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Declaration Case

Essay by   •  March 10, 2014  •  Essay  •  710 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,004 Views

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Throughout my life I have always been engaged in trade. Some individuals stick to trading with just the colonies as where I trade with many of the colonies and parts of Europe. There are many drawbacks to both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. There are many issues with both the Constitution and the Articles that I must take into consideration. However, I must cast my vote for which one I favor.

Starting with the Articles of Confederation, I have to say I am not a huge fan. The major problem with the Articles is that they are unable to regulate trade between states and countries. As a merchant I must have regulation of trade within the colonies as well as outside of them. I am used to trading with Europe which means I need the seas open for ships to bring imports and take out exports. The articles do not help my business of trading as a merchant and therefore I should be opposed to them. Seeing as I am in the business of trade it can be practically anything I am trading. A good example is slave trade yet under the Articles of confederation there was to be no slave trade within the boundaries of the territory, and no law could be enacted that would impair a contract. The issue of not being able to have foreign slave trade is that is is ruining my business of trade. This affects me in a negative way because it takes away from a big part of trade at this time. However I must also investigate the constitution before I can make my final decision on which one I will vote on.

On the other hand, the Constitution has grabbed more of my interest. Due to the fact, unlike the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution can regulate trade not only with the colonies but other countries as well. This is significant because of the fact I am a user of trading with a wide range of people rather than just in the colonies. The constitution also, in my favor, decides to continue foreign slave trade for twenty years which also does not affect internal slave trade. Either way trading or objects or food is the same as trading people which helps my business. Due to the fact of them continuing the foreign slave trade I am able to trade in order to bring more slaves to the colonies.

The founders gave congress the constitutional power in Article I, "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures". The intent of this clearly



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