Essay Question: Rule Vs. Act Utilitarianism
Essay by emily0905 • December 15, 2012 • Essay • 427 Words (2 Pages) • 2,993 Views
1. Essay Question: Rule Vs. Act Utilitarianism (Utilitarianism)
Suppose that you were wondering whether you, as a doctor, should hug a patient who is in tears. Give an ethical analysis of pros and cons from an act utilitarian point of view. Then give an analysis from a rule utilitarian of view.
In the book, rule utilitarian is an interpretation of utilitarianism that says each moral situation should be guided first by prima facie rules. The agent assesses a situation on act utilitarian principle but within the framework of prima facie rules that can override apparent act utilitarian outcomes. The act utilitarianism interpretation says that each moral situation should be subjected to the utilitarian formula "the greatest good for the greatest number (Boylan, 2009). Ethics is a field of study that I believe most always seems very complicated for a beginner. It involves various theories that are grounded on principle on doing a certain act that deals with good or bad and right or wrong. The theory of utilitarian is a good example; the act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism that opposes each other. I try to make this simple and easy for me to understand this kind of situation. When I think about this situation, there's consequences if should I hug the patience in tear? I should think what is right and wrong based on the effect of the consequences? Based on the rule utilitarian that includes rules of conduct and principle that more idealistic and rigid theory wherein an act is interpreted to be either right or wrong depending on the result of the rule. The dilemma I am facing, if I follow the act utilitarian theory I will not hug the patient who is tears because is the right thing to do because of rules of conduct and principle. I will not break the rule that I agreed upon by majority. However, if I am believer of rule of utilitarianism then I will give the patient a hug. Because I think I have an obligation and duty to the patient no matter what circumstances. I think in the act utilitarianism, I see the consequences of my action itself where's rules utilitarianism see the consequences as if it will be repeated over and over again like a long term. The act utilitarian fist look into the consequences of an act where the rule utilitarianism look first the consequences of choosing what rules to follow that generates utility or happiness is the more correct choices.