English Vocabulary
Essay by nicholasphyo • March 8, 2016 • Study Guide • 15,984 Words (64 Pages) • 1,808 Views
abandon abstract abstraction academy academia academic access accessible accessibility inaccessible accommodate accommodating accommodation accompany accompaniment unaccompanied accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate inaccuracy inaccurate achieve achievement acknowledge acknowledged acknowledgment acquire acquisition adapt adaptation adaptable adaptability adaptive adequate adequacy inadequate inadequacy adjacent adjust adjustment readjust readjustment administrate administration administrator administrative adult adulthood advocate advocacy affect affective affected unaffected aggregate aggregation aid unaided albeit allocate allocation ambiguous ambiguity unambiguous alter alteration alterable unalterable unaltered alternate alternative alternatively amend amendment annual annually analogy analogous anticipate anticipation unanticipated analyze analyzer analysis analyst analytical apparent apparently append appendix appreciate appreciation appreciable appreciably unappreciated approach approachable unapproachable appropriate inappropriate approximate approximation arbitrary arbitrariness area aspect assemble assembly assess assessment unassessed reassess reassessment assign assignment unassigned reassign assist assistance assistant unassisted assume assumption assuming assure assurance assured attach attachment attached unattached attain attainment attainable unattainable attitude attribute author authoring authorship authority authoritative automate automatic automation available unavailable aware awareness unaware behalf benefit beneficial beneficiary bias bias biased unbiased bond bonded brief brevity bulk bulky capable capability incapable capacity incapacitate incapacitated category categorize categorization cease ceaseless challenge challenged channel chapter chart uncharted chemical circumstance cite citation civil clarify clarification clarity classic classical clause code coding coherent coherence incoherent coincide coincidence coincident coincidental collapse collapsible colleague commence commencement recommence comment commentary commentator commission commissioner commit commitment committed commodity communicate communicable communication communicative uncommunicativ community compatible compatibility incompatible compensate compensation compensatory compile compilation complement complementary complex complexity component componentry compound comprehensive comprise compute computation computational computerize conceive conceivable conceivably inconceivable computerized concentrate concentration concentrated concept conception conceptual conceptualize conclude conclusion conclusive inconclusive concurrent conduct confer conference confine unconfined confirm confirmation confirmed conflict conform conformable conformity conformation conformist nonconformist nonconformity consent consensus consequent consequence consequently considerable consist consistency consistent inconsistency inconsistent constant constancy inconstancy inconstant constitute constituency constituent constitution constitutional constitutive unconstitutional constrain constraint unconstrained construct constructive reconstruct reconstruction consult consultancy consultant consultation consume consumer consumption contact contactable contemporary context contextual contextualize contract contractor contradict contradiction contradictory contrary contrast contrastive contribute contribution contributor controversy controversial convene convention conventional unconventional converse conversely convert conversion convertible convince convincing unconvinced core cooperate cooperation cooperative coordinate coordination coordinator corporate corporation correspond correspondence corresponding couple coupling create creation creator credit creditor criterion criteria crucial culture cultural uncultured currency cycle cyclic cyclical data debate debate debatable decade decline deduce deduction definite definitely definitive indefinite demonstrate demonstrable demonstration demonstrative demonstrator denote denotation deny deniable denial undeniable depress depression derive derivation derivative design
designer despite detect detectable detection detector detective deviate deviation device devote devoted devotion differentiate differentiation dimension multidimensional diminish diminished diminution undiminished discrete discretion discretionary indiscrete discriminate discriminating discrimination displace displacement display displayed dispose disposable disposal distinct distinction distinctive distinctly indistinct distort distorted distortion distribute distribution distributive distributor diverse diversification diversify diversity document documentation domain domestic domesticate draft redraft dominate dominant domination dominance drama dramatic dramatize dramatization dramatist duration dynamic economy economical economic economist edit edit edition editor editorial element eliminate elimination emerge emergence emergent emphasis emphasize emphatic empirical empiricism enable encounter energy energetic enforce enforcement enforced enhance enhancement enormous enormity ensure entity environment environmental environmentalist equate equation equip equipment equivalent equivalence erode erosion error erroneous establish disestablish establishment estate estimate estimation underestimate overestimate ethic ethnic ethnicity evaluate evaluation eventual evident evidence evidential evidently evolve evolution evolutionist exceed exceeding exclude excluding exclusion exclusive exhibit exhibition expand expanded expansion expansionism expansive expert
expertise explicit exploit exploitation export expose exposure external externalize extract extraction facilitate facilitation facility factor feature federal federation fee file final finalize finality finance finance financial financier finite infinite flexible flexibility inflexible fluctuate fluctuation focus refocus format formula formulate formulation reformulate forthcoming found founder foundation framework function functional fund fundamental gender generate generation goal grade grant guarantee guideline hence hypothesis hypothesize hypothetical hierarchy hierarchical highlight identical identify identification identity unidentifiable ideology ignorant ignorance ignore illustrate illustration illustrative image imagery immigrate immigrant immigration impact implement implementation implicate implication implicit implicitly imply impose imposition incentive incidence incident incidental incline inclination income incorporate index indicate indication indicative indicator induce induction individual individualize individualism individualistic inevitable inevitably infer inference infrastructure inherent inhibit inhibition initial initiate initiation initiative initiator injure injured injury uninjured innovate innovation innovative innovator input insert insertion insight insightful inspect inspection inspector instance institute institution institutional institutionalize instruct instruction instructive instructor integral integrate integration integrity intelligent intelligence unintelligent intense intenseness intensification intensify intension intensity intensive interact interaction interactive intermediate internal internalize interpret interpretation misinterpret reinterpret interval | V V Adj N N N N N Adj V Adj Adj N Adj V Adj N V N Adj V N N Adj N Adj V N V Adj N V N V N Adj N Adj Adj N Adj N Adj V N V N V N N Adj N Adj N V N V Adj Adj Adj N Adj V N N V Adj Conj V N Adj N Adj V N Adj Adj Adj V N Adj N Adv V N Adj Adv N Adj V N Adj V N N N Adj Adj Adv V N V N Adj Adv Adj V N Adj Adj Adj V Adj Adj V N Adj N N N V V N V N Adj V N V N Adj V V N N N Adj V N Conj Adj V N Adj V N Adj Adj V N Adj Adj N V N N V N N N Adj V Adj N N Adj Adj Adj N Adj N N V Adj N N V Adj Adj N V Adj Adj N V N N V Adj Adj N Adj N V Adj N V N V Adj N V Adj N V N N V Adj Adj N N V N Adj V N N Adj N Adj N N V N Adj N Adj V N Adj Adj V N Adj N V N V N V N N N V N V N Adj N V Adj N Adj Adj Adj Adj N Adj V N Adj V N N V Adj Adj N V N N Adj N N Adj V Adj N V V N Adj V V Adj Adv Adj V V N N Adj N N Adj V V N Adj Adj Adj N V V N V V N Adj V N Adj N V V Adj N N N Adj N Adj N N V N Adj N N Adv Adj V N N Adj N Adj Adj N N N Adj V N Adj N N Adj N Adj Adj V N Adj V N Adj V N V N N N V N N N V Adj Adj N N N V N V N V N Adj N Adj N N Adj V N N N Adj V N N Adj V N Adv V N N V Adj Adj N V V N Adj V Adj N N N Adj N N V N Adj N V N V N N N V N N Adj N V Adj Adj N N V Adj Adj N N V Adj N V N V N Adj Adv Adj N Adj V Adj N Adj N V N V Adj N Adj V N V N Adj N N V N Prep N V adj N N N V N N V Adj N V N N V Adj V Adj N Adj Adj N Adj Adj V Adj N V N V N Adj V Adj N N Adj N Adj Adv Adj V Adj N V N Adj N Adj N V N N V N N Adj N V N V Adj V N V Adj N N N N Adj V N N N Adj N N Adj Adj Adj N V N N N Adj N N V N V N Adj N N V Adj Adj N V V N N Adj V N Adj V N Adj N V N N Adj N V N V N Adj N N V N N Adj V V N N V N N V N V N N Adj Adj N V N Adj Adj N V Adj Adv V N N Adj V Adj Adv V Prep N Adj N V N N V N N N Adj N Adj N Adj N V N N V N V N Adj N V V N N V N N N V N Adj N N V N V Adj N V N N V Adj N Adj Adj N Adj N Adj V N N V V N V N V N V Adj V N N N N V Adj N V Adj N Adv N V N N N V V N N V N Adv N V Adj N N Adj N Adj V N N Adj N Adj N V V N Adj N V N V N N N V N V N V N N Adj Adv V V N N N N Adj Adj N V N N N V Adj N V V N Adj N V N Adj N V N Adj Adj N Adv V N N Adj V N Adj N V V N N N N V Adj N Adj V N Adj N N V N V N N Adj V N N N V N V N Adj V V N Adj N Adj V N N Adj N Adj Adj N N V N N Adj V N Adj Adj N V Adj N V V N V V N | Give up completely (a course of action, a particle, or a way of thinking) (abandon/abandons/abandoned/abandoned/abandoning) abandonment (n), abandoned (adj) He had clearly abandoned all pretense of trying to succeed. Consider something theoretically or separately from something else. Extract or remove something. Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. abstractly (adv) A summary of the contents of a book, article or formal speech. Abstract concepts such as love or beauty The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events. Freedom from representational qualities in art. Topic will vary in degrees of abstraction. A place of study or training in a special field. A society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists or scientists, that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular fields. The environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship. A teacher or scholar in a college or institute of higher education Of or relating to education and scholarship. Not of practical relevance. Of only theoretical interest. The debate has been largely academic. Approach to enter (a place). Obtain, examine or retrieve (data, or file) (access/accesses/accessed/accessed/accessing) A means of approaching or entering a place. An attack or outburst of an emotion. (Of a place) able to be reached or entered. (Of a person, typically one in a position of authority or importance) friendly and easy to talk to. Approachable The quality of being available when needed The staircase gives access to the top floor. Unable to be reached. (Of a language or an artistic work) difficult to understand or appreciate. A remote and inaccessible cave (Of physical space, especially a building) provide lodging or sufficient space for. Fit in with the wishes or needs of (accommodate/accommodates/accommodated/accommodated/accommodating) Fitting in with someone’s wishes or demands in a helpful way A room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay. A convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise. The cabins accommodate up to 6 people. Go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort. Be present or occur at the same time as (something else) (accompany/accompanies/accompanied/accompanied/accompanying) A musical part that supports or partners a solo instrument, voice or group. Something that is supplementary to or complements sth else, typically food. The two sisters were to accompany us to New York. Having no companion or escort. No accompanied children allowed. Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quality of (accumulate/accumulates/accumulated/accumulated/accumulating) The acquisition or gradual gathering or something. A mass or quantity of something that has gradually gathered or been acquired. The accumulation of paperwork on her desk. The quality or state of being correct or precise. The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation or specification conforms to the correct value or a standard. (Of information, measurements, statistics, etc) correct in all details; exact. (With reference to a weapon, missile, or short) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target. accurately (adv) We have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics. The quality or state of not being accurate. An aspect of sth that is not accurate Not accurate. False or inaccurate descriptions of goods. Reach or attain (a desired objective, level or result) by effort, skill, or courage. Accomplish or bring about. achievable (adj) (achieve/achieves/achieved/achieved/achieving) A thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill. The process or facts of achieving somethings. The achievement of professional recognition. Accept or admit the existence or truth of. (Of a body of opinion) recognize the fact or importance or quality of. (acknowledge/acknowledge/acknowledged/acknowledged/acknowledging) Recognized as being good or important. Accepted as valid or legitimate Acceptance of the truth or existence of something. The action expressing or displaying gratitude or appreciation for something. The art world has begun to acknowledge his genius. Buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself. Learn or develop (a skill, habit or quality). Achieve (a particular reputation) as a result of one’s behavior or activities. (acquire/acquires/acquired/acquired/acquiring) An asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum. The learning or developing of a skill, habit or quality. You must acquire the rudiments of Greek. Make something suitable for a new use or purpose; modify. Become adjusted to new conditions. (adapt/adapts/adapted/adapted/adapting) The action or process of adapting or being adapted Able to adjust to new conditions. Able to be modified for a new use or purpose. Flexibility to fit changed circumstances Characterized by or given to adaptation A large organization can be shown to adapt to change. Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. adequately (adv) The state or quality of being adequate. The adequacy of testing procedures. Lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose. (Of a person) unable to deal with a situation or with wife. The state or quality if being inadequate; lack of quality or quantity required. Her feelings of personal inadequacy. Next to or adjoining something else. Adjacent rooms Alter or move something slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result. Assess (losses or damages) when setting an insurance claim. (adjust/adjusts/adjusted/adjusted/adjusting) A small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance or result. The process of adapting or becoming used to a new situation. He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie. Set or adjust something again. Adjust or adapt to a changed environment or situation. (readjust/readjusts/readjusted/readjusted/readjusting) The act of adapting something to match a standard. I readjusted the rear-view mirror. Less common term for administer. Manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc). Dispense or apply (a remedy of drug) (administrate/administrates/administrated/administrated/administrating) The process or activity of running a business, organization, etc. The officials in the executive branch of government under a particular chief executive A person responsible for running a business, organization, etc. A person legally appointed to manage and dispose of the estate of an intestate, deceased person, debtor, or other individual, or of an insolvent company. Of or relating to the running of a business, organization, etc. administratively (adv) Administrative problems A person who is fully grown or developed (Of a person or animal) fully grown or developed The adult inhabitants of the U.S. Inconsistent and contradictory; a person may be biologically an adult, and have adult behavior but still be treated as a child if they are under the legal age of majority. A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular or policy. Publicly recommend or support. (advocate/advocates/advocated/advocated/advocating) They advocated an ethical foreign policy. Public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. The profession or work of a legal advocate. Have an effect on; make a difference. Touch the feeling of (someone). Move emotionally (affect/affects/affected/affected/affecting) Relating to moods, feelings and attitudes affectively (adv) Influenced or touched by an external factor. Artificial, pretentious, and designed to impress. The dampness began to affect my health. Feeling or showing no effects or changes. (Of a person) without artificially or insincerity. His manner was natural and unaffected. A whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements. A material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles. (aggregate/aggregates/aggregated/aggregated/aggregating) Formed or calculated by the combination of many separate units or items; total. Form or group into a class or cluster. The council was an aggregate of these regional assembles. A group, body, or mass composed of many distinct parts or individuals. The collecting of units or parts into a mass or whole. The condition of being so collected. Help, typically of a practical nature. Help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something. (aid/aids/aided/aided/aiding) He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid. Needing or having no assistance; without help She can no longer walk unaided. Although He was making progress, albeit rather slowly. Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose (allocate/allocates/allocated/allocated/allocating) The action or process of allocating or distributing something. An amount or portion of a resource assigned to a particular recipient. The authorities allocated 50,000 places to refugees. (Of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made. Uncertainly or inexactness of meaning in language. A lack of decisiveness or commitment resulting from a failure to make a choice between alternatives The question is rather ambiguous. Not open to more than one interpretation unambiguously (adv) Instruction should be unambiguous. Change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way. Make structural changes to (a building). (alter/alters/altered/altered/altering) The action or process of altering or being altered. Capable of being changed in some characteristic Plans to alter the dining hall. Not able to be changed. Remaining the same; unchanged Many buildings service unaltered. Occur in turn repeatedly (alternate/alternates/alternated/alternated/alternating) Every other; every second. Taking the place of; alternative A person who acts as deputy or substitute Some adults who wish to alternate work with education. (Of one or more things) available as another possibility One of two or more available possibility As another option or possibility The various alternative methods for resolving disputes. Make mirror changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. Make better; improve. Modify formally, as a legal document or legislative bill. (amend/amends/amended/amended/amending) A mirror change in a document. A change or addition to a legal or statutory document. An article added to the U.S Constitution Occurring once every year A book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title with different contents Once a year, every year A comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification. A correspondence or partial similarity. A thing that is comparable to something else in significant respects. Comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared. An analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies. Regard as probable; expect or predict. Act as a forerunner or precursor of. (anticipate/anticipates/anticipated/anticipated/anticipating) The action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction She anticipated scorn on her return to the theater. Not expected or predicted Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of something especially information, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation. Discover or reveal something through detailed examination. Psychoanalyze someone (analyze/analyses/analyzed/analyzed/analyzing) A person or device that analyses given Detailed examination of the element or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. The process of separating something to its constituent elements. The identification and measurement of the chemical constituents of a substance or specimen. A person who conduct analysis Relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. analytic (adj) analytically(adv) We need to analyze our result more clearly. Clearly visible or understood; obvious. Seeming real or true but not necessarily so So far as one knows or can see. Used by speaker or writer to avoid commiting themselves to the truth of what they are saying. It became apparent that he was talented. Add something as an attachment or supplement. (append/appends/appended/appended/appending) A selection or table of additional matter at the end of a book or document. A tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large. The results of the survey are appended to this chapter. Recognize the full worth of. Understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of. (appreciate/appreciates/appreciated/appreciated/appreciating) The recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. A full understanding of a situation. Large or important enough to be noticed. To an appreciable extent; considerably She feels that he does not appreciate her. Not fully understood, recognized or valued. Come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance. Speak to (someone) for the first time about something, typically with a proposal or request. (approach/approaches/approached/approached/approaching) A way of dealing with something. An act of speaking to someone for the first time about something, typically a proposal or request. The train approached the main line. Friendly and easy to talk to. (Of a place) able to be reached from a particular direction or by a particular means. (Of a person or institution) not welcoming or friendly. (Of a place) remote and inaccessible. Suitable or proper in the circumstances. appropriately (adv) Take (something) for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission. Devote (money or assets) to a special purpose. appropriacy / appropriateness (appropriate/appropriates/appropriated/appropriated/appropriating) A measure appropriate to a wartime economy. Not suitable or right for a particular purpose or in a particular situation appropriately (adv) His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion. inappropriately (adv) inappropriacy Close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact. approximately (adv) Come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity. (approximate/approximates/approximated/approximated/approximating) a value or quantity that is nearly but not exactly correct. A thing that is similar to something else, but is not exactly the same. The calculations are very approximate. Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. (Of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority. The quality of being determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity reason, or principle. arbitrarily (adv) His mealtimes were entirely arbitrary. A region or part of a town, a country, or the world. The extent or measurement of a surface or piece of land. Rural areas of New Jersey. A particular part or feature of something. The positioning of a building or thing in a specified direction. (Of a planet) from an aspect with (another celestial body) The financial aspect can be overstressed. (Of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose. Fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object). (assemble/assembles/assembled/assembled/assembling) A group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose. The action of gathering together as a group for a common purpose. A crowd had assembled outside the gates. Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of. Calculate or estimate the price or value of. Set the value of a tax, fine, etc… for (a person of property) at a specified level. (assess/assesses/assessed/assessed/assessing) The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something. assessable (adj) The committee must assess the relative importance of the issues. Not being assessed. Consider or assess again, especially while paying attention to new or different factors. (reassess/reassesses/reassessed/reassessed/reassessing) We have decided to reassess our timetable. A new appraisal or evaluation. To evaluate it again, or reappraise it. We have decided to reassess our timetable. Allocate (a job or duty). Designate or set (something) aside for a specific purpose. (assign/assigns/assigned/assigned/assigning) A task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or course of study. The attribution of someone or something as belonging. Congress assigned the task to the agency. Not delegated Appoint (someone) to a different job or task. Allocate or distribute (work or resources) differently. He had been reassigned to another post. (reassign/reassigns/reassigned/reassigned/reassigning) He had been reassigned to another post. Help (someone), typically by doing a share of work. An act of helping, typically by providing money. (assist/assists/assisted/assisted/assisting) The provision of money, resources, or information to help someone. The action of helping someone with a job or task. A person who ranks below a senior person. A person who helps in particular work. A senior academic would assist him in his work. Not helped by anyone or anything. Medically unassisted births. Suppose to be the case, without proof. Take or begin to have (power or responsibility). (assume/assumes/assumed/assumed/assuming) A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. The action of taking or beginning to take power or responsibility. Used for the purpose of argument to indicate a premise on which a statement can be based. Arrogant or presumptuous. You are afraid of what people are going to assume about me. Tell someone something positively or confidently to dispel any doubts they may have. Make (something) certain to happen. (assure/assures/assured/assured/assuring) Tony assured me that there was a supermarket in the village. A positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise. Confidence or certainly in one’s own abilities. He gave an assurance that work would not recommence until Wednesday. Confident. Protected against discontinuance or change. assuredly (adv) Certainly not, was her assured reply. Fasten; join. Attribute importance or value to. (attach/attaches/attached/attached/attaching) He made certain that the trailer was securely attached to the van. An extra part or extension that is or can be attached to something to perform a particular function. The condition of being attached to something or someone, in particular. The food processor comes with a blender attachment. Joined or fastened to something. Full of affection or fondness. Please complete the attached form. Not working for or belonging to a particular body or organization. Not married or having an established partner; single. They were both unattached. Succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for). Reach (a specified age, size, or amount). (attain/attains/attained/attained/attaining) Clarify your objectives and ways of attaining them. The action or fact of achieving a goal toward which one has worked. A thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement. The attainment of a complete collection is the measure of a collector’s success. Able to be attained; achievable. Yields in excess of 6% are easily attainable. Not able to be reached or achieved. An unattainable goal. