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Difference Between Adverbs and Adjectives

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St. Mary’s College of Meycauayan

Meycauayan City, Bulacan

Integrated Basic Education Department

S.Y. 2016-2017

Proficiency of Grade 9 Students in Distinguishing Adjectives and Adverbs

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements in English 10

Submitted by:

Andrea Monet Camposano

Margus Anne Dela Cerna

Mikhaela Franchette Pinto


Submitted to:

Ms. Macy Kristalene Aguilar

January 30, 2017


Our group wish to extend our sincerest appreciation to the following people who helped us make this research. These are the people who helped and contributed much for the success of this endeavor.

To God, for his gift of wisdom and understanding for us to think of this research and help us using His power when we are in need.

To our English teacher, Ms. Macy Kristalene Aguilar, and Elective teachers, Mr. Rionel Traje Gaddi and Mr. Michael Brix Pablo,  for guiding and teaching us on how to make this research a success.

 To all the grade 9 students who participated in answering our questionnaires.

To our parents and family members, for the unending love and support that they gave us.

And lastly, we like to thank all those who were a part of this work. Thank you very much.

Table of Contents

  1. Title page
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Acknowledgements
  4. Abstract
  5. Chapter I: Background and its setting
  1. Introduction
  2. Statement of the problem
  3. Significance of the study
  4. Conceptual framework
  5. Scope and Delimitation
  6. Definition of terms
  1. Chapter II: Review of related literature
  2. Chapter III: Methodology
  1. Research Design
  2. Research Participants
  3. Research Instrument
  4. Research Procedure
  5. Data Treatment
  1. Chapter IV: Presentation of Data
  1. Presentation Data
  2. Interpretation
  1. Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation
  1. Conclusion
  2. Recommendation
  1. Appendix
  2. Bibliography
  3. Student’s Profile


The researchers find the relationship of adverbs and adjectives intriguing that's why they came up with an idea to have a research if grade 9 students can proficiently distinguish adjectives from adverbs. The main purpose of the research is to know if the students can tell what is an adjective from an adverb. Also, this aims to improve the participants' knowledge if they're having a hard time knowing the difference between the two. The research design used in this study is quantitative since the scores were used to determine the students' proficiency and questionnaires  were given as research instrument. The results showed that grade 9 students are proficient in distinguishing adjectives and adverbs since most of them got high scores. With this, the researchers recommend that the participants should continue analyzing the difference between adjectives and adverbs but aside from that, they should also try researching more about it and find complicated topics that will improve their knowledge of grammar since they can use it and apply it with their everyday use.

Chapter I: Background and Its Setting

A. Introduction

             Since grade school, the teachers already taught the students about adverbs and adjectives. Adverbs are those words that describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Adverbs show place, time, degree & manner. On the other hand, adjectives are words that describe a noun or a pronoun. These two terms are actually easy to understand in the language world. Students usually distinguish an adverb if it has a -ly at the end of a word while adjectives can be easily distinguished when it talks about a noun or pronoun or when it gives details or description of the noun. Since the relationship of these two is intriguing and easy to check, the researchers decided to come up with a study if people are proficient in distinguishing adverbs from adjectives. Moreover, it’s a way to know if people are having a hard time knowing the difference between the two. With that, grade 9 students were chosen as respondents to conduct a research about their proficiency in distinguishing adverbs from adjectives.

 B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1) Do the grade 9 students know the difference between adjectives and adverbs?

2) Are the of grade 9 students proficient in distinguishing adjectives from adverbs?

 3) How much do the research participants know about adjectives and adverbs?

C.  Significance of the study

The researchers believe that through this study teachers would be able to know if the students are proficient enough in distinguishing adverbs from adjectives. They could help those who are having a hard time and confused. The topic would show that not everyone is capable of differentiating the simple lessons that people learn during grade school days. People can use this to improve the use of language and to use the main purpose of adjectives and adverbs. When you want to present yourself well, you need to use good grammar. Knowing when to use an adjective and when to use an adverb will help you speak better English.

D.  Conceptual Framework

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E. Scope and Delimitation

The study would be able to distinguish if the grade 9 students are proficient in distinguishing adverbs from adjective,  however, this wouldn't be able to know if the other students in SMCM are proficient in distinguishing adverbs from adjectives since the scope of this project is to know the proficiency of the grade 9 students only. This project would be able to tell which among the adverbs and adjectives is easier to distinguish and if the grade 9 students know the difference between the two.



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