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Disease Related to Nutrition: Type 1 Diabetes

Essay by   •  December 23, 2010  •  Essay  •  746 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,425 Views

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Disease Related to Nutrition: Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is most likely to be diagnosed among children and young adults. It occurs when the body does not produce insulin to help turn glucose into energy. Since sugar is the basic fuel for the cells to be energized, the body needs the insulin to help turn these sugars into energy. If the body does not produce insulin, the sugars don't become energy, the muscles don't get energized resulting in a weak body. In most cases the child will need to take insulin shots to help the body turn it's glucose into energy.

There are many organs that this disease can affect. One is the heart. In many cases people have had complications with their heart such as heart attacks and strokes. Another is Kidney disease (ADA 2005). Diabetes damages the kidneys which could result in lose of ability to get rid of waste products. One of the most common affects from diabetes is nerve damage. There are two specific kinds of nerve damage; peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. Peripheral nerve damage is when your feet and hands get a tingling, pain, numbness, or weakness to it. Autonomic nerve damage causes more problems with your health. It could result in digestive problems, low blood sugar level, and bladder problems, just to name a few. The nerve damage is most likely to occur in people who have had diabetes for a few years. Foot complications are a result of nerve damage (ADA 2005). Diabetics only get feet problems when a nerve is damaged or there is poor blood flow through the feet. Another organ problem is eye complications. Diabetes usually causes glaucoma which is a disease that damages the retina and nerves resulting in loss of eye sight. This usually occurs within people that have had diabetes for a while and increases the risk as you get older. One other affect is depression. There are many people who start feeling sad and helpless. Diabetes is a very serious disease and to them it seems like life is hopeless (ADA 2005).

Usually type 1 Diabetes happens when you are a child. The reason is the body does cannot develop insulin to help break up the glucose into energy. Many children who are obese are at higher risk of developing diabetes. They are not getting the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy. Even genetics can be a cause of diabetes. Many children who come from diabetic families usually end up being diagnosed with diabetes themselves. If high blood pressure or even low blood pressure runs in the family there is a good chance the child



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