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. A position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state. She took a tough attitude toward other people’s indulgences. Regard something as being caused by (someone or something) A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. (attribute/attributes/attributed/attributed/attributing) attribution (n) attributable (adj) He attributed the firm’s success to the efforts of the managing director. A writer of a book, article, or report. Be the author of (a book or piece of writing). He is the author of several books on the subject. The creation of programs and databases for computer applications such as computer-assisted learning or multimedia products. An authoring system. The fact or position of someone’s having written a book or other written work. The occupation of writing. He took to authorship. The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. A person or organization having power or control in a particular, typically political or administrative, sphere. He had absolute authority over his subordinates. Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable. Commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed. She had an authoritative air. Convert (a process or facility) to largely automatic operation. (automate/automates/automated/automated/automating) Industry is investing in automating production. (Of a device or process) working by itself with little or no direct human control. Done or occurring spontaneously, without conscious thought or intention. automatically (adv) Automatic garage doors An automatic machine or device, in particular. The use of largely automatic equipment in a system of manufacturing or other production process. Unemployment due to the spread of automation. Able to be used or obtained; at someone’s disposal. (Of a person) not otherwise occupied; free to do something. availability (adv) Refreshments will be available all afternoon. Not able to be used or obtained; not at someone’s disposal. (Of a person) not free to do something; otherwise occupied. The men were unavailable for work. Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Concerned and well-informed about a particular situation or development. Most people are aware of the dangers of sunbathing. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development. We need to raise public awareness of the issue. Having no knowledge of a situation or fact. They were unaware of his absence. In the interests of a person, group, or principle. As a representative of Votes cast by labor unions on behalf of their members. An advantage or profit gained from something. A payment or gift made by an employer, the state, or an insurance company. Receive an advantage; profit; gain. (benefit/benefits/benefited/benefited/benefiting) Tenants bought their houses with the benefit of a discount. Favorable or advantageous; resulting in good. The beneficial effect on the economy. A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy. Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something. Give a bias to. (bias/biases/biased/biased/biasing) Readers said the paper was biased toward the conservatives. Unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something. We will not tolerate this biased media coverage. Showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial. We need an unbiased opinion. Physical restraints used to hold someone or something prisoner, especially ropes or chains. An agreement with legal force, in particular. Join or be joined securely to something else, typically by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure. Join or be joined by a chemical bond. (bond/bonds/bonded/bonded/bonding) The prisoner struggled with his bonds. (Of a thing) joined securely to another thing, especially by an adhesive, a heat process, or pressure. (Of a person of company) bound by a legal agreement, in particular. Of short duration briefly(adv) A concise statement or summary Instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task. (brief/briefs/briefed/briefed/briefing) The president made a brief visit to Moscow. Concise and exact use of words in writing or speech. Shortness of time. The brevity of human life. The mass of magnitude of something large. Be or seem to be of great size or importance. Treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it in fact is. The sheer bulk of the bags. Traders were bulking up their flour with chalk. Taking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy. (Of a person) heavily built. (Of clothing) made of a thick yarn or fabric. A bulky piece of luggage. Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing. Able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent. I am quite capable of taking care of myself. Power or ability. The extent of someone’s or something’s ability. He had an intuitive capability of bringing the best out in people. Unable to do or achieve (something). Unable to behave rationally or manage one’s affairs; incompetent. He blushed and was incapable of speech. The maximum amount that something can contain. The ability or power to do, experience, or understand something. The capacity of the freezer is 1.1 cubic feet. Prevent from functioning in a normal way. He was incapacitated by a heart attack. Deprived of strength or power; debilitated. Richard was temporarily incapacitated. A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics. Five categories of intelligence. Place in a particular class or group. (categorize/categorizes/categorized/categorized/categorizing) Odors have been categorized into only seven basic groups. The process in which ideas and objects are recognized differentiated, and understood. Bring or come to an end. (cease/ceases/ceased/ceased/ceasing) The hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed. constant and unending. The fort was subjected to ceaseless bombardment. A call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel. An objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for proof. Invite (someone) to engage in a contest. Dispute the truth or validity of. (challenge/challenges/challenged/challenged/challenging) He challenged one of my men to a duel. Impaired or disabled in a specified respect. challenger (n) A length of water than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas. A band of frequencies used in radio and television transmission, especially as used by a particular station. Direct toward a particular end or object. From channels or grooves in (channel/channels/channeled/channeled/channeling) The channel to the north led us to the Black Sea. A main division of a book, typically with a number or title. The first chapter of the book. A sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram. Make a map of (an area). (Of a record) enter the weekly music charts at a particular position. (chart/charts/charted/charted/charting) A chart showing how much do-it-yourself costs compared with retail. (Of an area of land or sea) not mapped or surveyed. An uncharted region of space. Of or relating to chemistry or the interactions of substances as studied in chemistry. chemically (adv) A compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, especially artificially. Never mix disinfectant with other chemicals. A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action. One’s state of financial or material welfare. We wanted to marry but circumstances didn’t permit. Quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work. A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work. There were dozens of citations from the works of Byron. Of or relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters. Courteous and polite We tried to be civil to him. Make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly comprehensible. Melt (butter) in order to separate out the impurities. The report managed to clarify the government’s position. The action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible. A statement resulting from this. Please advise us if you require further clarification. The quality of being clear, in particular. The quality of coherence and intelligibility. The quality of being easy to see to hear; sharpness of image or sound. For the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with separately. Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. A classic novel. A work of art of recognized and established value. His books have become classics. Of or relating to ancient Greek or Latin Literature, art, or culture. (typically of a form of art) regarded as representing an exemplary standard; traditional and long-established in form or style. Classical mythology. A unit of grammatical organization next below sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate. A particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, bill, or contact. A system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols substituted for other words, letters, etc., especially for the purposes of secrecy. Convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning. Write code for (a computer program) The Americans cracked their diplomatic code. The process of assigning a code to something for the purposes of classification or identification. A code assigned for the purpose of classification or identification. (Of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent. United as or forming a whole. coherently (adv) They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy. The quality of being logical and consistent. The quality of forming a united whole. (Of spoken or written language) expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear. incoherently (adv) He screamed some incoherent threat. Occur at or during the same time. Correspond in nature; tally. Correspond in position; meet or intersect. (coincide, coincides, coincided, coincided, coinciding) Publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition. A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection. Correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence. It’s no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations. Occurring together in space or time. In agreement or harmony. Resulting from a coincidence; done or happening by chance. Happening or existing at the same time. (Of or structure) fall down or in; give way. (Of a person) fall down and become unconscious, typically through illness or injury. (collapse, collapses, collapsed, collapsed, collapsing) An instance of a structure falling down or in. The roof collapsed on top of me. (Of an object) able to be folded into a small space. A person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business. The professor’s colleagues started a scholarship fund in his name. Begin; start. His design team commenced work. (commence, commences, commenced, commenced, commencing) A beginning or start. At the commencement of training. Begin or cause to begin again. The war recommenced. (recommence, recommences, recommenced, recommenced, recommencing) A verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction. Express (an opinion or reaction) (comment, comments, commented, commented, commenting) You asked for comments on the new proposals. An expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation. An editorial commentary. A person who comments on events or on a text. An instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people. A group of people officially charged with a particular function. Give an order for or authorize the production of (Sth such as a building, piece of equipment, or work of art). Bring (sth newly produced, such as a factory or machine) into working condition. (commission, commissions, commissioned, commissioned, commissioning) His commission to redesign the building. A person appointed to a role on or by a commission. The traffic commissioner. Carry out or perpetrate (a mistake, crime, or immortal act). Pledge or bind ( a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy. (commit, commits, committed, committed, committing) They were reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion. The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. An engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. The company’s commitment to quality. Feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated. A committed reformer. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. A useful or valuable thing, such as water or time. Share or exchange information, news, or ideas. (communicate, communicates, communicated, communicated, communicating) The prisoner was forbidden to communicate with his family. Able to be communicated to others. The imparting or exchanging of information or news. Means of connection between people or places, in particular. Ready to talk or impart information (Of a person) unwilling to talk or impart information. