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Eugenics: Master Race??

Essay by   •  February 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  364 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,376 Views

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This article was about eugenics and how its highly related to Nazism. Eugenics is the idea of manipulating human genes to the end of improving individuals, groups or an entire population. The word eugenics comes from the Greek word eu (good or well) and the suffix -genes (born), was redined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883. In the past eugenics was almost the same as Nazism for several reasons. Nazism is trying to make one elite race or one type. Eugenics were looked as trying to make one certain race of �perfect’ humans. Early eugenicists were mostly concerned with perceived intelligence factors that often related strongly with social class.

Edwin Black is author of IBM and the Holocaust which is about the Holocaust and Hitler’s plan for a ultimate breed of humans. He talked about how African Americans and immigrants from eastern and southern Europe were being taken and discriminated against. In many states interracial marriage was illegal in the U.S. Black also collected over 50,000 documents about sterilization laws and information. From collecting these articles you find about this countries shameless racism. For instance so infants had to be euthanazied because if they seemed �unfit’. Black and other eugenics considered this �medical murder’.

Not all eugenics were all for creating one elite race of human. Some eugenics wanted to find a solution or cure for non-hereditary sicknesses/diseases. Well other eugenics complained some hereditary sicknesses helps prevents others. For instance a person with sickle cell will more likely be immune to malaria. Sometimes we as humans needs accept what we have and stop trying to do un morals just to become �perfect’. Even though others will argue that we are just improving human qualities.

My personal opinion on this matter is if something is destined to happen it will. That means if eugenics find a way to make a �perfect’ human or better one something will go wrong if that’s what in Gods plan. Just think about it…if you say no to eugenics completely you are saying your against, birth control and abortions. Again in my views not everything eugenics come up with is necessarly negative. I believe the world needs a balance of everything.



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