Department Expectations
Essay by teebogue • February 13, 2014 • Term Paper • 1,110 Words (5 Pages) • 1,081 Views
Department Expectations
Our Department continues to change and morph as we grow and become the standard for Campus Safety here at Whittier College . The Department thrust is clearly towards a considerably more traditional community oriented approach. As the Director, I feel that it is my responsibility as your immediate supervisor to set guidelines for you describing how I see your role in this new approach. I might add that this new approach as I called it not only applies to the public, but to our own most valuable commodity the employee. Hopefully you will find that the department and my expectations are merely common sense issues that are an effective and efficient way of dealing with people to reach a common goal. I also believe that these goals will change from time to time and it is my obligation to update you periodically with those changes.
In light of the above, please consider this memo a start or beginning, but most certainly not the final definitive word of my expectations or the Departments of you. As time goes on, new expectations will be added and others deleted, while others may be modified. Flexibility on the part of everyone will certainly make reaching whatever goals we decide upon that much easier.
The items that follow are both philosophical and practical expectations of your job as a supervisor, leader or member of the Department. These expectations are not in any particular order, but they are all important! As I said before, they are lists of things that at this time will help us reach our goal of providing the campus with quality safety services. They will also provide our employees with a quality atmosphere to work in.
These expectations will serve as a guideline for any constructive comments, and feedback on your overall performance. Your overall success within the Department will be measured by how well you meet these expectations, and how well you adapt to the constructive comments and feedback, which will be based on the expectations. Therefore let me begin to describe those expectations.
1 I expect you to present a positive attitude and a professional image, even on days that you personally don't feel in the mood to do so. Sarcastic, rude and cruel remarks are not acceptable forms of communications. Negativism impacts everyone around you and will not be tolerated.
2 Above all else I expect you to be a leader, manager, motivator, and a coach for your employees or peers. If any of these critically important considerations are absent neglected or halfheartedly attempted, you are not meeting the expectations.
3 I expect you to be an initiator of positive and ongoing communications between and among all members of our department, and College staff
4 I expect you to rise above any petty jealousies and past indifferences or personal disagreements.
5 I expect you to show others common civil decency, and to set an example to others in this area.
6 I expect you to always be receptive to change, or at least the idea of change. All the while remembering that there are lots of different ways to tackle the same problem.
7 I expect you to be a problem solver and encourage your subordinates and peers to do the same. I don't want problems brought forward in pieces. Discuss issues with your peers or the subordinates that the issue impacts. Do not construe this to mean I don't want to know about problems, but what I want is for you to first think them through prior to bringing them forward. We will tackle tough problems as a team and solve issues.
8 I expect you to bring forth ideas and suggestions that might help our department grow and solve problems. By creating an atmosphere that fosters dynamic, progressive and professional ideas to rise to the top, we as an organization will become those ideas. To accomplish this task I encourage each of you to seek out the ideas and suggestions to challenges we face. This will be assisted by developing and open and honest line of communication.