Elements in "the Road Not Taken"
Essay by review • October 24, 2010 • Essay • 735 Words (3 Pages) • 2,307 Views
In the poem "The Road Not Taken", author Robert Frost uses the simple image of a road to represent a person's journey through life. A well-established poet, Frost does a proficient job of transforming a seemingly common road to one of great importance, which along the way helps one identify who they really are. This poem is one of self-discovery. Frost incorporates strong elements of poetry such as theme, symbolism, rhyme scheme, diction, imagery, and tone to help create one of his most well known pieces about the human experience.
The main theme of the poem that Frost attempts to convey is how important the decisions that one makes can be, and how they affect one's future. In lines 2-3, he expresses the emotions of doubt and confusion by saying, "And sorry I could not travel/ And be one traveler, long I stood", which explains how the speaker contemplated their decision of which road to take. In the closing, line 20 of the poem further reestablishes the theme when it states, "that has made all the difference", meaning that making the decision of which road to take for themselves is the important key for a successful future. Frost helps to express this theme by using symbolism to portray a road as one's journey of life. Using symbolism, Frost suggests that the speaker of this poem is taking the harder of the two roads presented before them, because the road the speaker chooses, "leaves no step had trodden black" (12). This scenario is one that is very common throughout one's life, whether or not to take the more common easy path, or the more challenging one.
Another aspect of the poem that is well crafted, and helps it flow smoothly to the reader is its repetitive rhyme scheme that uses the same structure for each stanza. The poem is comprised of four stanzas, each consisting of five lines. Within the stanzas the first, third, and fourth lines rhyme, leaving the second and fifth with a rhyme of their own. The poem is also written as a first-person narrative, which makes it clearer for the reader to follow. This format and style shows an obvious scheme with organization done by Frost. Along with the order of the poem, Frost makes good use of diction to help express a feeling of seriousness by using more scholarly words. Instead of simply stating that one of the roads was less worn, he specifies that it was not "trodden". Frost also gives a more vivid description of the road by describing how