Deniers of the Holocaust
Essay by review • July 18, 2010 • Research Paper • 1,865 Words (8 Pages) • 2,382 Views
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Deniers of the Holocaust
Whitney McMichael
Axia College of University of Phoenix
December 20, 2009
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Deniers of the Holocaust
Although some people deny if it, really happened or not, the Holocaust was full of unnecessary tragedy, destruction, deaths and suffering amongst groups of people. The Holocaust, also known as "Shoah" (Rosenberg 2009) in Hebrew, began in 1933 in Europe. Holocaust or its original Greek name "Holokauston," (Rosenberg 2009) means "sacrifice by fire."(Wegner 2003) An estimated six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Unfortunately, there are people known as Anti- Semites who hated Jews. These Anti- Semites are the people who deny the number of people who were killed during the Holocaust and deny all the tragedies that really happened.
Many people have denied what happened or not during the Holocaust. These people who deny the happenings are known as Anti- Semites. Anti- Semitic people happened and say that the Jews are lying to make things sound worse. Propaganda campaigns also known as Holocaust "Revisionism"(ADL 1997) was in denial of the mass murders during world war two. An organization was set up in 1979 called liberty lobby is the largest anti-Jewish organization in the U.S. Another Nazi group is the National Alliance, which also in denial of the Holocaust, are a part of comprehensive racist and anti Semitic plans. One Holocaust- denial propagandists say the Holocaust did not happen because there is no "master plan" for the Jewish Annihilation. No documentation has ever been reported for the Holocaust and there was no main plan for the Holocaust and it was all supposedly a "Hoax."(ADL 1997)
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Were the concentration camps as nightmarish as were led to believe? Anti- Semites have led people to believe that the death count was over exaggerated. An estimate of six million Jews died in Hitler's final solution but the deniers claim much less died. Holocaust deniers claim that the number is a lie. Jews were also not the only people killed during the Holocaust. Gypsies, gays, the disabled, children and, women were killed as well. The people of the Holocaust were either suffocated in the gas chambers, shot to death, died of starvation or over worked. Gas chambers were sometimes disguised as shower rooms. The gas chambers were the main source used for mass murders. The physically handicap or mentally ill were the main source of people killed in this manner. People who were useless in the labor camps were sent to these chambers right away. They also used mobile gassing vans in sites other than the camps. Anti-Semites deny that gas chambers were non- existent in the camps. They also deny that there were no mass shootings. The concentration camps also did experiments on humans. Doctors who were in the concentration camps did numerous types of experiments and many people did not survive them. Women and children were also rapped in the camps. Although people deny the concentration camps and what occurred in them, pictures and story's from survivors prove they did exist and what took place was appalling and unpleasant. Labor camps were also a big part of the concentration camps. They chose healthy working people to do hard labor for nothing. They had industrial factors in which Jews would work long hard days and sometimes die in these labor camps. They would slowly kill them by working them to death, starvation, and disease. After the people were basically worked to death they would form the death marches and kills the laborers. Irving did say that many people did die in the Holocaust but not at concentration camps but at
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labor camps. Irving also implies that the people in the labor camps had died from natural causes and were not people involved in the killings. There were also many people who had just disappeared and families just vanished which prove that killing's did occur.
Present day deniers of the Holocaust still stick to their word. Although deniers of the Holocaust are now being prosecuted for racial abuse and hate crimes. It is legal in the United States due to the first amendment for the right of free speech. There are groups today that have annual conventions to attract the non- believers to have discussions and to show people how they feel about the Holocaust and let them know why they think it did not happen. The national Alliance is also a group for the denial of the Holocaust. This is the most extensive Holocaust denial website on the internet. This group claims that one camp did have gas chambers but they were used to de- louse the clothing of new arrivals. They also imply that the original architectural building plans did not consist of any gas chambers. The National Alliance shows pictures of the structures of the gas chambers and tries to prove that was not what they were used for. Several have said that the windows were made of glass, in this case if they were victims could easily smash the windows and escape. Also, they try to make a point that the openings in the roofs were not sealed tight and the gas could easily leak out and reach the guards and others around. In these cases these types of things could easily be remodeled to make them seem this way. Forensics has also done studies of the structures of the gas chambers and has found no traces of the deadly gas. Although they have done this experiment over the past years this deadly gas could have been lies or vanished over time. The deniers would still suggest that this toxin was used for the delousing of the clothes. They have also lied about the locations of the chambers. When people have gone out to view the concentration camp sites, People have made
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them out to look much different. The camps have been remodeled so it looks as though there were never any gas chamber on site. The chambers have either been torn down completely or deteriorated over the year.
Denial establishments on the internet have also crashed legitimate Holocaust sites and discussions to provoke more people to become disbelievers. They attack the facts of the Holocaust to be hateful to the believers and innocent people to control the Jews and their beliefs. David Irving being one of the main anti- Semites who are noncertified, who preach and discuss to make other non-believers. There have been many people going to discussions of people whom do believe the Holocaust and have stood up to give their opinions of the Holocaust.