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Ethics Case

Essay by   •  May 6, 2014  •  Essay  •  759 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,146 Views

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Most would say that Etiquette over Ethics is a challenge many business and their employees face but I believe that it is not that much of challenge. The assumption off good business etiquette is having good manners, being loyal and commitment towards the organization with respect and regards to their beliefs. Business ethics is defined as being a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that examines ethical principles and moral. Business ethics is important aspect of an organization conduct and it applies to the individual entire organizations a can vary depending on the organization and what they values. As humans we have different view on what is ethical and what is not.

Sieman is large organization that was in a bribery scandal using bribes and kickbacks so that the company are able to secure government contracts in which lead the large company to pay the largest fine to date for bribery in cooperate history. The company had a fine of $1.6 billion to pay for bribery (Miller, Schubert 2008. Some believe that Siemen's actions wasn't abnormal for cooperate executives who operate overseas in countries where bribery was common and not unusual and was viewed as business strategies for business.

In this case I believe that business ethics or business etiquette was not the challenge for Siemans. Siemen's had to know firsthand what doing business in those countries was like and was fully aware that bribery was considered to be a business strategy when doing business. It is easier to say that it was the only way but that way was chosen knowing it was the only way prior so why not create and environment as to where Siemen's could have not been involved with bribery and had a guidelines and an ethics policy beforehand so business etiquette or business ethics in my opinion is a myth. Principle 10 of states Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery (

As humans we tolerate situations even though we may not agree. We believe that there is no other way so we tolerate and even more where diversity is involved. If I worked in a country as to where bribery is done on daily does that make me unethical or tolerate? I can choose to move to a different country as to where bribery is illegal if I don't want to be part of the unethical behavior but, it is never that easy and in my option that doesn't make me unethical because I have to be tolerant of my job in order to feed my family while living in that type of environment.

Tolerance can handle all problems and thinking that tolerance the way to deal with the challenges if ethics is questions presented is a myth. Tolerance related



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