Dragon Fruit online
Essay by Hung Nguyen • February 24, 2017 • Term Paper • 3,487 Words (14 Pages) • 1,293 Views
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction 2
II. Description of target market 3
III. Brand strategy development 4
a) Brand element of dragon fruits 4
b) Marketing mix 5
c) Secondary brand association 7
IV. Conclusion 8
V. Reference 9
VI. Appendices 10
Appendix A: Netnography Summarizes 10
Appendix B: Survey research 13
Appendix C: Secondary research 15
- Introduction
Perfection Fruit is a business chain of trading agricultural product in Australia and it is very famous to provide consumers fruit and vegetable. Their brand positioning nowadays is established by attempt of doing its mission and vision that provide the best horticulture product with branded fruits and high quality. It is fast using product because Perfection provides the Fresh Product without any chemical preservative substance. Agricultural product (Australian Trade Comissiom, 2014) is evaluated high quality with the support between Government and farming enterprise. Australian fruits are famous because of agriculture innovation to enhance fruit performance. For this reason, Australian citizens can be hard to please to choose an imported fruit as dragon fruit from Vietnam.
Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit to provide juicy white flesh and the tiny black seeds and it distributes nutritious for daily diet. It is a good fruit come Latin America but in Vietnam, dragon fruits grow very good and high performance. With the support of technology and Vietnamese farmers, the dragon fruits are grown successfully in Binh Thuan province Vietnam. These horticulture products established their brands naturally with its sweet taste and high container of nutrition. In the report (People Commitee in Binh Thuan, Vietnam, 2016), there are over 9000 hectares of dragon fruit farm land with 432 companies under VietGAP to provide 500,000 tons fresh fruits for exporting oversea. In Vietnam, Government’s orientation attachs much importance to develop the dragon fruit to export following the standard of VietGAP and farmers are educated and trained deeply how to grow a good fruit under standard. Consequently, the dragon fruit in Binh Thuan become famous in quality and hygiene. Furthermore, Son Son is a company that responses in doing illumination to check and make sure that the exported dragon fruits are clean without insects and chemical.
In Australia, people aware that fruit is very important for their daily life and they belive that dragon fruit have the shape of the dragon. It is a symbol of lucky and power. Moreover, dragon fruits are very healthy for both children and adults. Importing to Australia, such a horticulture product is easy to attractive to consumer by its eye-catching and safety via security process of BICON in boarder. In fact, these fruit traveling from Vietnam to Australia must pass twin of security gates. In addition, the Perfection Fresh (2016) company which is Australia’s largest family-owned business of horticulture product. It is a prestigious big company to response the import activity to feel secure and easier to contribute to customers in short period because the company owns a large chain of retailers.
- Description of target market
With an advantages of large retailing channel spreads in Australia, Perfection Fresh has chance to contribute their new product as dragon fruits into almost consumers in Australia. Thus, loyalty and the new of the company are easy to approach with such a new product.
Based on Australian consumer’s buying fruits and vegetables habits, dragon fruit is an import horticulture, so there may be new taste for someone. The dragon fruit is interesting to some people who care on “feng-shui” because of its shape of dragon with the red color of lucky. Next, the taste of quite sweet and fresh when eating, dragon fruit bring to customers felling of pure fragrance in mouth. Containing white flesh and the tiny black seeds, dragon fruit may create the feeling of strange and interesting while eating. It is not a rare fruit at all but, in Australia there are not able to grow it for the high quality and it is not common there. As the result, this segment is potential for output
Daily diet is essential for a people who care about the health and vitamin in fruit. Moreover, nowadays cancer and diseases from unquantified food is increasing significantly. It is announced for elderly’s health and children as well. Elderly buy clean horticulture product as dragon fruit is large in Australia because this segment covers nearly 20% of the total population and the product may attract most parents who care on their children as aged group 0-14 years (18%) (CIA World Factbook, 2015).
Consequently, if the Perfection Fresh imports dragon fruit to sell in Australia, it probably attracts almost segment in Australia. Australia is potential market for dragon fruit.
- Brand strategy development
- Brand element of dragon fruits
Dragon fruits is a new imported fruits in Australia market that there are very a few competitors in the market. therefore, Perfection Fresh seem to be the first mover to introduce to consumer. Therefore, establishing brand for new product should consider on packing, logo, and slogan.
Packing is an important element to make consumer eyes-catching in store. In particular, dragon fruits box should be emphasis the product inside such as hard enough to protect fruit in car, color and size, country of origin and other relevant information. The fruit is quite soft so packing should consider to produce a paper hard box to protect fruit and keep humid inside. Next dragon is red and green, thus to highlight to the product, company designs a red box of 6 units to make sure that it does not hollow out. Growing in Vietnam must be painted in the boxes to express the countries of origin. Information of volume and nutrition should be written in the boxes to make sure that buyer can read and care about the nutrition.[pic 4]