Essay by review • February 14, 2011 • Essay • 313 Words (2 Pages) • 1,038 Views
Joe Redner is known as the father of nude strip clubs. Redner is well known through out Florida for opening his strip club Mons Venus. Redner has lived in Florida for over 52 years. Redner grew up in Hillsborough County, and was married, with his children living in the area. He has been quite the activist and has been talked about in many Florida newspapers. He is a self- proclaimed millionaire from all of his strip clubs he opened, and has also open other businesses including Xtreme Fitness Health Club, Production Services & Systems, and Specialty Malls of Tampa . Redner is proud of all his accomplishments and does not regret anything he has done. Redner has had many legal troubles from the beginning of all his business adventures. One of the most controversial battles he has had to deal with was with the Tampa City Council. The Tampa City Council from the start has tried to stop his strip club from operating in Tampa. There is also a law that prohibits lap dancing. They have told him he cannot have stripers giving lab dances in the clubs but, he continues to allow them to do so. In 2004 Redner tried to run for Hillsborough County Commissioner as an independent which he lost. He is now running for County Commission District 5. Redner has a website called The Voice of Freedom which discusses his legal battles with the government. But, the website now covers issues concerning the violation of the First Amendment. Redner has also been arrested over 150 times in his lifetime, but always wins the case. He knows a lot about the law and thinks he has a better understanding of the criminal Justice system then some attorneys. Even with all that said, Joe Redner continues to do what he wants, and doesn't ask anyone for permission.