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Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalized in America

Essay by   •  February 6, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  919 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,587 Views

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Euthanasia refers to the intentional bringing about of the death of a patient, either by killing him/her, or by letting him/her die, for the patient's sake to prevent further pain or suffering from a terminal illness. Euthanasia is a complex issue in many underlying theological, sociological, moral, and legal aspects. Its legalization is heavily debated around the world, with strong arguments made for both sides of the issue. The supporters of euthanasia often repeated that "We have to respect the freedom of the patient" or "people should be able to exercise control over their own lives and death." However, Euthanasia, by nature, is "wrongfully killing" or "mercy killing", and if we allow any type of euthanasia, all sorts of negative affects might follow, and our commitment to improve the lives of the terminally ill might be weakened.

In essence, nothing is worse than our right to life itself being diminished in value from the theological perspective. The debate of legalizing euthanasia is not about the right to commit suicide or to assist in suicide. It is about placing the lives of the weakest among us in the hands of people other than themselves who often have self-serving agendas. Once society gives a group of people the right to end life, our right to life disappears behind red tape. The principle of the sanctity of human life is a fundamental ethical norm and the value of life is not negotiable. Therefore, a reasonable prudent person should not accept the practice allowing their lives be taken away by others.

Secondly, from the sociological perspective, euthanasia is the tragedy arises from pressure exerted by a materialistic, self-centered society which increasingly embraces the notion of "throwing away" human beings. There are people who would allow physicians to kill their parents and grandparents once they cease to function as providers of life's necessities and opportunities. After many years of service, mom and dad, granny and grandpa are treated like dogs, they are sent to the hospital to be injected with a lethal overdose of drugs. Supporters of euthanasia lie to themselves and others by saying that they want to end suffering. Their true motive is to get rid of those who become a problem, so they can enjoy their lives with more time and money.

Thirdly, from the medical morality perspective, euthanasia is assisting suicide that violates the morals and values of the medical world. Current mindset of doctors is to heal their patients. They have the goal to fight to the end for the lives of their patients. But, if euthanasia is allowed, doctors will be put in a mindset which implies to only help patients if they measure up to a certain standard. Therefore, life is so devalued that it no longer deserves to be fought for until the end. This mentality that once life hits a certain point, it is a hopeless situation and should be brought to an end immediately sets the medical world in the pathway that leads to all types of immoralities.

Moreover, from the legislation perspective, the height of arbitrariness, injustice and abuse is reached if euthanasia is legalized, since there is no sufficient legal resort to exercising euthanasia. It is accepted the possibility that even other people may sign a request for euthanasia on behalf of the incapacitated patient and in the presence



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