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Does God Exist?

Essay by   •  November 30, 2010  •  Research Paper  •  1,750 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,717 Views

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Does God (Allah) Exist?

There are various people in this world who believe in an array of religions. There could be a lot of different religions in varied forms but the fact of the matter is they all believe in some form of God. Among these people there are also those who don't believe in any form of God or religion, commonly known as Atheists. Atheists do not believe in God because they think God does not exist, but they don't have any substantial proof of whether God really exists or not. In contradiction Allah's existence can be proven through his words encrypted in the Qur'an over 14 centuries ago.

The validity of the Islamic holy book "Qur'an" and the existence of Allah (God) have often been questioned by Atheists. Atheists use scientific theories and fallacious comments in the bible to disprove the existence of God. However, if one were to truly indulge into the verses of the Qur'an such accusations can easily be refuted.

According to the Islamic definition Allah is one, without any partners. There are no sharers in His essence, attributes, actions, or rulings. He is the one and only creator of all that exists, has existed, and will ever exist. He solitarily controls all events, causes, and effects, and no power exists independently of his power. He is not encompassed by direction or distance. Allah has always existed even before the creation of time and space. He not only created time and space, but He is transcendentally beyond them. Allah is eternally-existing, He is the Sustainer of everything, and His knowledge encompasses everything intrinsically possible.

One misapprehension atheists often make in defining Allah is to assert physical traits. This misconception leads to misguided questions such as; why can't I see Allah? Where is Allah? The answer is simple. Allah cannot be defined in the same way one would define a physical object that is subject to our five senses. This is simply because Allah is not a physical object and is physically inexplicable; He is a transcendental being who exists on a level beyond our sensual perception.

As humans we often tend to rely on knowledge that is achieved through personal experiences and conducted experiments. That is to say we only believe in what we see and observe via our outer senses. In order to understand a transcendental being that is Allah, we must first abandon the medium behind appearances and think above that level. We are illogical and faulty to rule out the existence of a higher being that is not susceptible to being perceived by our limited capabilities.

The claim that Allah does not exist simply because we haven't seen Him or heard Him is indefensible. Considering our limitations of perception and reasoning, it is not necessarily factual that we understand everything. We can only prove the validity of an object or being on the basis of what we understand, but that does not mean that there isn't anything beyond our comprehension.

Allah is absolutely other than His creation. He is beyond the limits of time and space so to locate Him in our space and time dimension would be physically impossible. He is not limited by the same constraints as we are. As it is said in the Qur'an; "Your Guardian-Lord is God, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne" (Surah 7 Verse 54). In this verse, the Qur'an tells us that Allah is above the throne. The concept of throne here emphasizes our inabilities and that He is beyond the understanding of humans. Although this isn't sufficient enough proof to validate His existence, it is still disorderly to deny His existence considering our perceptive limitations.

The Qur'an isn't meant to be a book of history; its sole purpose is to convey the wisdom of Allah and guide his followers through life. The validity of the Qur'an is unparalleled; science cannot disprove its soundness because science and Qur'an work hand in hand.

Scientists attempt to explain the creation of the universe and all organic life as mere chances that occurred in nature. In specific scientists use the big bang theory to explain how the universe came into being. The theory states; approximately 15 billion years ago all universal matter and energy were accumulated in a confined space. Then one day without motivation these matter and energy reacted to each other which caused a tremendous explosion resulting in the creation of the universe. What existed prior to this event is still unknown to man and is pure speculation.

According to the big bang theory everything in the universe developed from a small dense cloud of subatomic particles and radiation which exploded, forming hydrogen and some helium gas. The big bang theorists failed to address one major flaw in their theory; Where did this energy and matter come from? It isn't very reasonable to assume it came from nothing. Even if it did, what caused it to explode? Also it's common knowledge that explosions only cause destruction and disorder. Contiguously, it would be foolish to hypothesize that this particular explosion led to the development of such a multifaceted universe consistent of planets, stars, and people.

The Qu'ran also theorizes the Big Bang theory but it isn't based on speculation. It specifically says "Have not the disbelievers seen that the heavens and the Earth were one piece and we parted them? And We made every living thing from water. Will they not then believe?" (Verse 21:30). There are numerous points to this verse. It says that it is the disbelievers (non-Muslims) who would discover that the heavens and the earth were one piece and then parted. It also states that it is the disbelievers who would discover all life came from water. Coincidentally the big bang theory is the most widely accepted theory that addresses the enigma of the universe's origin, and it was only 200 years ago that Leeuwenhoek discovered for the first time that living cells are composed of 80% water. These revelations which were scientifically proven in the past 2 centuries can be found



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