Essay by review • December 13, 2010 • Essay • 584 Words (3 Pages) • 1,092 Views
Educating our Youth
The Authors that we read in class all had esteemed criticism when talking about our nations education system but the one essay that stood out the most for me was about our children being more interactive with the community. Robert Coles argues that our childred need to be more respectable towards elders and be more involved in the growth of the community.
Respectively I think that Mr. Coles makes a very convincing argument, and that when you break down all of the other arguments, everything pieces together under one major category. Bell Hooks argues that our schools are too large and that the students need to feel a sense of surrounding in order for them to be able to learn better, Ms. Meier has a convincing argument that standardization of our school just like the ones in Europe are needed, and Linda Darling-Hammond argues that there is unequal opportunity among our schools specifically dealing with racism distributed throughout our school system.
When you look at Bell Hook's argument that our schools are too large and that
the students that are going to school in the city are not getting the same education as the students in the suberb's. This argument can directly tie into the fact that yes there defiantly needs to be a more teacher to student ratio, because in every statistical analysis of the school system the less students in a class, the more comfortable the student is in his surrounding and the easier it is for the student to learn. Basically this situation can be solved by involving the student in the school, and in the community better. Solving a situation like cutting classroom size down with flooding more money into schools isn't going to solve the way that students learn. I believe that students learn by the influence of others around them, others like their parents, their role models, and fellow classmates.
I don't fully agree with the fact that there is unequal opportunity among students of different race, or that there need to be a standardization among grades for students like there is in Europe. The problem here in America is that kids aren't feeling the connection with their peers. Kids don't have motivation to learn, they see that their parents are not tied to their lives and they don't feel that connection with the community like they are supposed to. The only thing that