Effects on Natural Disasters
Essay by abridges • November 23, 2012 • Essay • 426 Words (2 Pages) • 1,312 Views
What natural hazard is most likely to affect the location where you live? What precautions (e.g., shelters, early warning system) have been taken to prepare for a hazardous event?
A natural hazard is an extreme natural phenomenon that threatens human lives, activities or property. There are different types of natural hazards that occur on a regular basis, such as, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes. These can affect thousands of people each year.
Mississippi is vulnerable to floods, tornadoes and occasional hurricanes. There are several precautions that people can take to prepare themselves and their home should an event happen. Simple steps and precautions can be established before a natural hazard takes place. Emergency supplies and kits, evacuation kits, evacuation plan, knowing key definitions, and general knowledge of where shelters are located are a few things one can put into place.
In the event of an emergency it is important to have basic supplies on hand. These supplies can include weather radio, flashlight, batteries, water and a few days' supply of non-perishable food items. These items can be kept in a backpack or duffle bag for easy access. An evacuation kit will need to be more detailed with items because this kit will be taken when one leaves their home. The kit may include, water, non-perishable food, medical information, personal identification, insurance information, first-aid kit, clothes, towels, pillows, blankets along with the basic emergency supplies. This kit should have enough food and supplies to last one person 5 to 7 days. In the event of an evacuation, maps and weather radios with fresh batteries are useful along with knowing key definitions.
Knowing key definitions help people to be able to know exactly what precautionary actions to take. Watches and warnings are issued to inform the public of impending threats. Knowing the difference is important. "Watches are issued when weather conditions are conductive for the event to occur. Warnings are different. A warning is issued when the weather event is happening now" (AccuWeather.com). Knowing these differences can possibly save ones' life. A person can listen for these by radio and Jackson, MS channel is FM 91.3.
Being prepared before a natural hazard is very beneficial and important to each individual involved. From having basic emergency kits to evacuation supplies and