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Ethics in the World

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Chronic Disease

Clinton Bernard

University of Phoenix

SCI 100 Paradigms of Health

Professor David Hayhurst

April 25, 2007

In this text the Chronic Disease called Cancer will be defined and exposed for the killer that it takes lives in America everyday. Looking into the depths of the disease should give a broader spectrum of the class of diseases that plague America and the citizens that reside within this great nation. The research from scientist and experts abroad will outline the present and future of this disorder that shakes the life and death of many families of all races in the world.


This question has been asked by many families at the wrong time, often too late for prevention and treatment. The answer is very simple for everyday physicians and treatment specialist but, not for the average American citizen. The word Cancer means a category of diseases characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to spread, either by direct growth nearby tissue or implantation into distant sites by metastasis (cancer cells transported into the bloodstream). The Greek term for Carcinoma is the medical term for a malignant tumor from epithelial cells. Cancer cells are classified by the type of cell that resembles the tumor. There are seven classifications for these cells including Carcinoma, Lymphoma, Sarcoma, Mesothelioma, Glioma, Germinoma and Choriocarcinoma. These words are foreign to most but, scary to most and even fatal to some people who obtain one of these forms of Cancer.

Cancer is really, a disease of the genes. In order for cells to start dividing randomly, genes that regulate cell growth must be damaged. The more frequently the cells divide the more likely that variant will amplify into a clone. More often skin and blood cancers are more prevalent than bone cancers. This is just a brief summary defining Cancer, one of medicines greatest puzzle and worst enemy.

Bad Luck or Bad Behavior

Many factors have been liked to cancer and the risk factors that contribute to the syndrome. Certain lifestyle choices will increase chances of developing cancer. Hundreds of studies have confirmed the association of smoking tobacco and lung cancer. Many experts feel that smoking causes cancer in other sites as well. Cancer risk factors also include alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, being overweight. The consensus on diet and cancer is that obesity increases the risk of developing syndromes of cancer.

These incidences of cancer in the USA and other developed nations are presently responsible for about 25% of all deaths worldwide. Cancer also has become quite prevalent in the lives of youth across the nation. Most studies have concluded that pediatric cancers, especially leukemia is on an upward trend and prevention is a very .limited option in most cases. Here, is where things get quite "unlucky" for some people in all walks of life. A number of recognized syndromes of cancer have a hereditary

Component involved. Certain inherited mutations in the genes of the human body are associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Women and men around the world have developed breast cancer within this elevated platform of mutated gene pools. For example, Retinoblastoma (cancer of the retina) is almost always inherited in younger children. Genetic testing for high risk people is available for certain-cancer related genetic mutations. Bad habits and bad luck can really increase your risk of cancer and ultimately cause illness or even death.

Signs of Brilliant Disaster

Many people have known idea that they have an illness of this magnitude, until it's too late. Some women have even elected to check for signs very early in life to avoid any complications involved with breast cancer. Men have some signs of prostate cancer, problems urinating, painful urination, lower back pain etc. The symptoms of cancer have been divided into three groups; these groups are tentative because of mutation. The first group, local symptoms Ð'-unusual lumps (tumor), hemorrhage (bleeding). The second group, metastasis (spreading) - enlarged lymph nodes, constants cough, bone pain, pain in usual areas. The third group, systemic symptoms (poor body function)-heavy sweating, night sweats anemia, hormonal changes, poor appetite. Although these are cited as symptoms of cancer, symptoms can be overlooked as normal pain, common cold etc.

Most symptoms should be taken seriously and treated as life threatening alarms.

Nurturing and Keeping Healthy

The prognosis of cancer can be damaging to the mental state of people in most cases and many lose the will to fight the illness. Keeping the body in great shape during this time greatly increases the chances for the body to fight metastasis within the human body. Experts say that staying in great shape and eating the best diet can really



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