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Ecstasy is another name for 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is a semi -synthetic, psychoactive drug which is chemically similar to the stimulant called methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. It was patented by Merck Pharmaceutical Company in 1914, which led to it being forgotten for around sixty years, which led to it being re-introduced by psychiatrists and psychotherapists to be used for therapy as a relax drug. About until 1985 it was a legal drug but when 1985 reached, it was added to a list of banned drugs due to it becoming number one drug choice for youths. The drug was banned, but once it was banned statistics prove that the use of the drug in dance clubs sky rocketed.

The drug Ecstasy (MDMA) has several different street names. The different street names for Ecstasy are: Adam, B-bombs, Bens, Clarity, Cristal, Decadence, Dex, Disco biscuit, Ecstasy, E, Essence, Eve, Go, Hug drug, Iboga, Love drug, Morning shot, Pollutants, Scooby snacks, Speed for lovers, Sweeties, Wheels, X and Xtc. The names associated with street names of Ecstasy where derived from effects that the drug has on you while ingest the drug into your body.

There are different methods of how one is able to ingest ecstasy. One way is to swallow the drug. Swallowing the drug involves putting the drug in your mouth and washing it down with water. This method of can be used for good or bad, because ecstasy can dilute in water or any type of drink, one must careful to watch out for people putting in ecstasy in their drinks when they are not looking. Another way of taking ecstasy is snorting. The ecstasy pills are broken up into white powder, and then snorted in. Those two ways are the most common, while ecstasy can be smoked or injected into your blood stream.

Short term effects of ecstasy on your body do not seem harmful but can lead to serious addictions. Immediate effects of ecstasy which take around twenty minutes to start happening after the drug has entered your system. The effects of ecstasy right after taking it are increase in blood pressure, heart rare increase, dehydration, overheating, grinding of teeth, and jaw clenching. Short term effects that revolve around taking ecstasy are mainly psychological difficulties which include confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety and paranoia. These effects can happen days or weeks after taking ecstasy. Physical symptoms that result from taking ecstasy are muscle tension, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, chills and over sweating. One major effect of ecstasy is that it gives people a major energy buzz which is popular with clubbers because it allows them to dance for hours without feeling tired. If ecstasy is snorted, smoked or injected it will produce much more rapid reaction in your system, which could mean around five minutes for its effects to take place, while taking it orally can take twenty to forty minutes.

How to obtain ecstasy..? We must remember that most ecstasy pills are made in backyard laboratories, which means they are not been approved or tested for human consumption. This is why when obtaining ecstasy these days it is never pure ecstasy. There are always other chemicals inside the pills, which can be extremely harmful. The pills are made illegally and then distributed through drug dealers. Most people these days obtain ecstasy pills at clubs, illegal drug dealers or their friends. When people go clubbing it is extremely easy to get your hands on it. Because it is not manufactured by an official pharmacy it can be extremely cheap and harmful. Another big factor of obtaining ecstasy is at raves, parties and friends houses. When you go to a rave, you can be almost always certain that someone will offer ecstasy to you. There you can meet people which have contacts and can help you get your hands on it. This is extremely harmful because you can never know what's inside the drug.

Ecstasy is very cheap to manufacture in Europe. It costs around twenty-five to thirty cents to manufacture an ecstasy tablet in Europe, while the same table can be sold up to forty-dollars in the United States. It does not always sell for forty-dollars but the usual market price is around twenty to thirty dollars. The price range of the table ranges depending on the dose of it. Usual dose of a table ranges from 50 to 150 milligrams, while black market doses vary. It also varies on the location of where you live. In some towns in the United States you are able to find them for as low as ten dollars a tablet, while in other places it can range up to forty dollars per tablet. The price of ecstasy is a main factor for its distribution. Because it can be made easily in backyard laboratories it is easily distributed at low prices.

While ecstasy gives you a good mood, longer energy burst, more ability to love and other effects at start it has devastating effects long term wise. Ecstasy can cause long-lasting, permanent damage to nerve endings in the brain that are critical processes for memory and thought. Because ecstasy is an amphetamine it impairs the function and long term productions of serotonin and a brain chemical playing a role in regulating mood memory, sleep and appetite, which is why people taking ecstasy experience loss of sleep, appetite and memory. No scientist is one hundred percent clear on these long term effects but these effects are the main ones that result from taking ecstasy. Addiction is very serious effect that results from ecstasy. Because ecstasy is used to release a power full mood it often results in a big addiction to it. Not everyone one gets addicted to it but eventually it leads to addiction which leads to users trying more frequent use of drugs.

There is an apparent relationship between teens, drugs and music. All of those things lead to one another; most teens get introduced to drugs through music, like clubs and raves. Most teens go to raves once at their life times; there is always music there which leads to drugs. Teens that do not experience music at raves experience fewer drug exposure then others who go to raves constantly and the use of drugs is extended. Due to drugs being a major factor in places where teens meet, there is an apparent relationship between those three things.

Teens are attracted to drugs due to some major relationships like peer pressure between people, drugs being shared at parties, friends introducing each other to drugs and others. When some people look at others and see that they do drugs, and they are considered "Cool" they have more will to try them and try and be cool. This not always lead to being cool but sometimes it does. Another way is that people to go parties and at parties you can almost always be certain that there will be drugs shared across a group of friends. Some people just do not want to say



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