or acquaintance rape are the drugs that are used. Drugs play a major role and there are four major drugs associated with date rape ketamine, Ecstasy, and the two most commonly use ones rohypnol, and GHB. These drugs are odorless and tasteless and difficult to detect when in drinks or mixed with other drugs. "Date Rape" drugs may be difficult to trace Ketamine also known as "K", "Vitamin K" or "Special K" Usually comes as a liquid in its pharmaceutical form, but is also found in powder or pill forms. The drug can be snorted, swallowed or injected. Ketamine can cause a person to feel as if her mind is "separated" from her body. The drug causes a combination of amnesia and hallucinations. Also, it stops the feeling of pain and lowers the heart rate leading to oxygen starvation to the brain and muscles. Temporary paralysis, though rare, has been reported in some users.5
Ecstasy also known as MDMA "XTC," "Bean," "E," "M," and "Roll." Ecstasy comes in a pill form with a picture on it, the picture is what names that type of Ecstasy pill. Ecstasy causes psychological difficulties, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia-during and sometimes weeks after taking Ecstasy, physical symptoms such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating.5 Rohynol is the brand name for flunitrazepam, also known as "roofies" or "roaches."The effects of rohypnol include memory impairment, amnesia, drowsiness, visual disturbances, dizziness, impaired motor skills and judgment, slurred speech, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances, and urinary retention. The effects begin within 30 minutes, peak within 2 hours, and may persist for up to 8 hours or more, depending upon the dosage.4
GHB or gamma-hydroxybutyrate also known as "Liquid G", "G", "Georgia Home Boy," and "Easy Lay." GHB comes in either a pure powder form or cam be mixed in with a liquid. It is available on the street in small plastic bottles, about the size and shape of hotel shampoo, small mouthwash or Visine bottles. GHB in small amounts produces effects similar to alcohol, however, in larger doses it can have a hallucinatory effect and cause headaches, shaking, spasms, seizures, drowsiness, nausea, irregular heartbeat, and vomiting. The effects of GHB can be felt within 15 minutes after ingestion. Mixed with alcohol GHB can cause the central nervous system to shut down, lead to loss of consciousness, and possibly result in a coma or death.4
There are many myths that people believe about rape and rape victims that are just not true. Some of these myths are: the victim is somehow responsible for their own rape, the idea that a woman wants to be pushed into sex and that no really means yes (she cannot just say yes right away or she will look easy). Another myth is that sexual assault usually occurs between strangers. Also only certain kinds of people get raped or women with "bad" reputations. Women frequently cry rape or that false reporting of rape is common. When in fact the FBI reports that only 2% of rapes reports are given falsely. This is the same report rate for other felonies.1 Women "ask for it" by their dress or actions (she knew what she was doing or she wouldn't have dressed that way.)It is impossible to sexually assault a man, actually men fall victim for the same reasons as women: they are overwhelmed by threats or acts of physical and emotional violence. These and many other myths out there are providing false information. When the only for sure fact is that nobody wants to be raped and there is no way to look at somebody and tell if they are a rapist.3
Unlike what the myths say anybody can be raped, and according to the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey indicate that Black and Hispanic women are at a higher risk for being a victim of rape than White women. Women from ages 20-24 are the most likely to experience rape crime. Women with less education and lower income are also at a higher risk of becoming a victim of rape. Those women that are in the lowest family income category experience the highest rate of rape. Also the women who reside in the city are twice vulnerable to rapes than that of women who live in suburban or rural areas. Finally, unmarried women tend to