Effective Advetising
Essay by js79563 • August 20, 2014 • Essay • 927 Words (4 Pages) • 1,256 Views
Premade bottled kombucha has just recently become a popular drink. The fact that its popularity has just come to light the advertising appears to be limited. It could be that limited advertising has kept kombucha out of the public's eye. Using the correct advertising route will draw the customers to the product.
Kombucha is a popular modern day beverage that is believed to have the power to boost the immune system and reverse the aging process. Reed's Kombucha known as Reed's Ginger Brew, contains probiotics and organic acids that aid in detoxifying and balancing the nutrition required for a healthier energized lifestyle (Reeds Culture Club Kombucha, 2013). Reed's Culture Club Kombucha has enhanced the flavor by blending in super fruit juices and herbs with a small dose of raw cane sugar as a sweetener. This drink has drawn the interest of people looking to live a longer healthier life. One of the few competitors in this market is GT's Kombucha which is also known as Synergy.
When doing online research about kombucha drinks Synergy is the one that appears most often. Synergy was put on the market in 1994 and was introduced with a story of healthy habits that saves lives (GT's Kombucha, N.D.). The creator's mother had cancer and promotes Synergy as the product that cured her. This is an emotional advertisement. It is also sold by transferring the belief through images. The advertisements have positive images, such as happy healthy energetic people and words that lead the consumer to believe that this drink will change their lives. The great outdoor scenes impress upon the people that kombucha is a natural drink.
The labels on every bottle of Synergy are very colorful and appealing to the eye. Many of the advertisements have either a focus on one bottled drink and the label or many rows of the bright colorful drink with the eye catching labels. These labels have wording that suggest that positive changes will happen. The labels contain words such as reawaken, rekindle, refine and repurpose and offer the hope or belief that all of these words will actually happen. The ads intent is to lead the people into believing that Synergy is a natural healthy drink that will improve all areas of life. Using loaded words lead the consumer to believe that they have to get this product and it will lead to great changes in their life (Language of Persuasion, N.D.).
The types of customer these ads are aimed at are people who are interested in the environment and living a healthier lifestyle. Living a healthier lifestyle would involve changing their eating habits and healthcare. These people are usually around 35 to 50 years old and live on a media income. Natural and organic products play an important part in their eating habits. Kombucha contains an organic mushroom type product that is the primary ingredient.
The ad is effective because the colorful scenes give the observer a greater desire to be involved in this type of lifestyle. People are made to believe that everybody who changes their drinking habits to include kombucha will live a life comparable to those in the pictures. The persuasive technique that is used is association. The pictures show the positive image of a lifestyle that everybody would like to have or live. This would make the ad persuasive.
Reed's Culture Club Kombucha uses a lot of the same advertising