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Delinquecy and School in Hong Kong

Essay by   •  January 3, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,270 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,537 Views

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Adolescence is a period of time which connects childhood and adulthood. During the change in physical development, teenagers start to face the adolescence period. Moreover, there are some behaviour problems of teenager in adolescence. For instance, teenagers try to smoke to show their braveness and maturity. This kind of example can be described as delinquent and deviant behaviour. Moreover, there is some risk of delinquency which may influence the social security. Hence, the purpose of this project is to discuss delinquency in school. The reason is that in childhood and adolescence, teenagers spend much time in school. School seems to be an important factor for influencing a teenagerÐŽ¦s development.


Since the free education system has been made, children are expected to go to school for education. Even though children have the ability to get a good result in exams and a good attitude in studying, the children are educated by school life everyday. A survey by Hong Kong federation of youth groups showed that, most of their emotional problems come from school life and second comes from friends. (The Hong Kong federation of youth groups 2001). Moreover, Students have to spend a long time in school. For example, a full time secondly school student, who has to spend about 8 hours in school each day and goes to school 5 days per week, apart from extra lessons, he spends more than 23.8% of time in school every week. The teenager is influenced in school. However, the teacher might not able to handle all of the students in class. Some of the students might turn to become delinquent. For the purpose of discussing delinquency in school, firstly the definition of the delinquent student will be discussed. Secondly, some examples will be focused on. Thirdly, the reasons for causing delinquency in school will be discussed. Fourthly, the risk of delinquency and recommendations for dealing with delinquency will be discussed. Finally, a list of services for teenagers in UK will be made.

Main Body:

• Definition of Delinquency and Deviation.

Firstly, the meaning of Delinquency from the dictionary is explained as a wrong behaviour or even a crime committed by youngsters (Oxford Advanced LearnerÐŽ¦s English-Chinese Dictionary).Secondly for the definition of delinquency students, the school expectation should be discussed first. School expect students should follow school expectations. For example, school expect that the students study hard and get good mark in the exams. Moreover, students have to obey the school rules and follow class order. In addition, the school expect the students have good behaviour. They should respect everyone in school, especially respect the teacher. As a result of this, a standard student is that who follows the school expectation. Otherwise, a Delinquent student is that who is against school expectation. .

• Reason of causing Delinquency

How does delinquency appear in school? Firstly, all of the students whose go to school are the same. They wear the same uniform. They follow the same school rule. However, base on the examination system, some of them may be defined as a bad student based on the exam result. The teacher gives some negative labeling to the underachieved students. They became the loser in school. At this moment, they would like to find their value. They might do something different from others to show they are braveness. For instant, they might skip the class to avoid the teacherÐŽ¦s punishment. As the result of that, the process to become delinquency can be defined into 4 stages:

1. School Life Bad Result:

Students are expected to achieve good result in school. However, base on the examination system, there are part of students whose are underachieve in academic examinations

2. Bad Result Negative Labeling

According to the bad result, students may be defined as the bad student.

3. Negative Labeling Identify

Students lost the confidence in school. However, students need to reform the self-esteem.

4. Identify Delinquency

Students may do some behaviour which can show the braveness. Hence, student builds up the self- esteem by committing delinquency

• The risk of teenagers who are Delinquent.

A sociologist called Spencer said that, Crimes are usually made by people who dropped out from school, lower education, having bad conduct in school, avoids school, to be labeled as a loser by teacher or their parent. Otherwise, delinquent students have the risk to contact with gangs, such as Mafia. The reason is that the gangs appreciate delinquent behaviour. Delinquent teenagers might identify themselves by being with the gangs. The gangs understood what do the delinquent student need and provide to them.

• Recommendation



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