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Essay by   •  February 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  550 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,159 Views

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Over the past 20 years there has been much debate on the topic of illegal drugs, and the War on Drugs. It is naпve to think that there isn't a drug problem in the US. There are literally thousands of people in prison for possession, selling or just plain using illegal drugs. This problem also plagues many other countries throughout the world.

The problem has a lot of people looking for the answers. Some think that the laws aren't strict enough, or the government isn't working hard enough to stop the problem. Some people believe that the problem isn't the drugs themselves. It's the punishments that people receive for dealing with drugs. That's right, the drug problem is not people being involved with them, it's putting people away for five years for taking one toke. You will be shocked to know that the people who think that's the real problem are not the people using the drugs. No, believe it or not there are politicians, chiefs of police, and former and current presidents of countries!

"I think that most small amounts of marijuana have been decriminalized in some places, and should be." ~ former President of the United States, Bill Clinton. "Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana... We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society." ~ former Vice President of the US, Dan Quayle. If I was old enough to vote when these people were running for office you better believe my vote would be for them!

Yes it's true. I am one of those "left-wing maniac liberal people" who support what those great men once said. I feel like this country and many others are wasting vast amounts of money busting people for getting high. Maybe instead of using that money to bust people and pay for their stay in prison, it should be used to help fight much more dangerous wars (ie. terror).

Also let it be known that I am not in favor of making all drugs legal. I am merely in favor of decriminalizing certain ones. Marijuana for instance would be allowed for personal use. A person could only have a small amount on them at any time. But being caught with harder drugs like Meth, would still be a punishable offense. Except there wouldn't be as much jail time. Halfway through their time the offenders would be sent to a rehab for criminals, trying to help nip the problem in



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