Edgar Allen Poe
Essay by review • November 19, 2010 • Essay • 806 Words (4 Pages) • 1,213 Views
Edgar Allen Poe
Every country has a great writer, in America, that writer is Edgar Allen Poe. He writes all kinds of literature such as poems and short stories. His stories are also for a wide variety of ages. His life was full of failure as well as success. Edgar Allen Poe had many problems mentally and physically. He had a drinking problem and a problem keeping jobs. Poe's father left him at a young age aw well as his mother and was put into a family but was not legally adopted. In this family he had a mother, father, a sister, and a brother. Another thing that may have been troublesome for him was that he had a child with his cousin.
Edgar Allen Poe's horrible background may explain his twisted stories. Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts. Both of his parents were actors and were sometimes writers in their spare time. Poe's most famous books were the Tell Tale Heart and The Raven. Poe's thoughts on the world were very different than other people. He thought that a play was something more than a play because of the lights and the music. Another achievement of his was when his poem was in the Dollar Newspaper. when he was younger he attended The University of Virginia and was quickly kicked out. He then turned to The United States Military Academy but was also quickly kicked out of that school as well. After being turned down from both schools he became a lecturer. That job lasted longer than college for him but he bean writing scary poems and haunting stories around 1930's. When people first read Poe's writing they thought he was a little messed up in the head. During this time Poe had severe financial difficulty. Another misfortune
came about when he discovered his wife to be dead due to tuberculosis then he married his boyhood sweetheart. He also started to write magazine articles. Most of Poe's stories that he wrote were fiction, only a few of them were non-fiction. Another weird thing about Poe is that he thought if a beautiful women dies it is a good topic to write about. The first book he published was called Tamer. One other problem that Edgar Allen Poe had was that he would make bets but not be able to pay if he lost. This was one of the reasons not many people liked him. During his adult career he became ill and it almost ended his writing career.
One of the things Poe got to do that most people didn't back then was travel. He traveled all over the world and almost every country in Europe. Poe also thought living on earth was stupid. Poe immigrated to the United States from England. Almost everybody in his family had a talent like his grandma and aunt both played the piano. He grew up well and had very good manners but only to his elders and women. Unlike most people, Poe had a terrible fear of the dark and he would faint. He would even sleep with the lights on. Since Poe