Essay by review • September 27, 2010 • Essay • 1,498 Words (6 Pages) • 1,489 Views
Euthanasia, People should be able to take there own lives
The beliefs and views of our country are hypocritical and unjust. As we
grow from a young child to a mature adult, we are taught many things such as
that killing another human being is wrong, it is against the law and goes
against most people's religious beliefs. Yet, there are some instances when
this rule does not seem to apply. If someone kills another in self-defense
it is seen as an act of bravery, if a soldier kills an enemy in war it is
seen as courageous and honorable. But who is to say that these acts are more
justifiable than allowing someone who is in extreme pain and suffering to be
given an opportunity to end their own lives with the help of another. As the
world around us changes at an incredible rate, we must always ask ourselves
if these changes are in our own best interest. The decisions that people make
are always up for debate by anyone who has an opinion one way or another.
The debate of euthanasia has been ongoing for many years and as of now, there
is no end in sight.
There are many views on the topic of euthanasia, some people believe that
it should be open to anyone who feels that their life is not worth living;
while others think that there is no justifiable reason for euthanasia to be
allowed. These opposing sides have many different reasons for believing what
they do, some reasons people give for euthanasia are intriguing and very
thought provoking. Some people believe that a person with an incurable
disease or severe disability that causes life to be racked with pain or so
burdensome that a meaningful and desirable existence has ceased, then this
person should be allowed to die. This conclusion should only be allowed
after all other alternatives have been thoroughly considered.
Another argument that is given in favor or euthanasia is that the role of the
physician is to do whatever is best for their patient. This could mean that
in some extreme situations the best answer might include hastening death upon
the request of the dying. The job of a physician should always be to help
their patient in any way possible. It is the duty as a professional to heal,
prolong life, and to reduce suffering. In some extreme cases, when every
other option is hopeless, the best service that a physician can render would
be to help a person rush death in order to relieve the unnecessary
suffering they must go through.
Another argument supporting the use of euthanasia is that everyone would
benefit if it were legal to show mercy when death becomes preferable over
life. With that in mind one must look at the families and loved ones of
those who wish to end their extreme suffering. No one would want to watch a
loved one die in extreme agony, while sitting there not being able to do
anything. This feeling of helplessness and despair would almost be
unimaginable. Making anyone watch this while hoping for a quick end to his
or her loved one's suffering, would be wrong in itself. Although this type
of case is rare in the real world is very rare, just one case alone would be
argument enough for the use of euthanasia.
While the views of many people may be against the use of euthanasia, its sad
to say that in all actuality it goes on almost everyday. Many people have
heard of doctors who report that they have, out of compassion and mercy,
given heavy doses of morphine to relieve the pain and suffering of patients
who are near an inevitable death. While doing this, the doctors know
perfectly well what the ending result will be that death will come quicker. Somehow this
is right, since the goal of this is to ease the pain and not actually to kill
the patient. But would it not also be right to do the very same thing with
the goal of making death come to the patient?
While these views and arguments are very interesting and thought provoking
there are many more people who believe that euthanasia is wrong. There are the
majority of people who can be separated into three main groups. The groups that
are fighting against the legalization of euthanasia are conservative
religious groups, medical associations, and groups concerned with
disabilities. These three groups all have their own argument on why we
should not allow the use of euthanasia.
The religious groups feel that it is God's place to decide the time and place
of a person's death, not your own. They feel that if someone chooses to take