Ensuring Success of the Training Project
Essay by lovn • November 7, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,271 Words (6 Pages) • 1,431 Views
In review of the new telephone install, executive management has decided to implement several policies. These policies will allow us (the client) and the vendor to remain on schedule. All department directors will be informed of how this process will work. Our training on new system will begin on 25th July as scheduled. There will be a conference call on 15th July to review the policies and procedures as described in this directive.
All department directors are responsible for reviewing each department's telephone information. This document was distributed last week. Please ensure that all information is correct. It is imperative that all users are listed accurately with their full names, extension numbers and whether or not they will have a voicemail on the system. This data collection will be sent to our telephone vendor on Friday 15th March. If there are any changes please ensure that it is done prior to 25th July. If there are any employees in your department that are currently away on vacation, out sick or out on maternity/paternity leave, please ensure that all members in the department have been accounted for, this will ensure accurate information is sent to our vendor. Please also note in the event that there is a mistake or a change needs to be made, ensure that it is a mandatory change; as once we finalize the data collection any changes made after this point will cost our organization additional funds to make this change occur.
Currently all equipment has been purchased and delivery to each building will begin on 18th July. Department directors have been assigned the task of designated one individual from each department to be in charge of deployment of equipment. This individual will be the internal project coordinator. The project coordinator will be responsible for ensuring telephony engineers are in the right areas and that they are deploying the correct number of handsets to the correct individuals. Project coordinators will also be responsible for the engineer's access throughout the building. Please ensure that when an engineer arrive onsite that they are signed into the building and a temporary badge is assigned to them. This will grant them access to the building and the departments that they need to perform work in.
Analyzing and Reporting Unplanned Changes
If there are any unplanned changes that will affect this project, please notify executive management immediately. There will be a weekly follow-up meeting with our vendor every Friday morning at 9:00 AM. This meeting will review any obstacles, delays, or complications that project managers or vendors are experiencing. Members of this call will include executive management, department directors, vendor's and project coordinators. Providing these weekly updates will ensure that the project runs smoothly. If for some reason there is a mandatory addition that is needed and this information was not captured prior to implementation please contact your department director. Department directors will gather all the necessary information and inform the chief officer operations who will then decide if the change is approved. Once the change is approved the vendor will be notified. This process is called the JCO (Job Change Order) process.
Following this process will ensure that changes are tracked and handled in an appropriate manner. Department directors should be advised that if there are multiple changes that any division needs, please gather all information necessary and on the 23rd of every month, new changes will go into effect. This allows time for processing within our organization as well as communicating effectively with our vendor what additions should be added. This will be the process for all move, adds, or changes (MAC's). This process will begin once the entire project is successfully completed.
All members that have been listed to attend training at the corporate office in New York City should have received confirmed itineraries last Friday. If you have not received your itinerary, please contact Anne McKenna to confirm all flight and hotel information. If there are any last minute changes where a member will not be able to attend the training, please notify your department director immediately. All directors must be notified of any changes if a member will not be able to attend. In the event that this situation arises, another member of the unit will be selected to attend in your place. This will allow us to simply make a name change on the flight arrangement's versus completely losing the cost of the ticket and hotel arrangement.
Estimated cost for training is $5,000 for Alcatel-Professional services. This cost covers the professional trainers, for two days. The average cost per trainer is $156.25 per hr. The total cost is multiplied per hour/per day. These professional trainers will provide company employees with end-user training, which shows users how to use their new handsets. This training also covers how to manage your telephony system in the event that a user is experiencing trouble. Alcatel-Professional services will provide trainees with reading material as well as pamphlets that should be taken back to each department and handed to individuals receiving a new handset.
Additional costs that the company will incur are flight reservations,