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Eric Erikson

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Erik Erikson

Tracy Sizemore

University OF Phoenix

Erik Erikson

Erik Erikson has two major contributions to psychodynamics thought include a reappraisal of the ego and an extended view in the developmental stages (Heffner Media Group, 1999-2003). The ego's main job was to establish and maintain a sense of identity. The extended view of development, Erik Erikson was interested in how children socialize and how this affects their sense of self. Erik saw personality as development throughout the lifetime and looked at identity crisis at the focal point for each stage of human development.

If a person with a strong sense of identity and knows who he is and where he is at in his life and accepts that with room to grow and change would have a superego. The superego person would have a sense of uniqueness, belonging and wholeness. But with those who have a weaker ego, encounter harder times in their lives and with these poorer egos is what is termed an identity crisis. Erikson has said an identity crisis is a time in a person's life when they lack direction, feel unproductive and do not feel a strong sense of identity.

Within the 8 psychosocial development stages Erik built from Freud's theory. Erik Erikson came up with these stages when he observed the minds development within the context of social structures, and the child's efforts to become a member of the social group. Within these theories is would focus on the minds growing awareness of its context within the environment. It also helps development specialists prepare for some of the awkward moments in a persons life (Erik Erikson, 2002). Each stage involves certain development tasks that are psychosocial in nature. Within the stages each of them has a certain optimal time too. There is no need to rush life, it will take its time and gradually grow on ourselves. If dealing with these stages we will carry a certain virtue or psychosocial strength which will help us out through our lives (Boeree, George, 1997).

The first stage is trust versus mistrust in Erikson's first psychosocial stage which is experienced in the first year of life. A sense of trust requires a feeling of physical comfort and a minimal amount of fear and apprehension about the future. Trust in infancy sets the stage for lifelong expectations that the world will be a good and pleasant place to live. Autonomy versus shame and doubt is Erikson's second stage of development, occurring in late infancy and toddler hood. After gaining trust in their caregivers, infants begin to discover that their behavior is their own. They state to assert their sense of independence, or autonomy. They realize their will. If infants are restrained too much or punished too harshly, they are likely to develop a sense of shame and doubt. The third stage of development, initiative versus guilt, which is in the time frame of the preschool years. Erik Erikson has a positive outlook on this stage which he believes that most guilt is quickly compensated for by a sense of accomplishment (Pagewise, Inc. 2002).

Industry versus Inferiority is Erikson's fourth developmental stage, which takes place from 6 to 11, involves the shift from whimsical play to a desire for achievement and completion. A child learns that he receives praise and recognition for doing well in school and completing tasks and also realizes he can fail at these tasks as well. The fifth developmental stage is Identity versus Identity Confusion; wherein adolescents begin to seek their true identities and a sense of self. Intimacy versus isolation is Erikson's sixth developmental stage, which is during their adulthood years. At this point in their lives they form intimate relationships with others. Erikson describes intimacy as finding oneself yet losing oneself in another (Pagewise, Inc. 2002).

Erikson's seventh developmental stage is Generativity versus stagnation



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