Essay by review • February 21, 2011 • Essay • 1,326 Words (6 Pages) • 1,379 Views
Like a plague, drug addiction has swept through much of the world covering the high industrialized countries as well as the least developing countries. It is found that one third of the world population takes drugs or at the risk to take, them later and nineteen per cent of death are caused by drugs. Yet, there is an increase in drug addiction.
There are many types of drugs present in many forms and use differently. Many drugs are obtained from plants, for example opium. Opium is the coagulated juice obtained from umipe capsules of poppy plants. Initially, the poppy plants were found only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East but now they are quite widespread. The common forms of drugs from poppy plants are opium, morphine and heroine, which are the most addictive drugs. The non-medical use of these drugs can be made either by cating, infusing, smoking or sniffing.
An another plant drug is cannabis. Varieties of cannabis exist, known as hashish or gandia. They are also present in liquid forms. Coca leaves also yield drugs known as cocaine. The coca leaves are bushy evergreen leaves, which occur mainly in South America. There are also hallucinogens. These are substances belonging to a variety of chemical and pharmaceutical groups. The most famous hallucinogens is the lysergic acid diethylamide commonly known as LSD.
A different occurrence of drugs is in the form of stimulanto. In fact, at the beginning of the 20th century, a German scientist was able to produce synthetic amines, amphetamine, which is similar to the human body's adrenaline. It is used medically on battlefields on wounded soldiers in order to lower their pain. But, now it is used as drug for the same reason, that is, to lower pain or distress.
Another form of drug is barbiturates, which are widely used. These are sedatives and tranquilisers. There are also synthetic opiates, which are used medically as well as non-medically. One common form is pethidine.
So, drugs seem to be available everywhere in the world and hence it is within the reach of everybody. But there are still certain misconceptions about drugs like drug addiction is found only in poor classes. Certain people accept that alcohol and cigarettes, which can prove to be dangerous, are not drugs. Certain people say that drug addiction involves only young people and the solution to drug addiction is police and custom controls only. Of course, these misconceptions are not true but still certain people believe in them.
Drug addictions are found complex problems. It is usually a medical problem. In fact, many medicines make use of drugs when other means cannot be used. Finally, the patient becomes addicted after he leaves the hospital.
Drug addiction is a psychological problem. In fact, it is a learnt behaviour. It is also a sociological as well as a cultural problem. Sociologist are now studying the influence of group on individuals whereas anthropologists in their sides have found that in many cultures, drugs have symbolic meanings.
Hence, there are many causes of drug addiction. First, as medical treatments, that is the presence of non-conventional form of cures. Yet, the irresponsible roles of certain medicines should also be considered.
Drug, in most cases, is a self-treatment against frustrations. These may be caused by multiple reasons like economic distress. Drugs also become a means to achieve sub-cultural acceptance especially in youth culture. There are many places whereby sub-cultural group indulges in drug addiction, a new member in order to be accepted by the group, has to take drugs.
The availability of drugs also is another causes of drug addiction. Drugs today are easily available mainly because of the presence of drug Mafia. The social attitude towards drug addiction is another cause of drug addiction. In fact, in many countries, attitudes towards drug addiction are either supportive or neutral. Hence, there has been an increase in tolerance about drugs.
In developing countries, the main cause of drug addiction is the rapid industrialization. In such countries, the aspiration of young people become higher. Since the increase in competition at all level, in such countries, causes a lot of frustrations, people try to use drugs to escape from their problems. The rapid economic changes in the third world countries bring also social changes, that is, changes in attitude. Thus, the traditional values start declining and more often westernization succeed. We witness the death of religion and gradually more and more freedom is given to individual