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Early American Life

Essay by   •  March 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  297 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,642 Views

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I am going to tell you a lot of facts in my research paper on Early American Life. In th paper I,m going to talk about religion, culture, education, and settlement. The next paragraph is on religion and here it is.

Ok, the the Puritans considered

the bible the true law of god and it provided guidelines for the church government. Also the puritans encouraged bible reading, prayer and preaching in the worship services. The Puritans simplified the sacroments ritual, they also wanted more personal and prescribed prayers. (Worldbook P.910) Most of the pastors could read the bible in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. The Puritans admired the early "church fathers and they quoted them in there works. The puritans believed that worship in church should be stritly regulated and they believed in a emphasis on private bible study. ( Ok well that's my paragraph on religion well hope the next one is longer. The next paragraph is on education.

The parents strived for there children to have an education. The colonies helped by comanding the building and and maintaining of the schoolss. In 1647, Massachusetts passed a law tha a town with at least 50 familys should provided a school where children could to read and write and that a town with over 100 familys was required to have a grammar school but the shools were not free. Quakers thought that the three r's were enough to learn. Paper was scarce and to highly priced to waste. Lead pencils were first advertised for sale in 1761. The education of a girl in waas less important than household duties. Girls learned needwork from there mothers and aunts.(Earle, Alice Morce P.115-120) I guess that's the end of that one too, well I hope they get longer.



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