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals. The sense of community that organized religion can provide. (Of two things) able to exist or occur together without conflict. A computer that can use software designed for another make or type. A state in which things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict. A feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness. He argues for the compatibility of science and religion. (Of two things) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing together. (Of two people) unable to live together harmoniously. Cleverness and femininity were seen as incompatible. Give (someone) sth, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense. Make up for (sth unwelcome or unpleasant) by existing an opposite force or effect. (compensate, compensates, compensated, compensated, compensating) We agreed to compensate him for his loss. Sth, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. The action or process of awarding someone money as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering. Seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work. (Of a payment) intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering or injury. Produce (sth, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources. (compile, compiles, compiled, compiled, compiling) The local authority must compile a list of taxpayers. The action or process of producing sth, especially a list, book, or report, by assembling information collected from other sources. A thing, especially a book, record, or broadcast program, that is put together by assembling previously separate items. There are thirty-three stories in this compilation. A thing that completes or brings to perfection. A number or quality of sth required to make a group complete. Add (sth) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect. (complement, complements, complemented, complemented, complementing) A classic blazer complements a look that’s stylish or casual. Combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another. Of or relating to complementary medicine. Three guitarists playing interlocking, complementary parts. Consisting of many different and connected parts. A complex network of water channels. A group of similar buildings or facilities on the same site. Make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another. The state or quality of being intricate or complicated. A factor involved in a complicated process or situation. An issue of great complexity. A part of element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle. Constituting part of a larger whole; constituent. Light passed through a prism breaks up into its component colors. The part that make up a system or device. A thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture. The air smelled like a compound of diesel and gasoline fumes. Made up or consisting of several parts or elements, in particular Make up (a composite whole); constitute. Make (sth bad) worse; intensify the negative aspects of (compound, compounds, compounded, compounded, compounding) I compounded the problem by trying to make wrong things right. Complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of sth. A comprehensive list of sources. A secondary school catering to children of all abilities from a given area. Consist of; be made up of. Make up; constitute (comprise, comprises, comprised, comprised, comprising) The country comprises twenty states. Calculate or reckon (a figure or amount). Make a calculation, especially using a computer. (compute, computes, computed, computed, computing) We can compute the exact increase. The action of mathematical calculation. The use of computers, especially as a subject of research or study. Of relating to, or using computers. Of or relating to the process of mathematical calculation. The computational analysis of English. Convert to a system that is operated or controlled by computer. Convert (information) to a form that is stored or processed by computer. A computerized register of dogs. Become pregnant with (a child). Form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind. The dam project was originally conceived in 1977. (conceive, conceives, conceived, conceived, conceiving) capable of being imagined or grasped mentally. A mass uprising was entirely conceivable. It is conceivable or imaginable that. It may conceivably cause liver disease. Not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable. It seemed inconceivable that the president had been unaware of what was going on. Convert to a system that is operated or controlled by computer. Convert (information) to a form that is stored or processed by computer. The advantages of computerized accounting. Focus one’s attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity. Gather (people or things) together in numbers or in a mass. (concentrate, concentrates, concentrated, concentrated, concentrating) Wealth was concentrated in the hands of the government elite. a substance made by removing water or other diluting agent; a concentrated form of sth, especially food. The action or power of focusing one’s attention or mental effort. A close gathering of people or things. Frowning in concentration. Wholly directed to one thing; intense. (Of a substance or solution) present in a high proportion relative to other substances; having had water or other diluting agent removed or reduced. Concentrated fruit juice. An abstract idea; a general notion. A plan or intention; a conception. An idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity. A new concept in corporate hospitality. The action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived. The way in which something is perceived or regarded. Our conception of how language relates to reality. Of relating to, or based on mental concepts. conceptually (adv) Philosophy deals with conceptual difficulties. Form a concept or idea of (something) (conceptualize, conceptualizes, conceptualized, conceptualized, conceptualizing) We can more easily conceptualize speed in miles per hour. Bring (sth) to an end. Arrive at a judgement or opinion by reasoning. (conclude, concludes, concluded, concluded, concluding) They conclude their study with these words. The end or finish of an event or process. A judgment or decision reached by reasoning. Each research group came to a similar conclusion. (Of evidence or argument) serving to prove a case; decisive or convincing. (Of a victory) achieved easily or by a large margin. conclusively (adv) not leading to a firm conclusion; not ending doubt or dispute. The medical evidence is inconclusive. Existing, happening, or done at the same time. concurrently (adv) There are three concurrent art fairs around the city. The manner in which a person behaves, especially on a particular occasion or in a particular context. The action or manner of managing in activity or organization. The conduct of the police during the riot. Organize and carry out. Behave in a specified way. (conduct, conducts, conducted, conducted, conducting) He conducted himself with the utmost propriety. Grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right). Have discussions; exchange opinions. (confer, confers, conferred, conferred, conferring) Moves were made to confer an honorary degree on her. A formal meeting for discussion. Take part in a conference or conference call. He gathered all the men around the table for a conference. Keep or restrict someone or sth within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time) (confine, confines, confined, confined, confining) The borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom of movement. They were cramped within the confines of a little cabin. Not confined to a limited space. Sows should be unconfined at farrowing. Establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case). Administer the religious rite of confirmation to. (confirm, confirms, confirmed, confirmed, confirming) If these fears are confirmed, the outlook for the economy will be dire. The action of confirming sth or the state of being confirmed. (Of a person) firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change. A confirmed bachelor. A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. Be incompatible or at variance; clash. (conflict, conflicts, conflicted, conflicted, conflicting) The eternal conflict between the sexes. comply with rules, standards, or laws. (Of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. Be similar in form or type; agree. (conform, conforms, conformed, conformed, conforming) The kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulation. (Of a person) disposed or accustomed to conform to what is acceptable or expected. Similar in form or nature; consistent. Compliance with standards, rules, or laws. Behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards. The shape or structure of something, especially an animal. A person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices. (Of a person or activity) conforming to accepted behavior or established practices; conventional. A person whose behavior or views do not conform to prevailing ideas or practices. Of or characterized by behavior or views that do not conform to prevailing ideas of practices. Of or relating to Nonconformists or their principles and practices. Failure or refusal to conform to a prevailing rule or practice. Permission for something to happen or agreement to do sth Give permission for sth to happen. (consent, consents, consented, consented, consenting) No change may be made without the consent of all the partners. General agreement. A consensus of opinion among judges. Following as a result or effect. A thing that follows another A result or effect of an action or condition. Importance or relevance Many have been laid off from work as a consequence of the administration’s policies. As a result. Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and consequently earn high salaries. Notably large in size, amount, or extent. (Of a person) having merit or distinction. considerably (adv) A position of considerable influence. Be composed or made up of. Be consistent with. (consist, consists, consisted, consisted, consisting) The set of vehicles forming a complete train. The exhibition consists of 180 drawings. Conformity in the application of sth, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. The way in which a substance, typically a liquid, holds together; thickness or viscosity. The sauce has the consistency of creamed butter. (Of a person, behavior, or process) unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time. Compatible or in agreement with sth. The fact or state of being inconsistent. An inconsistent element or an instance of being inconsistent. Not staying the same throughout. Acting at variance with one’s own principles or former conduct. Police interpretation of the law was often inconsistent. Occurring continuously over a period of time. A situation or state of affairs that does not change. The condition of struggle remained a constant. The quality of being faithful and dependable. The quality of being enduring and unchanging. Changeability, not sticking to a predetermined course. Likely to change frequently without apparent or cogent reason. inconstantly(adv) Be (a part) of a whole. Give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law. (constitute, constitutes, constituted, constituted, constituting) Single parents constitute a great proportion of the poor. A body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body. The politician who wished to remain in the good graces of his constituency. Being a part of a whole. Being a voting member of a community or organization and having power to appoint or elect. A member of a constituency. A component part of something. The constituent minerals of the rock. A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. The composition of sth. The genetic constitution of a species. Of or relating to established set of principles governing a state. Of or relating to someone’s physical or mental condition. A constitutional amendment. A walk, typically one taken regularly to maintain or restore good health. Having the power to established or give organized existence to sth. Forming a part or constituent of sth; component. The state began to exercise a new and constitutive function. Not in accordance with a political constitution, especially the US Constitution, or with procedural rules. Severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of. Compel of force (someone) toward a particular course of action. Cause to appear unnaturally forced, typically because of embarrassment. (constrain, constrains, constrained, constrained, constraining) A limitation or restriction. Stiffness of member and inhibition in relations between people. The availability of water is the main constraint on food production. Not restricted or limited. Unconstrained growth. Build or erect (sth, typically a building, road, or machine) (construct, constructs, constructed, constructed, constructing) An idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence. History is largely an ideological construct. Serving a useful purpose; tending to build up. Build or form (sth) again after it has been damaged or destroyed. Recognize (sth). The action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed. A thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed. The economic reconstruction of Russia. Seek information or advice from (someone with expertise in a particular area). (consult, consults, consulted, consulted, consulting) An act of consulting a professional; a consultation. A professional practice that gives expert advice within a particular field, especially business. A management consultancy firm A person who provides expert advice professionally. The action or process of formally consulting or discussing. They improved standards in consultation with consumer representatives. Eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink) (consume, consumes, consumed, consumed, consuming) A person who purchases goods and services for personal use. A person or thing that eats or uses sth. consumer demand The using up of a resource. Industrialized countries should reduce their energy consumption. The state or condition of physical touching. A meeting, communication, or relationship with someone. Communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive specific information. They have forged contacts with key people in business. (contact, contacts, contacted, contacted, contacting) able to communicated with. Living or occurring at the same time. Belonging to or occurring in the present. The event was recorded by a contemporary historian. A person or thing living or existing at the same time as another. The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Definition of a word or symbol by explaining the meaning of the phrase or statement in which it occurs. Place or study in context. a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law. decrease in size, number, or range. enter into a formal and legally binding agreement. (contract, contracts, contracted, contracted, contracting) Glass contracts as it cools. a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job. deny the truth of (a statement), especially by asserting the opposite. Assert the opposite of a statement made by (someone). Be in conflict with. The survey appears to contradict the industry’s claims. a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another. A person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present. The statement of a position opposite to one already made. The proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions. Mutually opposed or inconsistent. A contradictory proposition The two attitudes are contradictory. Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning. Perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired. contrarily (adv) The opposite. She is sulky and contrary where her work is concerned. The state of being strikingly different from sth else, typically sth in juxtaposition or close association. Differ strikingly. (contrast, contrasts, contrasted, contrasted, contrasting) His friend’s success contrasted with his own failure. Tending to contrast; contrasting. Studying or exhibiting the congruence and differences between two languages or dialects without reference to their origin. Give (sth, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide sth. Help to cause or bring about. Supply (an article) for publication. (contribute, contributes, contributed, contributed, contributing) He contributed more than $50,000 to the center. A gift or payment to a common fund or collection. The part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping sth. He made a lasting contribution by designing the modern radio telescope. A person or thing that contributes sth, in particular. The magazine’s regular contributors. Disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated. He sometimes caused controversy because of his forceful views. Giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement. Years of wrangling over a controversial bypass. Come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble (convene, convenes, convened, convened, convening) He converted a group of well-known scientists and philosophers. A way in which sth is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity. An agreement between countries covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty. The woman who overturned so many conventions of children’s literature. Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed. (Of a person) concerned with what is generally held to be acceptable at the expense of individuality and sincerity. A conventional morality had dictated behavior. Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed. His unconventional approach to life. Engage in conversation. He fell in beside her and they began to converse amicably. Conversation Introducing a statement or idea that reserves one that has just been made or referred to. Cause to change in form, character, or function. Score from (a penalty kick, pass, or other opportunity) in a sport or game. (convert, converts, converted, converted, converting) A person who has been persuaded to change their religious faith or other beliefs. He is a recent convert to the church. The act or an instance of converting or the process of being converted. The conversion of food into body tissues. Able to be changed in form, function, or character. A car with a folding or detachable roof. A convertible security, Cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of sth. Persuade (someone) to do sth. (convince, convinces, convinced, convinced, convincing) She convinced her father to branch out on his own. Capable of causing someone to believe that sth is true or real. Not certain that sth is true or can be relied on or trusted. Parisians remain unconvinced that the project will be approved. The tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds. The central or most important part of sth. Remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit). (core, cores, cored, cored, coring) Peel and core the pears. Act jointly; work toward the same end. Assist someone or comply with their requests. (cooperate, cooperates, cooperated, cooperated, cooperating) The leaders promised to cooperate in ending the civil war. The process of working together to the same end. Assistance, especially by ready compliance with requests. We would like to ask for your cooperation in the survey. Involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal. cooperatively(adv) Every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise. Bring the difference elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony. (coordinate, coordinates, coordinated, coordinated, coordinating) He had responsibility for coordinating Chicago’s transportation services. Equal in rank or importance. Each of a group numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane. The organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively. The ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. Both countries agreed to intensify efforts at economic policy coordination. A person or thing that coordinates Of or relating to a corporation, especially a large company or group. A corporate company or group Airlines are very keen on their corporate identity. A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law. A group of people elected to govern a city, town, or borough. Have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly. Communicate by exchanging letter. (correspond, corresponds, corresponded, corresponded, corresponding) The carved heads described in the poem correspond to those in the drawing. A close similarity, connection, or equivalence. Communication by exchanging letters with someone. There is a simple correspondence between the distance of a focused object from the eye and the size of its image on the retina. Similar in character, form, or function. Dealing with written communication; having this responsibility. correspondingly (adv) We discussed our corresponding viewpoints. Two individuals of the same sort considered together. Two people who are married, engaged, or otherwise closely associated romantically or sexually. A couple of girls were playing marbles. Combine A device for connecting parts of machinery. The pairing of two items. Bring sth into existence. Cause sth to happen as a result of one’s actions. (create, creates, created, created, creating) He created a thirty-ace lake. The action or process of bringing sth into existence. creatively (adv) The creation of a coalition government. A person or thing that brings sth into existence. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. I have got unlimited credit. Publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of (sth published or broadcast). Add (an amount of money) to an account. This deferred tax can be credited to the profit and loss account. A person or company to whom money is owed. A principle or standard by which sth may be judged or decided. This launch came too close to violating safety criteria. Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of sth. Of great importance. crucially (adv) This game is crucial to our survival. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth. (culture, cultures, cultured, cultured, culturing) 20th century popular culture. Of or relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society. Of or relating to the arts and to intellectual achievements. The cultural diversity of the world’s peoples. Not characterized by good taste, manners, or education. (Of organisms) not cultivated; not maintained by means of a culture. To my uncultured palate most of the wines were good. A system of money in general use in a particular country. The fact or quality of being generally accepted or in use. The dollar was a strong currency. A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order. A complete set or series. The painting is one of a cycle of seven. Ride a bicycle. Move in or follow a regularly repeated sequence of events. She cycled to work every day. Occurring in cycle; regularly repeated. The cyclic pattern of the last two decades. Occurring in cycle; recurrent. The cyclical nature of the cement industry. Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis. A formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. Argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner. (debate, debates, debated, debated, debating) The board debate his proposal. Open to discussion or argument. It is debatable whether the country is coming out of recession. A period of ten years. A set, series, or group of ten, in particular. He taught at the university for nearly a decade. (Typically of sth regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less decrease. Politely refuse (an invitation or offer). The birth rate continued to decline. (decline, declines, declined, declined, declining) A gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value. Arrive at (a fact or a conclusion) by reasoning; draw as a logical conclusion. (deduce, deduces, deduced, deduced, deducing) the action of deducting or subtracting sth. The inference of particular instances by reference to a general law or principle. The dividend will be paid without deduction of tax. Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful. Clearly true or real: unambiguous. We had no definite plans. Without doubt (used for emphasis) (Of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority. (Of a postage stamp) for general use and typically of standard design, not special or commemorative. A definitive postage stamp. Lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time. Indefinitely (adv) They may face indefinite detention. Clearly show the existence or truth of (sth) by giving proof or evidence. Take part in a public demonstration. (demonstrate, demonstrates, demonstrated, demonstrated, demonstrating) Their shameful silence demonstrates their ineptitude. Clearly apparent or capable of being logically proved. The action or process of showing the existence or truth of sth by giving proof or evidence. It is not capable of mathematical demonstration. (Of a person) tending to show feelings, especially of affection, openly. Serving as conclusive evidence of sth; giving proof. A person who takes part in a public protest meeting or march. A person who shows how a particular piece of equipment works or how a skill or craft is performed. Be a sign of; indicate. Stand as a name or symbol for. (denote, denotes, denoted, denoted, denoting) This mark denotes purity and quality. The literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the world suggests. Beyond their immediate denotation, the words have a connotative power. State that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of. Refuse to give or grant (sth requested or desired) to someone. (deny, denies, denied, denied, denying) They deny any responsibility for the tragedy. Able to denied. The action of declaring sth to be untrue. The refusal of sth requested or desired. She shook her head in denial. Unable to be denied or disputed. It is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others. Make (someone) feel utterly dispirited or dejected. Push or pull (sth) down into a lower position. (depress, depressed, depressed, depressed, depressing) That first day at school depressed me. Feelings of severe despondency and dejection. A long and severe recession in an economy or market. Obtain sth from (a specified source). Base a concept on a logical extension or modification of (another concept). (derive, derives, derived, derived, deriving) They derived great comfort from this assurance. The obtaining or developing of sth from a source or origin. (typically of an artist or work of art) imitative of the work of another person, and usually disapproved of for that reason. Sth that is based on another source. A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or working of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made. Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it. (design, designs, designed, designed, designing) He has just unveiled his design for the new museum. A person who plans the form, look, or workings of sth before its being made or built, typically by drawing it in detail. Without being affected by; in spite of Outrage; injury. Contempt; disdain He remains a great leader despite age and infirmity. Discover or identify the presence or existence of. (detect, detects, detected, detected, detecting) Cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages. Capable of being discovered. The action or process of identifying the presence of sth concealed. The early detection of fatal abnormalities. A device or instrument designed to detect the presence of a particular object or substance and to emit a signal in response. A person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes. Depart from an established course. (deviate, deviates, deviated, deviated, deviating) You must not deviate from the agreed route. The action of departing from an established course or accepted standard. A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment. A plan, scheme, or trick with a particular aim. Give all or a large part of one’s time or resources to (a person, activity or cause). I wanted to devote more time to my family. (devote, devotes, devoted, devoted, devoting) very loving or loyal. Given over to the display, study, or discussion of. There is a museum devoted to her work. Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. Recognize or ascertain what makes (someone or sth) different. Make or become different in the process of growth or development. (differentiate, differentiates, differentiated, differentiated, differentiating) Children can differentiate the past from the present. The action or process of differentiating. An aspect or feature of a situation, problem, or thing. A measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breath, depth, or height. Cut or shape (sth) to particular measurements. (dimension, dimensions, dimensioned, dimensioned, dimensionin) Sun-dried tomatoes add a new dimension to this sauce. Of or involving several dimensions or aspects. Make or become less. Make (someone or sth) seem less impressive or valuable. (diminish, diminishes, diminished, diminished, diminishing) A tax whose purpose is to diminish spending. Made smaller or less. A reduction in size, extent, or importance of sth. Not diminished, reduced, or lessened. Individually separate and distinct. The quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information. The freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation. She knew she could rely on his discretion. Available for use at the discretion of the user. Rules are inevitably less flexible than a discretionary policy. Not divided into distinct parts Recognize a distinction; differentiate. Make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age. (discriminate, discriminates, discriminated, discriminated, discriminating) Babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion. (of a person) having or showing refined taste or good judgment. He unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Take over the place, position, or role of (someone or sth). Cause (sth) to move from its proper or usual place. (displace, displaces, displaced, displaced, displacing) He seems to have displaced some vertebrae. The moving of sth from its place or position. The occupation by a submerged body or part of a body of a volume that would otherwise be occupied by a fluid. Make a prominent exhibition of (sth) in a place where it can be easily seen. (display, displays, displayed, displayed, displaying) A performance, show, or event intended for public entertainment. The palace used to display a series of Flemish tapestries. (Of information) shown on a computer screen or other device. A utility designed to allow you to cut up pieces of displayed graphics. Get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else. Arrange in a particular position. (dispose, disposes, disposed, disposed, disposing) Whose responsibility is it to dispose of scrap materials? (Of an article) intended to be used once, or until no longer useful, and then thrown away. (Chiefly of financial assets) readily available for the owner’s ude as required. An article designed to be thrown away after use. He made a mental inventory of his disposable assets. The action or process of throwing away or getting rid of sth. The sale of shares, property, or other assets. Recognizably different in nature from sth else of a similar type. Readily distinguishable by the senses. A distinct smell of nicotine. A difference of contrast between similar things or people. Excellence that sets someone or sth apart from others. There is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics. Characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others. Juniper berries give gin its distinctive flavor. distinctively (adv) In a way that is readily distinguishable by the senses; clearly. (Used for emphasis) in a way that is very noticeable or apparent; decidedly. Reading each word slowly and distinctly. Not clear or sharply defined. His speech was slurred and indistinct. Pull or twist out of shape. Give a misleading or false account or impression of. (distort, distorts, distorted, distorted, distorting) A grimace distorted her fine mouth. Pulled or twisted out of shape; contorted. Giving a misleading or false account or impression; misrepresented. The action of distorting or the state of being distorted. The action of giving a misleading account or impression. Give shares of (sth); deal out. (distribute, distributes, distributed, distributed, distributing) Information leaflets are being distributed to hotels and guest houses. The action of sharing sth out among a number of recipients. The way in which sth is shared out among a group or spread over an area. Concerned with the supply of goods to stores and other business that sell to consumers. A distributive word An agent who supplies goods to stores and other businesses that sell to consumers. A wholesale liquor distributor. Showing a great deal of variety; very different. diversely (adv) The act or process of diversifying; state of being diversified. Make or become more diverse or varied. (Of a company) enlarge or vary its range of products or field of operation. (diversify, diversifies, diversified, diversified, diversifying) The state of being diverse; variety. A range of different things. There was considerable diversify in the style of the reports. A piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information or evidence or that serves as an official record. Record (sth) in written, photographic, other form. (document, documents, documented, documented, documenting) The photographer spent years documenting the lives of miners. Material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record. The process of classifying and annotating texts, photographs, etc. An area of territory owned or controlled by a ruler or government. The southwestern French domains of the Plantagenets. Of or relating to the running of a home or to family relations. Existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international. A person who is paid to help with menial tasks such as cleaning. The current state of US domestic affairs. Tame (an animal) and keep it as a pet or for farm produce. (domesticate, domesticates, domesticated, domesticated, domesticating) Mammals were first domesticated for their milk. A preliminary version of a piece of writing. Prepare a preliminary version of (a text). Select (a person or group of people) for a certain purpose. (draft, drafts, drafted, drafted, drafting) He was drafted to help with the task force on best safety practices. Denoting beer or other drink that is kept in and served from a barrel or tank rather than from a bottle or can. Denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads. Draft (a document, text, or map) again in a different way. (redraft, redrafts, redrafted, redrafted, redrafting) A document, text, or map that has been redrafted. I enclose a redrafted version Have a commanding influence on; exercise control over. Be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in. (dominate, dominates, dominated, dominated, dominating) The company dominates the market for operating system software. Most important, powerful, or influential. A dominant thing, in particular. The exercise of control or influence over someone or sth, or the state of being so controlled. Evil plans for domination of the universe. Power and influence over these. The worldwide dominance of Hollywood. A play for theater, radio, or television. An exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances. A gritty urban drama about growing up in Harlem. Of or relating to drama or the performance or study of drama. (Of an event or circumstance) sudden and striking. A dramatic increase in recorded crime. Adapt (a novel) or present (a particular incident) as a play or movie. Exaggerate the seriousness or importance of (an incident or situation. The act of dramatizing. Construction or representation in dramatic form. A person who writes plays. The time during which sth continues. The subway stop has been closed for the duration of the convention. (Of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. An astounding dynamic range. A force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process. The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. Careful management of available resources. (Of a product) offering the best value for the money. Even heat distribution and fuel economy. Giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or effort spent. (Of a person or lifestyle) careful not to waste money or resources. Of or relating to economics or the economy. Justified in terms of profitability. The government’s economic policy. An expert in economics. Prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it. Be editor of (a newspaper or magazine) (edit, edits, edited, edited, editing) Volume I was edited by J. Johnson. A change or correction made as a result of editing. A particular form or version of a published text. The total number of copies of a book, newspaper, or other published material issued at one time. A person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a text, particularly a newspaper or magazine. Of or relating to the commissioning or preparing of material for publication. A newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue. A part or aspect of sth abstract, especially one that is essential or characteristic. The death had all the elements of a great tabloid story. Completely remove or get rid of (sth). Exclude (someone or sth) from consideration. (eliminate, eliminates, eliminated, eliminated, eliminating) A policy that would eliminate inflation. The process of getting rid of sth, whether it’s waste, errors, or the competition Move out of or away from sth and come into view. Become apparent, important, or prominent. Black ravens emerged from the fog. (emerge, emerges, emerged, emerged, emerging) The process of coming into view or becoming exposed after being concealed. The process of coming into being, or of becoming important or prominent. I misjudged the timing of my emergence. In the process of coming into being or becoming prominent. An emergent property. The emergent democracies of eastern Europe. Special importance, value, or prominence given to sth. They placed great emphasis on the individual’s freedom. Give special importance or prominence to (sth) in speaking or writing. He jabbed a finger into the tabletop to emphasize his point. Showing or giving emphasis; expressing sth forcibly and clearly. The children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience. Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic. They provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument. The theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience. Stimulated by the rise of experimental science. Give (someone or sth) the authority or means to do sth. (enable, enables, enabled, enabled, enabling) The evidence would enable us to arrive at firm conclusions. Unexpectedly experience or be faced with (sth difficult or hostile) (encounter, encounters, encountered, encountered, encountering) We have encountered one small problem. An unexpected or casual meeting with someone or sth. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. Changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being. Showing or involving great activity or vitality. Compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation). Cause (sth) to happen by necessity or force. (enforce, enforces, enforced, enforced, enforcing) There is no outside agency to enforce cooperation between the players. The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation. Caused by necessity or force; compulsory. Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of. (enhance, enhances, enhanced, enhanced, enhancing) His refusal does nth to enhance his reputation. An increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent. very large in size, quantity, or extent. The great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong. A grave crime or sin. the enormities of the regime. Make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case. Make certain of obtaining or providing (something). (ensure, ensures, ensured, ensured, ensuring) A thing with distinct and independent existence. Entity and nonentity. The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity. Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition. Relating to or arising from a person's surroundings. Environmental noise. a person who is concerned with or advocates the protection of the environment. Consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another. (Of one thing) be the same as or equivalent to (another). (equate, equates, equated, equated, equating) He equates criticism with treachery. The process of equating one thing with another. Supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose. (equip, equips, equipped, equipped, equipping) All bedrooms are equipped with a color TV. The necessary items for a particular purpose. Equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. A person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. One unit is equivalent to one glass of wine. the condition of being equal or equivalent in value, worth, function, etc. (of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land). (erode, erodes, eroded, eroded, eroding) The cliffs have been eroded by the sea. The process of eroding or being eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents. A mistake. The state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment. Wrong; incorrect. Employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions. Set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis. Achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for. (establish, establishes, established, established, establishing) The principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established. deprive (an organization, especially a country's national church) of its official status. (disestablish, disestablishes, disestablished, disestablished, disestablishing) The action of establishing something or being established. A business organization, public institution, or household. The establishment if a scholarship renews that personal interest of donors in students. An area or amount of land or property, in particular. Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of. (estimate, estimates, estimated, estimated, estimating) An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of sth. At a rough estimate, our staff is recycling a quarter of the paper used. A rough calculation of the value, number, quantity, or extent of sth. A judgment of the worth or character of someone or sth. The pop star rose in my estimation. Estimate (sth) to be smaller or less important than it actually is. (underestimate, underestimates, underestimated, underestimated, underestimating). An estimate that is too low. Estimate (sth) to be better, larger, or more important than it really is. An excessively high estimate. A set of moral principles, especially ones relating to or affirming a special group, field, or form of conduct. Of or relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. Of or relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition. Of or relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or dominant national or cultural group) with a common national or cultural tradition. Form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess. (evaluate, evaluates, evaluated, evaluated, evaluating) When you evaluate any hammer, look for precision machining. the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment. occurring at the end of or as a result of a series of events; final; ultimate. Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood. The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. The study finds little evidence of overt discrimination. Be or show evidence of. (evidence, evidences, evidenced, evidenced, evidencing) Of or providing evidence. The evidential value of the record. Plainly or obviously; in a way that is clearly seen or understood. It is plain that; it would seem that. Develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. (evolve, evolves, evolved, evolved, evolving) His interest in evolution. The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacture. A person who believes in the theories of evolution and natural selection. Of or relating to the theories of evolution and natural selection. An evolutional model. Be greater in number or size than (a quality, number, or other measurable thing). (exceed, exceeds, exceeded, exceeded, exceeding) Production costs have exceeded $60,000. Very great Extremely; exceedingly. Deny (someone) access to or bar (someone) from a place, group, or privilege. (exclude, excludes, excluded, excluded, excluding) Women had been excluded from many scientific societies. Not taking someone or sth into account; apart from; expect. You have eight more days, excluding Sundays. The process or state of excluding or being excluded. Excluding or not admitting other things. Restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned. exclusively (adv) An item or story published or broadcast by only one source. Publicly display (a work of art or item of interest) in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. Manifest or deliberately display (a quality or a type of behavior) (exhibit, exhibits, exhibited, exhibited, exhibiting) An object or collection of objects on public display in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. He could exhibit a saintlike submissiveness. A public display of works of art or other items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair. A display or demonstration of a particular skill. Fields that have been plowed with a supreme exhibition of the farm worker’s skills. Become or make larger or more extensive. (expand, expands, expanded, expanded, expanding) Their business expanded into other hotels and properties. Being or having been enlarged, extended, or broadened, in particular. The action of becoming larger or more extensive. The rapid expansion of suburban Washington. The policy of territorial or economic expansion. The post-colonial critique of Western expansionism. Covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide-ranging. A person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area. Having or involving authoritative knowledge. Experts in child development. Technical expertise. Expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. The closing words of a text, manuscript, early printed book, or chanted liturgical text. The speaker’s intentions were not made explicit. Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). A bold or daring feat. The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. The action of making use of and benefiting from resources. The exploitation of migrant workers. Send (goods or services) to another country for sale. (export, exports, exported, exported, exporting) A commodity, article, or service sold abroad. Wool and mohair were the principal exports. Make (sth) visible, typically by uncovering it. (expose, exposes, exposed, exposed, exposing) At low tide the sands are exposed. The state of being exposed to contact with sth. The revelation of an identity or fact, especially one that is concealed or likely to arouse disapproval. Belonging to or forming the outer surface or structure of sth. Coming or derived from a source outside the subject affected. The outward features of sth. The external walls. Give external existence or form to. Elements of the internal construction were externalized onto the façade. Remove or take out, especially by effort or force. (extract, extracts, extracted, extracted, extracting) A short passage taken from a piece of writing, music, or film. A preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in concentrated form. The decayed tooth will have to be extracted. The action of taking out sth, especially using effort or force. The ethnic origin of someone’s family. Mineral extraction. Make (an action or process) easy or easier. (facilitate, facilitates, facilitated, facilitated, facilitating) Schools were located on the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources. The action of facilitating sth. Space or equipment necessary for doing sth. An ability to do or learn sth well and easily; a natural aptitude. He had a facility for languages. A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome. A number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression. Sell (one’s receivable debts) to a factor. (factor, factors, factored, factored, factoring) His legal problems were not a factor in his decision. A distinctive attribute or aspect of sth. Have as a prominent attribute or aspect. (feature, features, featured, featured, featuring) The hotel features a large lounge, a sauna, and a coin-operated solarium. Having or relating to a system of government in which several states from a unity but remain independent in internal affairs. A group of states with a central government but independence in internal affairs. A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services. Make a payment to (someone) in return for services. A folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. Place (a document) in a cabinet, box, or folder in a particular order for preservation and easy reference. (file, files, filed, filed, filing) coming at the end of a series. The last game in a sports tournaments or other competition, which decides the winner of the tournament. The final version of the report was presented. Produce or agree on a finished and definitive version of. (finalize, finalizes, finalized, finalized, finalizing) Efforts intensified to finalize plans for postwar reconstruction. The fact or impression of being an irreversible ending. The abrupt finality of death. The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies. Provide funding for (a person or enterprise). (finance, finances, financed, financed, financing) The city and country originally financed the project. Of or relating to finance A person concerned with the management of large amounts of money on behalf of governments or other larger organizations. Having limits or bounds. Every computer has a finite amount of money. Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. The infinite mercy of God. A space or quantity that is infinite. Capable of bending easily without breaking. Able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions. The quality of bending easily without breaking. The ability to be easily modified. Players gained improved flexibility in their ankles. Unwilling to change or compromise. Not able to be bent. Rise and fall irregularly in number or amount. (fluctuate, fluctuates, fluctuated, fluctuated, fluctuating) Trade with other countries trends to fluctuate from year to year. An irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation. The center of interest or activity. The state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition. (Of a person or their eyes) adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly. Pay particular attention to. (focus, focuses, focused, focused, focusing) The study will focus on a number of areas in Wales. Adjust the focus of (a lens or one’s eyes) (refocus, refocuses, refocused, refocused, refocusing) The way in which sth is arranged or set out. (especially in computing) arrange or put into a format. (format, formats, formatted, formatted, formatting) The format of the funeral service. A mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols. A fixed form of words, especially one used in particular contexts or as a conventional usage. Create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal) (formulate, formulates, formulated, formulated, formulating) The argument is sufficiently clear that it can be formulated mathematically. The action of devising or creating sth. A material or mixture prepared according to a particular formula. The formulation of foreign policy. Formulate again or differently. Planned for or about to happen in the near future. The forthcoming baseball season. Have been discovered by chance or unexpectedly, in particular. (found, founds, founded, founded, founding) The ship was two years old, well found and seaworthy. A person who manufactures articles of cast metal; the owner or operator of a foundry. The lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. An underlying basis or principle for sth. An essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object. A conservatory in a delicate framework of iron. An activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing. Work or operate in a proper or particular way. (function, functions, functioned, functioned, functioning) Bridges perform the function of providing access across water. Of or having a special activity, purpose, or task; relating to the way in which sth works or operates. There are important functional differences between left and right brain. A sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose. Provide with money for a particular purpose. (fund, funds, funded, funded, funding) He had set up a fund to coordinate economic investment. Forming a necessary base or core; of central importance. A central or primary rule or principle on which sth is based. The protection of fundamental human rights. In addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument) This species has a quiet charm and furthermore, is an easy garden plant. The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.) Cause (sth, especially an emotion or situation) to arise or come about. (generate, generates, generated, generated, generating) Changes that are likely to generate controversy. All of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. The production of sth. One of his generation’s finest songwriters. The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. A particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, intensity, or value. Arrange in or allocate to grades; class or sort. (grade, grades, graded, graded, grading) They are graded according to thickness. Agree to give or allow (sth requested) to. Agree or admit to (someone) that (sth) is true. A sum of money given by an organization, especially a government, for a particular purpose. A letter granting them permission to smoke. A formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that is a product will be repaired or replaced of not of a specified quality and durability. Provide a formal assurance or promise, especially that certain conditions shall be fulfilled relating to a product, service, or transaction. (guarantee, guarantees, guaranteed, guaranteed, guaranteeing) We offer a 10 year guarantee against rusting. A general rule, principle, or piece of advice. As a consequence; for this reason. In the future (used after a period of time). A stiff breeze and hence a high wind-chill. A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for the further investigation. Put (sth) forward as a hypothesis (hypothesize, hypothesizes, hypothesized, hypothesized, hypothesizing) It was reasonable to hypothesize a viral causality. Of based on, or serving as a hypothesis. A hypothetical proposition or statement. That option is merely hypothetical at this juncture. A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. In the corporate hierarchy, Curt is about six levels below the CEO. Of the nature of a hierarchy; arranged in order of rank. An outstanding part of an event or period of time. Pick out and emphasize. The issues highlighted by the report. (highlight, highlights, highlighted, highlighted, highlighting) similar in every detail; exactly alike. Four girls in identical green outfits. Establish or indicate who or what (someone or sth) is. Associate (someone) closely with; regard (someone) as having strong links with. (identify, identifies, identified, identified, identifying) The judge ordered that the girl not be identified. The action or process of identifying someone or sth or the fact of being identified. I asked to see his identification. The fact of being who or what a person or thing is. A close similarity or affinity. He knows the identity of the bombers. Unable to be identified. A system of ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. He was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid. Lack of knowledge or information. He acted in ignorance of basic procedures. Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally. (ignore, ignores, ignored, ignored, ignoring) He ignored her outranged question. Provide (a book, newspaper, etc.) with pictures. Explain or make (sth) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc. (illustrate, illustrates, illustrated illustrated, illustrating) The guide is illustrated with full-color photographs. A person illustrating a book, newspaper, etc. Serving as an example or explanation. This timetable is provided for illustrative purposes only. A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. Make a representation of the external form of. (image, images, imaged, imaged, imaging) Artworks that imaged women’s bodies. Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work. Tennyson uses imagery to create a lyrical emotion. Come to live permanently in a foreign country. The Mennonites immigrated to western Canada in the 1870s. A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country. The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Patterns of immigration from the Indian sub-continent to Britain. The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. Come to forcible contact with another object. Have a strong effect on someone or sth. (impact, impacts, impacted, impacted, impacting) The shell impacted twenty yards away. A tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose. Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc) into effect. (implement, implements, implemented, implemented, implementing) The regulations implement a 1954 treaty. The process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution. She was responsible for the implementation of the plan. Show (someone) to be involved in a crime. Convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly; imply. (implicate, implicates, implicated, implicated, implicating) Police claims implicated him in many more killings. A thing implied. The conclusion that can be drawn from sth, although it is not explicitly stated. The action or state of being involved in sth. Implied though not plainly expressed. With no qualification or question; absolute. Comments seen as implicit criticism of the policies. In a way that is not directly expressed; tacitly. She implicitly suggested that he was responsible for the error. Strongly suggest that truth or existence of (sth not expressly stated). (Of a fact or occurrence) suggest (sth) as a logical consequence. (imply, implies, implied, implied, impling) The forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution. Force (sth unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place. Take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment. (impose, imposes, imposed, imposed, imposing) The decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others. The action or process of imposing sth or of being imposed. A thing that is imposed, in particular an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden.s A thing that motivates or encourages one to do sth, There is no incentive for customers to conserve water. The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or sth else undesirable. An increased incidence of cancer. An event or occurrence Likely to happen because of; resulting from. (especially of light or other radiation) falling on or striking sth. Accompanying but not a major part of sth. Liable to happen as a consequence of (an activity). The ordinary risks incidental to a fireman’s job. An incidental detail, expense, event, etc. Feel willing or favorably disposed toward (an action, belief, or attitude). Have a tendency to do sth. He was inclined to accept the offer. (incline, inclines, inclined, inclined, inclining) an inclined surface or plane; a slope, especially on a road or railway. A person’s natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition or propensity. A slope or slant. John was a scientist by training and inclination. Money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments. He has a nice home and an adequate income. Take in or contain (sth) as part of a whole; include. Constitute (a company, city, or other organization) as a legal corporation. (incorporate, incorporates, incorporated, incorporated, incorporating) He has incorporated in his proposals a large number of measures. Another term for incorporated. An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc. with references to the places where they occur, typically found at the end of a book. An indicator sign, or measure of sth. Record (names, subjects, etc.) in an index. Link the value of (prices, wages, or other payments) automatically to the value of a price index. Point out; show. Suggest as a desirable or necessary course of action. (indicate, indicates, indicated, indicated, indicating) Dotted lines indicate the text’s margins. A sign or piece of information that indicates sth, Serving as a sign or indication of sth. A thing, especially a trend or fact, that indicates the state or level of sth. Succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do sth. Bring about or give rise to. (induce, induces, induced, induced, inducing) The action or process of inducing someone to a position or organization. The pickets induced many workers to stay away. Single; separate. Of or for a particular person. individually (adv) A single human being as distinct from a group, class, or family. The individual needs of the children. Give an individual character to. (individualize, individualizes, individualized, individualized, individualizing) Have your shirt individualized with your own club name. The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant. Characterized by individualism; independent and self-reliant. Marked by or expressing individuality; unconventional. Her work is quirky and genuinely individualistic. Credit to happen; unavoidable. War was inevitable. A situation that is unavoidable. As is certain to happen; unavoidably. Inevitably some details, are already out of date. Deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. (infer, infers, inferred, inferred, inferring) From these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing. A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. His emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness. The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. Existing in sth as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent dangers. Hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process). Make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. (inhibit, inhibits, inhibited, inhibited, inhibiting) His mother’s strictures would always inhibit him. A feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. The children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions. Existing or occurring at the beginning. The first letter of a name or word, typically a person’s name or a word forming part of a phrase. They carved their initials into the tree trunk. Mark or sign (a document) with one’s initials, especially in order to authorize or validate it. Our initial impression was favorable. Cause (a process or action) to begin. Admit (someone) into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual. (initiate, initiates, initiated, initiated, initiating) He proposes to initiate discussions on planning procedures. A person who has been initiated into an organization or activity, typically recently. The action of admitting someone into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual. The action of beginning sth. The initiation of criminal proceedings. The ability to assess and initiate things independently. The power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do. A person or thing that initiates someone or sth. Do physical harm or damage to (someone). Suffer physical harm or damage to (a part of one’s body). The explosion injured several people. (injure, injures, injured, injured, injuring) harmed, damaged, or impaired. Offended. A road accident left him severely injured. An instance of being injured. She suffered an injury to her back. (Of a person or part of the body) not harmed or damaged. Make changes in sth established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. (innovate, innovates, innovated, innovated, innovating) The company’s failure to diversify and innovate competitively. The action or process of innovating. A new method, idea, product, etc. (Of a product, idea, etc,) featuring new methods; advanced and original. A person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products. What is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system Put (data) into a computer. Perceptions and sensory imput. a thing that has been inserted, in particular. Place, fit, or thrust (sth) into another thing, especially with care. (insert, inserts, inserted, inserted, inserting) A steel rod was inserted into the small hole. The action of inserting sth. A thing that is inserted, in particular. The insertion of a line or two into the script. The capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. This paper is alive with sympathetic insight into Shakespeare. Having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive. Thank you for all the insightful comments. Look at (someone or sth) closely, typically to assess their condition or to discover any shortcomings. (inspect, inspects, inspected, inspected, inspecting) They were inspecting my outside paintwork for cracks and flaws. Careful examination or scrutiny On closer inspection, it looked like a fossil. An official employed to ensure that official regulations are obeyed, especially in public services. An example or single occurrence of sth. Cite (a fact, case, etc.) as an instance or example. A society or organization having a particular object or common factor, especially a scientific, educational, or social one. Set in motion or establish (sth, especially a program, system, or inquiry). Appoint (someone) to a position, especially as a cleric. (institute, institutes, instituted, instituted, instituting) His sons were instituted to his benefice in 1986. A society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose. An established law, practice, or custom. A certificate from a professional institution. Of, in, or like an institution or institutions. Establish (sth, typically a practice or activity) as a convention or norm in an organization or culture. Place or keep (someone) in a residential institution. A system that institutionalizes bad behavior. Direct or command someone to do sth, especially as an official order. Teach (someone) a subject or skill. She instructed him to wait. (instruct, instructs, instructed, instructed, instructing) a direction or order. Detailed information telling how sth should be done, operated, or assembled. Always study the instructions supplied. Useful and informative A person who teaches sth. Necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental. Games are an internal part of the school’s curriculum. Combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole. Bring (people or groups with particular characteristics or needs) into equal participation in or membership of a social group or institution. (integrate, integrates, integrated, integrated, integrating) Transportation planning should be integrated with energy policy. The action or process of intrgrating. Economic and political integration. The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The state of being whole and undivided. He is known to be a man of integrity. Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level. Available is intelligent and hardworking. The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. The collection of information of military or political value. Having or showing a low level of intelligence. A good nature but unintelligent boy. Of extreme force, degree, or strength. Having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious. The job demands intense concentration. Depth of feeling. The quality or state of being forceful (as in expression). The action of making or becoming more intense. Become or make more intense. The dispute began to intensify. The internal content of a concept. The quality of being intense. Gazing into her face with disconcerting intensity. Concentrated on a single area or subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous. She undertook an intensive Arabic course. Act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally. (interact, interacts, interacted, interacted, interacting) All the stages in the process interact. Reciprocal action or influence. (Of two people or things) influencing or having an effect on each other. Fully sighted children in interactive play with others with detective vision. Coming between two things in time, place, order, character, etc. An intermediate thing. Act as intermediary Of or situated on the inside. internally (adv) Inner parts or features. The tube had an internal diameter of 1.1 mm. Make (attitudes or behavior) part of one’s nature by learning or unconscious assimilation. (internalize, internalizes, internalized, internalized internalizing) explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions). Understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a particular meaning or significance. (interpret, interprets, interpreted, interpreted, interpreting) Her self-confidence was often interpreted as brashness. The action of explaining the meaning of sth. The interpretation of data. Interpret (sth or someone) wrongly. (misinterpret, misinterprets, misinterpreted, misinterpreted, misinterpreting) interpret sth in a new or different way an intervening time or space. A pause; a break in activity. After his departure, there was an interval of many years without any meetings. |