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Effects of Career Pathing on the Decision of the Students’ Career

Essay by   •  July 24, 2018  •  Research Paper  •  3,286 Words (14 Pages)  •  1,010 Views

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Rationale of the Study


“Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.” said H.L. Hunt. This is the step to success to reach your dream. People should first know their passion but it is not easy as it seems. The main role of career pathing is to help the students choose a career that is not only fit for them but also have a plan that they can stick to afterwards. The goal is to have more than just a diploma upon finishing high school but also to graduate with a career to pursue.

This study will tackle the effects of career pathing on the decision of the students’ career. Career pathing is done every year for grade 9 and fourth year students for them to be educated regarding certain courses they have in their minds. This is done by listening to testimonies of every successful individual in their chosen fields.

        The researchers want to know the effects of career pathing on student’s career choice and to tell if it can help the students establish their careers. The students will benefit on this study because career pathing was initially made for them to know the course to take. The school will also benefit because they will know if the career pathing that is annually conducted accomplished its purpose. Lastly, the future researchers will know what to do to improve the understanding of the functions of career pathing.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the perceived effects of Career Pathing on the career choice of selected grade 9 and fourth year high school of Amazing Grace School S.Y. 2014-2015.

  1. What is the percentage of selected grade 9 and fourth year high school students changing their course preference because of career pathing?
  2. What are the perceived effects of career pathing on the career choice of selected grade 9 and fourth year high school students?
  3. How does career pathing affect the career choice as perceived by the selected grade 9 and fourth year high school students?


        There are no significant effects of career pathing on the career choice as perceived by selected grade 9 and fourth year high school students S.Y. 2014-2015.

Conceptual Framework

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Significance of the Study

        The purpose of this study is to enlighten the readers about the effects of career pathing to the career choice of Amazing Grace School as perceived by grade 9 and fourth year students. It will give the teachers, students, and the school a deeper understanding as to how it affects a student’s choice of career.

        This study will benefit the teachers for if they know its effects then they will be able to make the students learn more about the specific field or career they are interested in. They will also be able to encourage and guide the students to the career that they really need to pursue in their lives.        

        The students will have the most benefit for this study for they will be able to assess whether the effects that career pathing brings upon them is good or bad. They will have a clearer understanding as to what they should absorb when listening during that seminar. They will also be helped as to what career they should choose.

        The school will also benefit from the study for this will tackle about the effects of the career pathing program they have every year. This study will provide feedback to the school about the program they have in use every year. They will know its pros and cons to be able to improve the career pathing program even further.

Scope and Limitation

        The study focuses on the perceived effects of career pathing in the career choice of selected grade 9 and fourth year students in Amazing Grace School, S.Y 2014-2015. This study is solely limited to the event that happens once in a school year which is known as career pathing. The other events that may affect a student’s career choice are not included.

The respondents consist of the students who have attended the said event. This study does not concern itself with students whose career choice is affected by other factors such as parents and student’s interest.

Definition of Terms

  1. career – job or course in college
  2. pathing – making a way or a plan (for something)
  3. career pathing – A program or activity done to help the students decide the course to take in  college
  4. career choice – selecting a specific profession
  5. college – an educational institution where you can get a degree to be a professional
  6. students – incoming and upcoming college students
  7. perceived – observed

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Literature

As a chapter ends another one unfolds, where students will face another set of challenges to reach their dreams. According to Lim (2003), college pushes students to stand in their own feet away from their families and friends. It is the beginning of being occupied by classes and school works and facing new challenges. It is the time to find yourselves, learn to make your own decision and be responsible of it. College is a journey to being an adult. To sum it up, college students experience several adjustments. They will be the one who will need to adapt to new environment. The more they need guidance from their seniors. Giving them a glimpse of what world they would want to enter without scaring them but instead just presenting the reality of their decision. According to Elmer (1989), career planning is life goal-setting that without such a plan, it is like making a journey to an unfamiliar destination without a map. To offer a solution to this, he formulated a Career Planning Guide for the students choosing their appropriate course when planning for their career.



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