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Evolution: The Great Debate

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Evolution: The Great Debate"

The controversy over evolution vs. creation has been around for a long time. The thought that someone either created the universe, or the universe made itself is agreed on both sides and both sides agree that at some point the universe began. That is where the agreement ends and the disagreement begins. There are two basic theories Creation and Evolution. The following paragraphs will go into depth on both side of this controversy.

Evolution Model of Origins theory is the transformation over a long period of time from one species to another. The world-view on evolutionism is what seeks to explain every aspect of this world in which we live. It encounters a wide variety of topics like astronomy to chemistry to biology. From these views it is realized that there where different stages in the evolution of our universe. There are seven fundamental stages of evolution that would be required prior to possibility of organic life and science has set these theories in the following order.

The first is "Cosmic Evolution" - the idea that space, time, matter and energy and somehow "exploded from nothing in the sudden "big bang", that was the birth of our universe. The second stage is "Stellar Evolution" it is thought the that the initial explosion of the "big bang" produced Hydrogen and Helium (and possibly Lithium). These 3 elements condensed to produced the first stars. The third stage is called the "Chemical Evolution" which said to be thought that only chemical elements produced by the Big Bang were Hydrogen and Helium ( and possibly Lithium). As a result of incredible heat and pressure within stars, these original elements somehow evolved into the other 88 naturally occurring chemical elements we observed today.

The fourth stage is "Planetary Evolution" says that the complex chemical elements thought to have evolved within ancient stars were somehow ejected, possibly at the violent deaths of stellar life cycles, releasing great clouds of swirling compounds. These clouds of chemical elements somehow formed finely-tuned solar system. The fifth phrase of evolution is "Organic Evolution" which is also know was "spontaneous generation". In this theory it states that planet Earth began as a molten mass of matter a few billion years ago. It cooled down into soil and rock, then it rained on the rocks for millions of years, forming great oceans. Eventually, this "prebiotic rock soup" came alive and spawned the first self-replicating organic systems.

The sixth phrase is called "Macro Evolution". It is the thought that all living creatures share a common ancestor: a relatively "simple" single-celled organism, which evolved would have evolved from inorganic matter the "prebiotic soup". This would mean that the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers, are all genetically related. This stage that Charles Darwin popularized in his classic, Origin of Species. He didn't invent the theory but he did give it created by supplying natural selection.

The seventh and final stage is Micro-Evolution. In this evolutionary phrase is unique in that both Evolutionist and Creationist generally agree on. It is the idea that there can be variations within different kinds of animals. The general idea with this is that there are different characteristic with in human race for example shades of skin, eye color, hair color, tall people, and short people. Human DNA allows for these traits and within this code variations can be constrained by the genetic code. The code itself has variations but the genetic code has boundaries which just means that people don't turn into non people and pigs will never fly. The "variation within a kind" is what Darwin observed in the mid-1800's and this is what we still observe today. Fascinatingly, this phrase has been observed and documented. The first six phrases of evolution are merely assumed.

Now that we have gone over the seven phrases of evolution I am going to go into the Creationist side of the debate. Creation of Model Origins means that matter and all things were created considerably as they exist now, created by an omnipotent Creator and did not gradually evolved or developed. Many people believe that earth and everything on it were created by God. These people are referred to as Creationist. Rather than having life begin in very simple forms and then gradually evolve into more complex forms, creation says that creatures started out as distinct and separated organisms when God created them. These distinct creatures have the capability to adapt to their surroundings to a certain extent, Creationist do not believe that they change into completely different and distinct animals through evolution.

Creation Evidence is sought out by Creationist to discredit Evolution. It is agreed on



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