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Essay by   •  November 24, 2010  •  Essay  •  1,124 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,017 Views

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First off I would like to Congratulate Ms. President on your second term, I have always supported you and what you think is best for this country. With you as president I feel that this country will be a lot safer and it will be better for the people. I also want to take the time to thank you Ms. President on picking me to help lead us out of this energy problem we are going threw. As the headman of the department of energy, I will lead us into a bright new future for this country. My plan will save us million, who knows maybe even billions down the line!

The problem that we face know is that we are running out of oil, and fast. Oil has been a big part of our energy over the last 200 years, and it has worked great, by heating our houses and running out cars. But now with oil running out fast we need to turn to a knew source of energy. One that will be more efficient, one that will be clean, one that doesn't require to be thrown away after use, one that we can make free to the public at one point, one that we can use for the rest of out lifetime.

The sun has been a big par of life, no matter where you come from or what you believe in the sun is the most important thing to us. Without this big ball of fire, there wont be any light, crops wound not be able to grow, and those who eat the crops would die because they would have no food, and those who eat the animals that eat the crops would die because there wound be any animals left, and life as we know it would come to an end. This shows you how strong the sun actually is, it has the power to end life. The sun also creates so much energy on a bright, sunny day, the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface.

What I am proposing is that we use the sun to run the United States of America. This will be a long plan and it will take a long time to complete its goal but with patience, and a good team to work with we can pull this plan together.

Starting by the end of this month we hope to begin the process of turning all the power plants in America, into solar power plants. This will be a five year process hopefully leaving 90 percent of all power plants in America solar power plants. All power plants will be turned in solar power plant fields, with hundreds of solar panels laid out. Each panel will generate energy, the energy that is generated at these plants then will be send to each home in the area, through the energy carrier in the area. If you live in an area that is not commonly sunny, then very long cables will be ran to multiple generators till the energy gets to your house. This will first off save money for the energy carrier in the long run, and save money for the customers. Also it will bring less danger to the environment, and be safer to deal with and it wouldn't take up that much room. Here is an example of about how each solar power plant will be designed...

As you can see in the picture the solar panels will be laid out right next to each other. The solar panels will also follow the sun as it goes from morning to night, grabbing the most energy possible from our sun. In the middle of the plant will be the headquarters of the plant, where there will be faculty and staff that run the plant. The faculty and staff will be responsible for making sure the power plant runs right. This is step one of a three step process.

If the plan continues



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