Dystopian Story
Essay by Kimmy2016 • February 9, 2016 • Book/Movie Report • 1,338 Words (6 Pages) • 1,364 Views
Set in the future of the year 2125 , When the robot Hal 9000 was created by a young boy named arthur. Arthur would spend much of his time at home then in school. School wasn’t really important to him because he was the smartest kid in the small town. He lives in a old‐fashioned , strange , clean , welcoming , very old and warm town named Valdell , He’s 15 years old and has no parents or nobody, his parents gave up on him and they past away before he turned 12. He doesn’t feel like he's alone, he never experienced a particular emotion. He has worked on his robot for years and years but can't seem to figure out what the missing piece is. So he decided to go out to the shop down the street. While he was walking the down the street he came across a young girl named alyssa. Alyssa lived next door to Arthur's house , but he seemed to never notice.
“Hi arthur” Alyssa said.
“Hello” Arthur said.
“Where are you going?” Alyssa said.
“I’m Going down to the shop to find a small metal tool that i need”Arthur said.
“Oh okay what kind of tool ”Alyssa said.
"A tool I need to finish my robot”Arthur said.
As he walked into the store he asked the employee If he had a small screwdriver to screw all the loose bolts together. As the employee came out with a screwdriver ,Arthur just gave him the money and ran back to his house. Alyssa stayed outside for arthur but he ran to fast to get back on working with his robot that alyssa was to far away from him to catch up. Alyssa would always wonder why he spends too much time in his house. So she decided to go knock on his door and ask him if she can see his robot.
“Hey again i was wondering if i can see you robot your building” Alyssa said.
“Sure come on in” Arthur said.
As they went inside alyssa was so amazed by the way arthur had his home it was nice , organized , old‐fashioned , new furniture, clean, big and very rich decorations. Once you got to his lab downstairs, it was filled with many different tools, tables , robots that were different shapes , colors , and sizes that didn’t work , so arthur would just put them somewhere and worked on another one. When arthur showed alyssa his main robot , she was SURPRISED!!. It was a human shaped robot. She was couldn’t speak , she was amazed on how much work arthur put into his robot. She asked him so many questions.
How did you build it? How?? Why?? How long did it take you?? but arthur didn’t answer her questions he was just too focused on his robot and he called it the H AL 9000. But then arthur realized that he should keep this robot a secret because he knew someone else can build such a thing and steal his idea.
“Alyssa you need to keep this a secret”said arthur.
“Okay arthur I promise”said alyssa.
Alyssa and Arthur became good friends after a while. So arthur was already a 18 year old. Ready to show to the government his robot H AL 9000 to be able to establish more robot just like the one his built and become a famous engineer. After he show the
g o v e r n m e n t t h e r o b o t H A L 9 0 0 0 . T h e g o v e r n m e n t d e c i d e d t o e s t a b l i s h i t t o b e a b l e t o help others in the community and be a type of persowondered what happened to alyssa. But alyssa was looking for arthur , she wanted to tell him so many things. So she decided to find him. Arthur was surprised that he saw alyssa, he thought she was dead because of the war that had happened between the humans and the robot army but she wasn’t. Arthur was so excited to see her but alyssa wasn’t, she was mad because of what he has became.
“Why did you do this”said Alyssa.
“Do what”said Arthur
“Make the robots go against us people”said Alyssa.
“It was for my own good alyssa”said Arthur.
“But why, you killed so many people”said Alyssa.
“I didn't kill them , the robots did”said Arthur.
“ YOU built the robots arthur”said Alyssa.
“But I didn’t kill them”said Arthur.