Ethical Dilemma: Abortion
Essay by crhoades • May 28, 2016 • Essay • 1,212 Words (5 Pages) • 5,660 Views
Ethical Dilemma: Abortion
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. (Merriam Webster, 2016) Abortion is a much debated topic around the world and could be a difficult subject for some. Especially when the fetus was a product or rape, or the child was diagnosed with down syndrome or any other birth defects. I will examine in this paper the Christian worldview’s thoughts on abortion, and what they believe is the right thing to do if there was a mother pregnant with a child that has Down syndrome.
Ethical Dilemma:
In this scenario we have Susan who just found out her child has down syndrome. This may be a difficult ethical decision, because Susan’s child has down syndrome and if she chooses to have the baby that would mean she would have to give up her Career. Susan is being pulled in two directions her career and her ethical and moral beliefs. Some believe that abortion is wrong and that the baby should be born even though the child will live a life of suffering. These people may depict abortion as murder and believe that it is not ethically moral to murder another human being. Richard Dawkins believes that “unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome be aborted for “moral” reasons” (Dawkins, 2014). Some may have a hard time with this. This scenario has two options, to either abort the baby or not abort the baby.
Core Beliefs:
Christian world view, which is my world view considers abortion murder and see murder as wrong. In Exodus 20:13 it says “thou shall not kill. (NKJV) This is relevant to the scenario because Christians believe that abortion is wrong and consider it murder. Christian world view believes that human life is precious and believes that everyone born serves a purpose. Christians believe that God is the ultimate creator of life and he does not make mistakes when it comes to the birth of someone. According to Christian World View God did not make a mistake creating a child with Down Syndrome because our God does not make any mistake. Everyone that is born is born for a reason and with a purpose. The bible says in Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man, and in Deuteronomy 27:25 say “Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an innocent person. (Nelson, 1982) This would mean for the Christian Worldview that having an abortion would be sin because essentially you would be killing a person. A person who believes in the Christian faith would be influenced by their decision on having an abortion because they believe this to be wrong and believe it to be murder.
Christianity does not allow abortion; they consider abortion murder which is against the law of god. Christians insist that life begins at conception and that life is sacred, therefore no one should take another person’s life. Christianity has a very strong stance against abortion with Down syndrome. They believe that even after aborting the child the mother will most likely suffer and be stressed. Christians insists that god knows you before you were born. A child should be given a chance no matter the condition. The Christian faith would propose that the person should have the child and raise it with love just as they would with any other baby. Christians believe that all life is sacred not matter what and should be protected. The best course of action for Susan would be to fight her selfishness and raise her baby. Susan should pray to god to give her wisdom on how to raise the child. Susan should let the will of god be. Susan would have to Acknowledge that her baby was not a mistake and that god created it for a purpose. Just as god created humanity with a purpose.
Consequences and difficulties are going to arise when a person has a child that has a diagnoses of Down Syndrome. The Child will need special attention all through their life because there will be things that the child will be unable to do throughout the child life. The benefits of not having the abortion, is Susan would have the child she wanted and will be able to abide by her moral and ethical views on abortion. God will also be pleased with her decision of not aborting her fetus. In Romans 2:7 it says “Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality. (Nelson, 1982) Another Benefit is that the child could grow up to live a happy and healthy life and could have been miss diagnosed.